- Jun 08, 2021
- ReynoldsNumber (thermo) - NusseltNumber - HeatTransferCoeff
code style and quality improvements renamed recon::centre to interfaceCentre.{groupName} ranmed recon::normal to interfaceNormal.{groupName} centre and normal field are not written by default
- Jun 07, 2021
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- meshTools include/library for many (most) coded items - add PatchFunction1 include for coded BCs to provide ready access to Function1 and PatchFunction1
- May 30, 2021
Mark OLESEN authored
- additional finite-area support too.
- May 27, 2021
Mark OLESEN authored
- adjust surfactantFoam/planeTransport tutorial to have partial coverage of the plate by the finiteArea mesh. Depending on the decomposition, the outflow boundary may coincide with a processor patch (good for testing purposes). - additional Allrun-parallel versions for targetted future behaviour
Kutalmış Berçin authored
TUT: airfoil2D: clean up the tutorial case
- May 26, 2021
Mattijs Janssens authored
Multi-world operation now supports AMI: // What to sample: sampleMode nearestPatchFaceAMI;
- May 19, 2021
Mark OLESEN authored
- profit from some of the recent modifications to parser expansion TUT: adjust some #eval statements for less clutter
Mark OLESEN authored
- reworked from the openfoam.org wordAndDictionary version. Allows, for example, named entries in topoSet.
- May 10, 2021
Mark OLESEN authored
- can be used for block-like meshes that are not aligned with the global coordinate directions. Alternatively, for general testing purposes. Example, method simple; coeffs { n ( 2 2 2 ); transform { origin (-0.15 0.15 0); e1 (1 1 0); e3 (0 0 1); } }
- May 06, 2021
Mark OLESEN authored
- Apr 26, 2021
Mark OLESEN authored
- additional debug information - improve support for dictionary specification of constant, polynomial and table entries. These previously only worked properly for primitiveEntry, which causes confusion. - extend table Function1 to include TableFile functionality. Simplifies switching and modifying content.
- Apr 22, 2021
sergio authored
Checking for the sum of species mass fraction in multiComponentMixture. It can't be zero at the internal field or patches. A fatal error is thrown. A warning was added if the mixture sum is different from one. In a re-start the mass fraction can be slightly unbounded and new normalization is required.
- Apr 19, 2021
- simplify compile/uncompile, reading, assignment - implicit construct wordRe from keyType (was explicit) to simplify future API changes. - make Foam::isspace consistent with std::isspace (C-locale) by including vertical tab and form feed ENH: improve #ifeq float/label comparisons
- Apr 01, 2021
Andrew Heather authored
- Mar 31, 2021
ENH: solarLoad, fvDOM: enable time-dependent spectralDistribution DOC: solarLoad, fvDOM, solarCalculator: improve header documentation TUT: solarLoadModel, solarDirectionModel: use new shorter entries
- Mar 24, 2021
- overCompressibleInterDyMFoam: Overset solver for two compressible, non-isothermal, immiscible fluids using a VOF (i.e. volume of fluid) phase-fraction based interface capturing approach. - overInterPhaseChangeDyMFoam: Overset solver for two incompressible, isothermal, immiscible fluids with phase-change (e.g. cavitation) using VoF (i.e. volume of fluid) phase-fraction based interface capturing approach. - adds new tutorials: - multiphase/overCompressibleInterDyMFoam/compressibleTwoSimpleRotors - multiphase/overInterPhaseChangeDyMFoam/twoSimpleRotors Signed-off-by:
Kutalmis Bercin <kutalmis.bercin@esi-group.com>
- Mar 22, 2021
mattijs authored
- Mar 18, 2021
sergio authored
sergio authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- new '-ascii' option to write in ASCII format instead of the controlDict setting. This can be useful when generating fields that should be parsed with other tools, or for visual inspection. - correct mismatch of option names and lookups
- Mar 17, 2021
Mark OLESEN authored
- can use either command-line option "-load-fields" or dictionary entry "readFields" to specify field names to be preloaded. Essentially the same functionality as with a readFields function object but with a lot less typing. - tutorial examples provided by Ryan Danks <ryan.danks@rwdi.com> illustrate using setExpr* utilities to calculate a quantity as a post-processing step.
to operate with overset 1) Adding zoneMotion to rigidBodyMotion 2) Introducing PID to prescribedRotation restraint 3) Making drivenLinearMotion read total displacement 4) When drivenLinearMotion is used sixDof and rigid-body solvers write total displacement
- Mar 15, 2021
Mark OLESEN authored
- generally OK to miss for easily evaluated functions, but highly misleading with expressions (where the evaluate may be invalid during construction).
mattijs authored
- override casename, procesorCase flags to guarantee reconstructed case to be written to the undecomposed directory - alternative is to construct a Zero mesh on the undecomposed runTime and add all other bits to that but that has not been pursued