- Jun 17, 2020
OpenFOAM bot authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- use simpler decomposeParDict in tutorials, several had old 'boilerplate' decomposeParDict - use simpler libs () format - update surface sampling to use dictionary format
Kutalmış Berçin authored
- Jun 16, 2020
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
COMP: provide modules/Allwmake script - unified entry point with -prefix=... handling (#1721)
Mark OLESEN authored
COMP: automatically add FlexLexer.h to MSwindows OSspecific - useful, frequently forgotten step for cross-compiling
Mark OLESEN authored
Andrew Heather authored
DOC-STYLE: various release changes See merge request !370
Kutalmış Berçin authored
- Jun 15, 2020
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- place under compressibleInterFoam to ensure that the library dependency on VoFphaseCompressibleTurbulenceModels is satisfied
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- build prior to transportModels, which includes geometricVoF and its own form of surface sampling (interface sampling)
Mark OLESEN authored
- Jun 12, 2020
Andrew Heather authored
Updates for the adjoint optimisation library See merge request !368
Andrew Heather authored
Vaggelis Papoutsis authored
- Removed some unnecessary dynamicMeshDicts. - Removed the writeActiveDesignVariables execution from the Allrun scripts, since it is no longer necessary to execute it before adjointOptimisationFoam. - Updated the entries in dynamicMeshDict according to efbc9fc9.
Vaggelis Papoutsis authored
(old keywords are still valid, throwing a compatibility warning) - using (U,V,W) instead of (X1,X2,X3) - using confine instead of bound
Vaggelis Papoutsis authored
for all objective functions. - The normalization is useful for practically all update methods dealing with constraints (e.g. SQP, MMA). The normalization factor can be either given explicitly or, if not given, will be the value of the objective function in the first optimisation cycle. - The target value is useful when using the objective as a constraint in constrained optimisation problems (e.g. drag - dragTarget). It should only be used with update methods that understand the value of the constraint (e.g. SQP, MMA) but not when the objective in hand is the only objective of the optimisation problem. In such a case, a squared objective should be used (e.g. sqr(drag - dragTarget))
Vaggelis Papoutsis authored
- Objective now inherits from localIOdictionary and writes the mean objective value under the uniform folder, each time mesh.write() is called. This is crucial for getting the correct old merit function value if the simulation is continued from a previous state and lineSearch is used. - Objectives are now computed and written even if the corresponding adjoint solver is inactive. This, among others, is also essential for getting the correct old merit function value in case of continuation. - Writing of the objective function (and its mean, if present) history has now moved to updatePrimalBasedQuantities, instead of the preLoop part of the adjoint solvers. This was decided to get the objective values to files, even if the adjoint solver is inactive. Arguably, an even better place to write the objective functions would be the postLoop part of the primal solvers, however this might cause multiple writes of the objective value for the inner iterations of lineSearch, if one is used.
Vaggelis Papoutsis authored
to be used in separating instantaneous objective values of different optimisation cycles.
Vaggelis Papoutsis authored
which qualitatively quantifies noise through a volume integral of the squared turbulent viscosity.
Vaggelis Papoutsis authored
Moved part common to all derived classes (e.g. update) to the base class to avoid code duplication. Practically, only the protected updateDesignVariables has to be overwritten in each derived class now. steadyOptimisation was also affected in a minor way.
Vaggelis Papoutsis authored
holding the sensitivity maps
Vaggelis Papoutsis authored
given a global control point ID
Vaggelis Papoutsis authored
without recomputing them. Use with caution!
Vaggelis Papoutsis authored
- Added function returning the underlaying surface sensitivities - Added boolean to control whether to write the underlaying sensitivity map (defaults to false)
Vaggelis Papoutsis authored
Encapsulates all terms that are common in both E(SI) and FI formulations, like direct sensitivities and sensitivities due to primal boundary conditions. Added the latter to all derived sensitivity types, except for sensitivity maps.
Vaggelis Papoutsis authored
Same as adjointWallVelocity but also returns the contribution of the differentiation of the rotatingWallVelocity BC wrt the face centres, to be added to the sensitivity derivatives.
Vaggelis Papoutsis authored
Main reason was the insertion of a templated virtual function returning the contribution of the differentiation of the primal boundary condition, in the case the latter directly depends on a a geometric quantity (e.g. rotatingWallVelocity).
Andrew Heather authored
Example usage: removeParcels1 { type removeParcels; log yes; resetOnWrite no; resetOnStart no; faceZones (cycLeft cycRight); } Number and mass of particles removed are written to file
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
- Jun 11, 2020
sergio authored
sergio authored
to geometricVoF sampledInterface was linked to interfaceProperties thorugh geometricVoF, and interfaceProperties created a conflict on surfaceTension table when linked in the reactingEuler solvers by the sampling lib
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
Andrew Heather authored
New Weber number cloud function object See merge request !369