- Dec 05, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- now consider options '-hostRoots', '-roots' to be advanced options that don't need to be in the cache
Mark OLESEN authored
- Dec 04, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- The usage claimed '-output=', but was using '--output=' for the output file. Rectify to use single dash as documented.
Andrew Heather authored
ENH: momentum field function (issue #1105) See merge request OpenFOAM-plus!223
Mark OLESEN authored
Calculates linear/angular momentum, reporting integral values and optionally writing the fields. Example momentum1 { type momentum; libs ("libfieldFunctionObjects.so"); ... writeMomentum yes; writeVelocity no; cylindrical true; origin (0 0 0); e1 (1 0 0); e3 (0 0 1); }
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- eg for foamVersion.H
- Dec 03, 2018
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
The freestreamFvPatchField previously employed a fixed value when supplying the inlet values. This commit extends the BC so that users can use another patch to supply the values via the new freestreamBC entry, e.g. to set the velocity to an atmospheric boundary layer profile: inlet { type freestream; freestreamBC { type atmBoundaryLayerInletVelocity; flowDir (1 0 0); zDir (0 0 1); Uref 20; Zref 20; z0 uniform 0.1; zGround uniform 935; } } The earlier specification is also maintained for backwards compatibility, e.g. inlet { type freestream; freestreamValue uniform (300 0 0); }
Mark OLESEN authored
- provide default WM_DIR if not already set, to improve robustness if a reduced environment is used - add etc/ to WM_PROJECT_SITE search. This makes the site directory structure consistent with the OpenFOAM structure. Eg, WM_PROJECT_SITE/etc/.. WM_PROJECT_SITE/bin/.. WM_PROJECT_SITE/platforms/.. - Don't set/export WM_OSTYPE. The default is POSIX and is properly defaulted throughout, including in CMakeLists-OpenFOAM.txt (also for Catalyst)
mattijs authored
- Nov 29, 2018
mattijs authored
- Dec 02, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- Uses the user-specified value for outputTemperature: { type externalCoupledTemperature; outputTemperture fluid; // or wall; } Otherwises uses 'wall' as a default (for compatibility) and emits a warning. The T.out header now reflects the type of output. Eg, # Values: area Tfluid qDot htc
Mark OLESEN authored
- tutorials based on squareBend used Default_Boundary_Region explicitly defined since they predated the defaultPatch renaming (2008). The name 'Default_Boundary_Region' was for convenience as the default name when converting to PROSTAR or CCM formation, but can now be changed to something more generic. - define wall boundary conditions for squareBend using a general regex to allow future splitting of wall types by name.
- Nov 30, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- check if the first argument corresponds to an OpenFOAM value for 'true' (as per Switch). True == 't', 'y', 'true', 'yes', 'on'. Everything else is not true. - when the first argument is '-dict', it initializes the value with a query via foamDictionary. Eg, isTrue -dict mydict -entry parallel ==> value=$(foamDictionary mydict -entry parallel -value) isTrue $value a missing entry is silently treated as false. ENH: add getNumberOfPatchFaces function in RunFunctions - simple extraction of nFaces from boundary file for given patch/region
- Dec 02, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- Nov 29, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- append the commit hash value with the commit date when creating the build string information and drop the version prefix. This provides an immediate overview of when the code was last changed. The prefixed version information can be dropped from the build string, since it is readily available in other forms.
Mark OLESEN authored
- this splits a larger changeset for a gradual implementation
Mark OLESEN authored
- was PREFIX/site, now PROJECT/site This avoids several issues when installing OpenFOAM in clusters without an intermediate OpenFOAM-specific installation prefix. The 'site' directory may have a reserved meaning in these situations and it is undesirable to 'leak' upwards into the parent directory to look for configuration files. Placing the default within the project directory avoids this. Alternative locations can be given via the WM_PROJECT_SITE variable.
Mark OLESEN authored
- comments in bashrc, cshrc. - about controlDict names for allowSystemOperations
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- removed reliance on ParaView_INCLUDE_DIR variable for conveying the major.minor version information when compiling. This can be somewhat fragile and also adds variable that is an unnecessary when running (only used when compiling). Instead use `have_pvplugin_support` function in paraviewFunctions wmake script to determine the maj.min from the PV_PLUGIN_PATH since we have already defined the output path there with paraview maj.min numbering. Can now build with paraview from the operating system, provided that it has develop headers available. ParaView_VERSION=system In the etc/config.sh/paraview setup, the maj.min is taken from the corresponding `paraview --version` output and used when defining the PV_PLUGIN_PATH. During the build, the include path taken from `paraview-config` for a system installation, from the guess installation root of the paraview binary, or ParaView_DIR otherwise. NB: using a system ParaView for building runTimePostProcessing is unsupported. - these types of builds appear to have various library resolution issues (eg, libexpat not being loaded). Additionally, the build logic does not yet cover this type of use case.
- Nov 28, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- skip /, /bin, /usr/bin ... as potential filters.
Mark OLESEN authored
- missing 'g' file, improve file consistency (fields, dictionaries)
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- improved flexibility - reconstruction of Lagrangian positions/fields now handled as a class for better modularity
Mark OLESEN authored
- cfindObject() for const pointer access. - getObject() for mutable non-const pointer access, similar to the objectRegistry::getObjectPtr() - cfindObject(), findObject(), getObject() with template type access to also check the headerClassName. For example, cfindObject("U") -> good cfindObject<volVectorField>("U") -> good cfindObject<volScalarField>("U") -> nullptr This allows inversion of looping logic. 1) Obtain the names for a particular Type for (const word& objName : objs.sortedNames<Type>()) { const IOobject* io = objs[objName]; ... } 2) Use previously obtained names and apply to a particular Type for (const word& objName : someListOfNames) { const IOobject* io = objs.cfindObject<Type>(objName); if (io) { ... } }
Mark OLESEN authored
- foamToEnsight, foamToEnsightParts, profiling
- Nov 27, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- if FOAM_EXT_LIBBIN is unset and some scripts set this to /usr/lib* as a fallback (eg, to avoid an undefined value) this will cause a system library to be found before appropriate *_ARCH_PATH entry. This was noticed during a scotch compilation without third-party: resulting in the system library (/usr/lib64/libscotch.so) to be found instead of the SCOTCH_ARCH_PATH location (/usr/lib64/mpi/gcc/openmpi/lib64/). Simply changing the search order doesn't work for use, since we wish to retain a preference for any dynamic libraries discovered in a real FOAM_EXT_LIBBIN. Circumvent these issues by only taking libraries from FOAM_EXT_LIBBIN if it also points to a location within ThirdParty.
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored