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  1. Apr 20, 2017
    • Henry Weller's avatar
      The "<type>Coeffs" sub-dictionary is now optional for most model parameters · 5c518365
      Henry Weller authored
      except turbulence and lagrangian which will also be updated shortly.
      For example in the nonNewtonianIcoFoam offsetCylinder tutorial the viscosity
      model coefficients may be specified in the corresponding "<type>Coeffs"
      transportModel  CrossPowerLaw;
          nu0         [0 2 -1 0 0 0 0]  0.01;
          nuInf       [0 2 -1 0 0 0 0]  10;
          m           [0 0 1 0 0 0 0]   0.4;
          n           [0 0 0 0 0 0 0]   3;
          nu0         [0 2 -1 0 0 0 0]  1e-06;
          nuInf       [0 2 -1 0 0 0 0]  1e-06;
          k           [0 0 1 0 0 0 0]   0;
          n           [0 0 0 0 0 0 0]   1;
      which allows a quick change between models, or using the simpler
      transportModel  CrossPowerLaw;
      nu0         [0 2 -1 0 0 0 0]  0.01;
      nuInf       [0 2 -1 0 0 0 0]  10;
      m           [0 0 1 0 0 0 0]   0.4;
      n           [0 0 0 0 0 0 0]   3;
      if quick switching between models is not required.
      To support this more convenient parameter specification the inconsistent
      specification of seedSampleSet in the streamLine and wallBoundedStreamLine
      functionObjects had to be corrected from
          // Seeding method.
          seedSampleSet   uniform;  //cloud; //triSurfaceMeshPointSet;
              type        uniform;
              axis        x;  //distance;
              // Note: tracks slightly offset so as not to be on a face
              start       (-1.001 -0.05 0.0011);
              end         (-1.001 -0.05 1.0011);
              nPoints     20;
      to the simpler
          // Seeding method.
              type        uniform;
              axis        x;  //distance;
              // Note: tracks slightly offset so as not to be on a face
              start       (-1.001 -0.05 0.0011);
              end         (-1.001 -0.05 1.0011);
              nPoints     20;
      which also support the "<type>Coeffs" form
          // Seeding method.
              type        uniform;
                  axis        x;  //distance;
                  // Note: tracks slightly offset so as not to be on a face
                  start       (-1.001 -0.05 0.0011);
                  end         (-1.001 -0.05 1.0011);
                  nPoints     20;
  2. Apr 18, 2017
  3. Apr 16, 2017
  4. Apr 13, 2017
    • Henry Weller's avatar
      fvOption::radiation: New fvOption providing the radiation source to the energy equation · 44856171
      Henry Weller authored
      Radiative heat transfer may now be added to any solver in which an energy
      equation is solved at run-time rather than having to change the solver code.
      For example, radiative heat transfer is now enabled in the SandiaD_LTS
      reactingFoam tutorial by providing a constant/fvOptions file containing
          type            radiation;
          libs ("");
      and appropriate settings in the constant/radiationProperties file.
    • Henry Weller's avatar
      porosityModel: The "<porosityModel>Coeffs" sub-dictionary is now optional · af281014
      Henry Weller authored
      For example the porosity coefficients may now be specified thus:
          type            DarcyForchheimer;
          cellZone        porosity;
          d   (5e7 -1000 -1000);
          f   (0 0 0);
              type    cartesian;
              origin  (0 0 0);
                  type    axesRotation;
                  e1      (0.70710678 0.70710678 0);
                  e2      (0 0 1);
      rather than
          type            DarcyForchheimer;
          active          yes;
          cellZone        porosity;
              d   (5e7 -1000 -1000);
              f   (0 0 0);
                  type    cartesian;
                  origin  (0 0 0);
                      type    axesRotation;
                      e1      (0.70710678 0.70710678 0);
                      e2      (0 0 1);
      support for which is maintained for backward compatibility.
    • Henry Weller's avatar
      radiationModel: Added "he" argument to the "Sh" function · 1805b3c9
      Henry Weller authored
      for consistency with the other energy sources.
