expired on Jan 13, 2016
Functionality migration from internal development line
Milestone ID: 1
Target date for migrating code from OpenCFD internal development line to new OpenFOAM-plus repository. Many significant code updates related to:
- mesh generation using snappyHexMesh
- post-processing - lots of new function objects
- coupled simulations - extensions to the externalCoupled framework, including multi-region support
- boundary conditions
- lots of bug fixes
- ...
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- BUG: inconsistent result for Third-party test case (DEShybrid)
- BUG: Correct the setup
- BUG: execFlowFunctionObjects with -noRead
- BUG: Unit test findings - 14 Dec 2015
- BUG: Missing boundaryRadiationProperties file
- BUG: Specifiying both locationInMesh and locationsInMesh
- BUG: Laminar model not available for buoyantSimpleFoam
- BUG: fvOptions - velocityDamping
- BUG: Function Objects
- BUG/ENH: faceSouce FO output controlled by outputControl than evaluateControl
- BUG: forces FO with execFlowFunctionObject (including porosity)
- Discussion: FO output : blendingFactor
- Discussion: patchProbes compatibility with fixedLocations
- BUG: syntax correction in fieldCoordinateSystemTransform
- BUG: DES Turbulence model/schemes
- BUG: Failure of tutorial cases
- BUG: Missing correction from of-dev.master
- BUG: windTunnel 2D case failure
- BUG: Failure of case for humidity BC
- Documentation/Bug: ID 27: SHM- avoid mesh distorsion in far field
- Documentation/BUG: Volume point smoothing
- BUG: flux summary reporting different values for serial/Parallel
- BUG: volume mesh smoothing doesn't work in parallel
- BUG: surface collate option dumps empty time folders
- BUG: graphics (runTimePostProcessing) compilation issue
- [BUG]: incompatible files (motorBike case)
- Missing documentation: porosity in force/coefficient FO
- redistributePar fails
- uniformInletOutletFvPatchField uniform value is not being updated
- Lagrangian standard patch interaction model errors