- Dec 12, 2023
mattijs authored
Andrew Heather authored
Improved DimensionedField/GeometricField factory methods See merge request !650
- Dec 11, 2023
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- allow separate specification of the registerObject (no/yes/auto) to improve the flexibility of the factory methods.
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- simplifies handling. * enables unprotecting to avoid accidentally cloning. * removes the need for dedicated constructor or factory forms. * simplfies DimensionedField and GeometricField New factory methods - update objectRegistry management method (internal use) old: bool cacheTemporaryObject(...) new: bool is_cacheTemporaryObject(...) to clarify that it is a query, not a request for caching etc.
Mark OLESEN authored
- give precedence to ~openmp (-no-openmp) over +openmp (-openmp) in the general rules and in the Makefile. This makes it robuster when specifying +openmp in general, but ~openmp for specific build components. - disable openmp for OSspecific and Pstream components. Neither should contain any openmp code anyhow. Additionally, since OSspecific is generally built as a static object, it can become problematic (eg, with AMD ROCm) if the compiler generates information that openmp is required but then uses static linkage.
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- the fields for finite-area are currently stored directly on the polyMesh registry, but for future relocation to a sub-registry provide a uniform accessor. ENH: use thisDb() for faMatrix access and extrapolatedCalculated
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
- Dec 08, 2023
mattijs authored
Kutalmış Berçin authored
Kutalmış Berçin authored
Extended patchSeedSet to generate seed points more uniformly See merge request !647
- Provides random local and global points, optionally perturbed away from the boundary faces
Andrew Heather authored
ENH: wall functions: swap the order of switch statements and for loops See merge request !635
The 'w' factor is factored out to improve consistency with the 'epsilonWallFunction', enhancing uniformity in these wall functions.
- Dec 07, 2023
Andrew Heather authored
ENH: GAMG: processor agglomeration extended for all interfaces See merge request !645
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- replace typeGlobal() global function with is_globalIOobject traits for more consistent and easier overriding. - relocate typeFilePath() global function as a member of IOobject for consistency with typeHeaderOk. BUG: faSchemes, fvSchemes not marked as global file types - caused issues with collated
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
OLD: pEqn.solve(mesh.solver(p.select(piso.finalInnerIter()))); pEqn.solve(mesh.solver("Yi")); NEW: pEqn.solve(p.select(piso.finalInnerIter())); pEqn.solve("Yi");
Mark OLESEN authored
- new scalar relaxCoeff = 0; if (solution().relaxEquation(name, relaxCoeff)) { relax(relaxCoeff); } // or scalar relaxCoeff = 0; solution().relaxEquation(name, relaxCoeff); - old if (solution().relaxEquation(name)) { relax(solution().equationRelaxationFactor(name)); } // or scalar relaxCoeff = 0; if (solution().relaxEquation(name)) { relaxCoeff = solution().equationRelaxationFactor(name); }
Mark OLESEN authored
FIX: correct the schemes internal dictionary name - change from '.' to '/' delimiter as per 886ba89d (#1073)
Mark OLESEN authored
- static version of polyMesh::meshDir(), which takes a region name polyMesh::meshDir(regionName) vs polyMesh::regionName(regionName)/polyMesh::meshSubDir STYLE: use polyMesh::regionName(..) instead of comparing to defaultRegion STYLE: use getOrDefault when retrieving various -region options FIX: polyMesh::dbDir() now checks registry name, not full path (#3033)
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
COMP: remove faMesh::operator()() in favour of mesh() or thisDb() instead - makes the purpose and usage clearer
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- enables capturing of end entry as an event
Mark OLESEN authored
ENH: additional faMesh cleanup in CleanFunctions
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
- Dec 06, 2023
Andrew Heather authored
Dynamic mesh updates trigger a velocity field update. For [this] BC the update can fail if the dependent alpha field has not already been updated.