Jul 1, 2018–Dec 7, 2018
Milestone ID: 10
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- ENH: consistent settings in tutorials
- dimensioned<Type>::lookupOrDefault cannot handle optional dimensions entry
- Residuals function object - extend output
- invertAlpha switch in setAlphaField
- require function object for swirling flows
- foamCleanPath may be too aggressive
- totalFlowRateAdvectiveDiffusive BC hard-coded to use LES model
- writeFile - extend to allow file creation at user specified time
- Sizing of arrays for fftw is dubious
- Gravity uniform field cannot be used cleanly in dynamic mesh boundary conditions
- externalCoupled uses wall temperature instead of fluid temperature
- improvements for topoSet
- Bad alloc/free whe setting PtrList, UPtrList twice
- New patches allowed in subsetMesh
- Hard-coded viscosity fields names
- BUG: externalWallHeatFluxTemperatureFvPatchScalarField crashes on reconstructPar when qrName != none
- missing Hash for List
- mapped patched averaging should be an optional entry
- Limit on warnings during snapping stage
- code cleanup for searchable surfaces
- Use vtm output for OpenFOAM to VTK translation
- Add searchableSurface single point getVolumeType
- Restricted Geometry Decomposition
- aerofoilNACA0012_directionalRefinement : not visited by Allrun
- reduce/remove the foamPackXXX scripts.
- flag backwards compatibility for old dictionary keywords
- Need stderr or equivalent alternative to Info
- extract cell centres with velocity as CSV