    • Henry Weller's avatar
      fvOptions: The "<type>Coeffs" sub-dictionary is now optional · 8b55ea4f
      Henry Weller authored
      For example the actuationDiskSource fvOption may now be specified
          type            actuationDiskSource;
          fields      (U);
          selectionMode   cellSet;
          cellSet         actuationDisk1;
          diskDir         (1 0 0);    // Orientation of the disk
          Cp              0.386;
          Ct              0.58;
          diskArea        40;
          upstreamPoint   (581849 4785810 1065);
      rather than
          type            actuationDiskSource;
          active          on;
              fields      (U);
              selectionMode   cellSet;
              cellSet         actuationDisk1;
              diskDir         (1 0 0);    // Orientation of the disk
              Cp              0.386;
              Ct              0.58;
              diskArea        40;
              upstreamPoint   (581849 4785810 1065);
      but this form is supported for backward compatibility.
  5. Apr 12, 2017
  6. Apr 11, 2017
  7. Apr 08, 2017
    • Henry Weller's avatar
      radiation: Corrected the name of the radiative heat flux from Qr to qr · 5c62d818
      Henry Weller authored
      The standard naming convention for heat flux is "q" and this is used for the
      conductive and convective heat fluxes is OpenFOAM.  The use of "Qr" for
      radiative heat flux is an anomaly which causes confusion, particularly for
      boundary conditions in which "Q" is used to denote power in Watts.  The name of
      the radiative heat flux has now been corrected to "qr" and all models, boundary
      conditions and tutorials updated.
    • Henry Weller's avatar
      externalWallHeatFluxTemperatureFvPatchScalarField: Added "power" heat source option · 861b273e
      Henry Weller authored
      by combining with and rationalizing functionality from
      externalWallHeatFluxTemperatureFvPatchScalarField now replaces
      turbulentHeatFluxTemperatureFvPatchScalarField which is no longer needed and has
      been removed.
          This boundary condition applies a heat flux condition to temperature
          on an external wall in one of three modes:
            - fixed power: supply Q
            - fixed heat flux: supply q
            - fixed heat transfer coefficient: supply h and Ta
              Q  | Power [W]
              q  | Heat flux [W/m^2]
              h  | Heat transfer coefficient [W/m^2/K]
              Ta | Ambient temperature [K]
          For heat transfer coefficient mode optional thin thermal layer resistances
          can be specified through thicknessLayers and kappaLayers entries.
          The thermal conductivity \c kappa can either be retrieved from various
          possible sources, as detailed in the class temperatureCoupledBase.
          Property     | Description                 | Required | Default value
          mode         | 'power', 'flux' or 'coefficient' | yes |
          Q            | Power [W]                   | for mode 'power'     |
          q            | Heat flux [W/m^2]           | for mode 'flux'     |
          h            | Heat transfer coefficient [W/m^2/K] | for mode 'coefficent' |
          Ta           | Ambient temperature [K]     | for mode 'coefficient' |
          thicknessLayers | Layer thicknesses [m] | no |
          kappaLayers  | Layer thermal conductivities [W/m/K] | no |
          qr           | Name of the radiative field | no | none
          qrRelaxation | Relaxation factor for radiative field | no | 1
          kappaMethod  | Inherited from temperatureCoupledBase | inherited |
          kappa        | Inherited from temperatureCoupledBase | inherited |
          Example of the boundary condition specification:
              type            externalWallHeatFluxTemperature;
              mode            coefficient;
              Ta              uniform 300.0;
              h               uniform 10.0;
              thicknessLayers (0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4);
              kappaLayers     (1 2 3 4);
              kappaMethod     fluidThermo;
              value           $internalField;
  8. Apr 05, 2017
    • Henry Weller's avatar
      surfaceTensionModels::liquidProperties: New temperature-dependent surface tension model · 97d12d8b
      Henry Weller authored
          Temperature-dependent surface tension model in which the surface tension
          function provided by the phase Foam::liquidProperties class is used.
              Property     | Description               | Required    | Default value
              phase        | Phase name                | yes         |
          Example of the surface tension specification:
                  type    liquidProperties;
                  phase   water;
      for use with e.g. compressibleInterFoam, see
  9. Apr 04, 2017
  10. Apr 03, 2017
  11. Mar 31, 2017
  12. Mar 29, 2017
  13. Mar 28, 2017
  14. Mar 27, 2017
  15. Mar 24, 2017
  16. Mar 23, 2017