- Apr 26, 2017
Henry Weller authored
By specifying the optional outside surface emissivity radiative heat transfer to the ambient conditions is enabled. The far-field is assumed to have an emissivity of 1 but this could be made an optional input in the future if needed. Relaxation of the surface temperature is now provided via the optional "relaxation" which aids stability of steady-state runs with strong radiative coupling to the boundary.
- Apr 08, 2017
Henry Weller authored
by combining with and rationalizing functionality from turbulentHeatFluxTemperatureFvPatchScalarField. externalWallHeatFluxTemperatureFvPatchScalarField now replaces turbulentHeatFluxTemperatureFvPatchScalarField which is no longer needed and has been removed. Description This boundary condition applies a heat flux condition to temperature on an external wall in one of three modes: - fixed power: supply Q - fixed heat flux: supply q - fixed heat transfer coefficient: supply h and Ta where: \vartable Q | Power [W] q | Heat flux [W/m^2] h | Heat transfer coefficient [W/m^2/K] Ta | Ambient temperature [K] \endvartable For heat transfer coefficient mode optional thin thermal layer resistances can be specified through thicknessLayers and kappaLayers entries. The thermal conductivity \c kappa can either be retrieved from various possible sources, as detailed in the class temperatureCoupledBase. Usage \table Property | Description | Required | Default value mode | 'power', 'flux' or 'coefficient' | yes | Q | Power [W] | for mode 'power' | q | Heat flux [W/m^2] | for mode 'flux' | h | Heat transfer coefficient [W/m^2/K] | for mode 'coefficent' | Ta | Ambient temperature [K] | for mode 'coefficient' | thicknessLayers | Layer thicknesses [m] | no | kappaLayers | Layer thermal conductivities [W/m/K] | no | qr | Name of the radiative field | no | none qrRelaxation | Relaxation factor for radiative field | no | 1 kappaMethod | Inherited from temperatureCoupledBase | inherited | kappa | Inherited from temperatureCoupledBase | inherited | \endtable Example of the boundary condition specification: \verbatim <patchName> { type externalWallHeatFluxTemperature; mode coefficient; Ta uniform 300.0; h uniform 10.0; thicknessLayers (0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4); kappaLayers (1 2 3 4); kappaMethod fluidThermo; value $internalField; } \endverbatim
- Dec 05, 2016
Henry Weller authored
Patch contributed by Mattijs Janssens Resolves bug-report http://bugs.openfoam.org/view.php?id=2323
- Apr 30, 2016
Henry Weller authored
GeometricField: Renamed internalField() -> primitiveField() and dimensionedInternalField() -> internalField() These new names are more consistent and logical because: primitiveField(): primitiveFieldRef(): Provides low-level access to the Field<Type> (primitive field) without dimension or mesh-consistency checking. This should only be used in the low-level functions where dimensional consistency is ensured by careful programming and computational efficiency is paramount. internalField(): internalFieldRef(): Provides access to the DimensionedField<Type, GeoMesh> of values on the internal mesh-type for which the GeometricField is defined and supports dimension and checking and mesh-consistency checking.
- Apr 16, 2016
Henry Weller authored
Patch contributed by Bruno Santos Resolves bug-report http://www.openfoam.org/mantisbt/view.php?id=2052
- Jan 09, 2016
Henry Weller authored
Resolves bug-report http://www.openfoam.org/mantisbt/view.php?id=1967
- Nov 11, 2015
Henry Weller authored
Avoids the clutter and maintenance effort associated with providing the function signature string.
- May 25, 2015
Henry authored
Resolves bug-report http://openfoam.org/mantisbt/view.php?id=1704
- Jan 21, 2015
Henry authored
The old separate incompressible and compressible libraries have been removed. Most of the commonly used RANS and LES models have been upgraded to the new framework but there are a few missing which will be added over the next few days, in particular the realizable k-epsilon model. Some of the less common incompressible RANS models have been introduced into the new library instantiated for incompressible flow only. If they prove to be generally useful they can be templated for compressible and multiphase application. The Spalart-Allmaras DDES and IDDES models have been thoroughly debugged, removing serious errors concerning the use of S rather than Omega. The compressible instances of the models have been augmented by a simple backward-compatible eddyDiffusivity model for thermal transport based on alphat and alphaEff. This will be replaced with a separate run-time selectable thermal transport model framework in a few weeks. For simplicity and ease of maintenance and further development the turbulent transport and wall modeling is based on nut/nuEff rather than mut/muEff for compressible models so that all forms of turbulence models can use the same wall-functions and other BCs. All turbulence model selection made in the constant/turbulenceProperties dictionary with RAS and LES as sub-dictionaries rather than in separate files which added huge complexity for multiphase. All tutorials have been updated so study the changes and update your own cases by comparison with similar cases provided. Sorry for the inconvenience in the break in backward-compatibility but this update to the turbulence modeling is an essential step in the future of OpenFOAM to allow more models to be added and maintained for a wider range of cases and physics. Over the next weeks and months more turbulence models will be added of single and multiphase flow, more additional sub-models and further development and testing of existing models. I hope this brings benefits to all OpenFOAM users. Henry G. Weller
- Dec 29, 2014
Henry authored
- Oct 21, 2014
sergio authored
- Oct 14, 2014
sergio authored
- May 20, 2014
sergio authored
- Apr 30, 2014
sergio authored
- Apr 04, 2014
sergio authored
- Dec 12, 2013
Sergio Ferraris authored
- Sep 12, 2013
Sergio Ferraris authored
- Aug 06, 2013
Sergio Ferraris authored
- Apr 08, 2013
andy authored
- Apr 04, 2013
andy authored
- Apr 03, 2013
andy authored
- Mar 27, 2013
mattijs authored
- Sep 07, 2012
mattijs authored
- May 25, 2012
sergio authored
heatTrandferType in some constructors
- May 08, 2012
sergio authored
updating tutorials
- Mar 21, 2012
Henry authored
- Feb 20, 2012
sergio authored
- Feb 03, 2012
- Nov 25, 2011
andy authored
- Oct 21, 2011
andy authored
- Sep 09, 2011
andy authored
- Re-located mapped point patches - Updated mapped patch write - deprecated directMapped in favour of mapped - updated resulting dependancies - apps/libs/tuts
- Sep 05, 2011
Sergio Ferraris authored
- Aug 14, 2011
Henry authored
- Jun 03, 2011
sergio authored
- Feb 11, 2011
sergio authored
- Feb 10, 2011
sergio authored
- Feb 09, 2011
sergio authored