- Jun 08, 2021
- ReynoldsNumber (thermo) - NusseltNumber - HeatTransferCoeff
New cloud function objects: - ReynoldsNumber (for kinematic parcels, i.e. KinematicReynoldsNumber) - ReynoldsNumber (for thermo/reacting parcels, i.e. ThermoReynoldsNumber) - NusseltNumber - HeatTransferCoeff
three macros: - makeParcelCloudFunctionObjects for kinematic parcels - makeThermoParcelCloudFunctionObjects for thermo parcels - makeReactingParcelCloudFunctionObjects for reacting parcels
Andrew Heather authored
ENH: update geoVoF module (#2076) See merge request !450
code style and quality improvements renamed recon::centre to interfaceCentre.{groupName} ranmed recon::normal to interfaceNormal.{groupName} centre and normal field are not written by default
Andrew Heather authored
TUT: combustion: clean up tutorials See merge request !461
Andrew Heather authored
TUT: incompressible: clean up tutorials See merge request !462
Andrew Heather authored
TUT: mesh, multiphase: clean up tutorials See merge request !465
Mark OLESEN authored
- makes it easier to use for local or alternative storage. Eg, ``` tmp<volScalarField> tfld; tfld.cref(obj.cfindObject<volScalarField>("name")); if (!tfld) { tfld = volScalarField::New("name", ...); } ```
- Jun 07, 2021
Mark OLESEN authored
Andrew Heather authored
add access to dictionary context for dynamic-coded items. See merge request !466
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- in some cases, additional dictionary inputs are useful for extending the input parameters or functionality of dynamic coded conditions. Typically this can be used to provide a simple set of dictionary inputs that are used to drive specific code, but allows changing the inputs without causing a recompilation. Accessed with this type of code: ``` const dictionary& dict = this->codeContext(); ``` boundary conditions and function objects: * specify an additional codeContext dictionary entry: ``` codeContext { ... } ``` PatchFunction1: * The code context dictionary is simply the dictionary used to specify the PatchFunction1 coefficients. To replicated persistant data, use local member static data. Eg, ``` code #{ // Persistent (Member) Data static autoPtr<Function1<scalar>> baseVel; static autoPtr<Function1<vector>> baseDir; ... #} ``` fvOptions: * currently not applicable
Mark OLESEN authored
- meshTools include/library for many (most) coded items - add PatchFunction1 include for coded BCs to provide ready access to Function1 and PatchFunction1
Mark OLESEN authored
- resizes to current fieldNames_ size and assigns everything to false to avoid any "stickiness" if the field ordering changes between reads. ENH: additional debugging faOption/fvOption (#2110) - aids tracing which sources are being used/ignored - update code style STYLE: rename CodedSource -> CodedFvSource - avoid future name clashes with CodedFaSource
- May 31, 2021
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- remove finiteVolume dependency from libfaDecompose
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- May 30, 2021
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- additional finite-area support too.
Mark OLESEN authored
- adds support for retaining local face numbers, to allow direct addressing into the corresponding area field
Mark OLESEN authored
- with the changes in vtkCellArray, the legacy files now have OFFSET, CONNECTIVITY information. - support reading of both versions. - continue to generate legacy format 2.0, since this is what many programs still expect
Mark OLESEN authored
- corresponds to the more recent VTK convention
Mark OLESEN authored
- May 28, 2021
Sergio Ferraris authored
support parallel creation of finiteArea meshes with on-the-fly decomposition of fields #2084 See merge request !457
- May 27, 2021
Mark OLESEN authored
- restrict searching to patch quantities to avoid triggering mesh edge calculations
Mark OLESEN authored
- consider the neighbour polyPatch addressing on the connecting edge, even when the neighbouring processor does not have a corresponding section of the finiteArea mesh. These "dangling" edges now propagate their real connectivity across.
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- A bare-bones reconstructor for finiteArea meshes when processor meshes are available (in parallel) but an equivalent serial faMesh is needed for reconstruction or decomposition. In these situations, a serial version of the faMesh is needed, but preferably without reconstructing the entire volume mesh. It uses the finiteVolume faceProcAddressing in addition to the geometric information available from the underlying polyMesh. The resulting equivalent faMesh can be used for basic operations, but caution should be exercised before attempting large operations.
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- new faDecompose and faReconstruct libraries - provide common readFields in the faDecompose library
Mark OLESEN authored
- adjust surfactantFoam/planeTransport tutorial to have partial coverage of the plate by the finiteArea mesh. Depending on the decomposition, the outflow boundary may coincide with a processor patch (good for testing purposes). - additional Allrun-parallel versions for targetted future behaviour