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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Dec 06, 2021
  2. Feb 19, 2020
  3. Oct 31, 2019
  4. Aug 02, 2019
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: rationalize cloud method inheritance · e90eafcf
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - a top-level cloud::nParcels() virtual, which is overloaded by the
        first level of Cloud inheritance. This permits quick determination of
        cloud sizes, even when retrieved from registry with the base level.
            cloud* cldPtr = mesh.cfindObject<cloud>("myCloud");
            label nParcels = (cldPtr ? cldPtr->nParcels() : 0);
      - make writeLagrangianPositions on by default unless explicitly
        disabled in the InfoSwitches.
        Flag output errors (where neither coordinates nor positions are
        written) with Fatal.
      - additional IOField helper functions in cloud
      STYLE: simplify iterator inheritance
  5. Feb 06, 2019
  6. Dec 22, 2017
  7. Mar 07, 2018
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: new bitSet class and improved PackedList class (closes #751) · bac943e6
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - The bitSet class replaces the old PackedBoolList class.
        The redesign provides better block-wise access and reduced method
        calls. This helps both in cases where the bitSet may be relatively
        sparse, and in cases where advantage of contiguous operations can be
        made. This makes it easier to work with a bitSet as top-level object.
        In addition to the previously available count() method to determine
        if a bitSet is being used, now have simpler queries:
          - all()  - true if all bits in the addressable range are empty
          - any()  - true if any bits are set at all.
          - none() - true if no bits are set.
        These are faster than count() and allow early termination.
        The new test() method tests the value of a single bit position and
        returns a bool without any ambiguity caused by the return type
        (like the get() method), nor the const/non-const access (like
        operator[] has). The name corresponds to what std::bitset uses.
        The ...
  8. Feb 19, 2018
  9. Sep 13, 2017
    • Andrew Heather's avatar
      ENH: Lagrangian - provided backwards compatibility for cases using the · 2defba00
      Andrew Heather authored
      old "positions" file form
      The change to barycentric-based tracking changed the contents of the
      cloud "positions" file to a new format comprising the barycentric
      co-ordinates and other cell position-based info.  This broke
      backwards compatibility, providing no option to restart old cases
      (v1706 and earlier), and caused difficulties for dependent code, e.g.
      for post-processing utilities that could only infer the contents only
      after reading.
      The barycentric position info is now written to a file called
      "coordinates" with provision to restart old cases for which only the
      "positions" file is available. Related utilities, e.g. for parallel
      running and data conversion have been updated to be able to support both
      file types.
      To write the "positions" file by default, use set the following option
      in the InfoSwitches section of the controlDict:
          writeLagrangianPositions 1;
  10. Aug 23, 2017
  11. Aug 22, 2017
    • Will Bainbridge's avatar
      lagrangian: Un-templated the tracking data · 87c15bf1
      Will Bainbridge authored and Andrew Heather's avatar Andrew Heather committed
      Tracking data classes are no longer templated on the derived cloud type.
      The advantage of this is that they can now be passed to sub models. This
      should allow continuous phase data to be removed from the parcel
      classes. The disadvantage is that every function which once took a
      templated TrackData argument now needs an additional TrackCloudType
      argument in order to perform the necessary down-casting.
  12. Jul 07, 2017
    • Andrew Heather's avatar
      INT: Integration of Mattijs' collocated parallel IO additions · d8d6030a
      Andrew Heather authored
      Original commit message:
      Parallel IO: New collated file format
      When an OpenFOAM simulation runs in parallel, the data for decomposed fields and
      mesh(es) has historically been stored in multiple files within separate
      directories for each processor.  Processor directories are named 'processorN',
      where N is the processor number.
      This commit introduces an alternative "collated" file format where the data for
      each decomposed field (and mesh) is collated into a single file, which is
      written and read on the master processor.  The files are stored in a single
      directory named 'processors'.
      The new format produces significantly fewer files - one per field, instead of N
      per field.  For large parallel cases, this avoids the restriction on the number
      of open files imposed by the operating system limits.
      The file writing can be threaded allowing the simulation to continue running
      while the data is being written to file.  NFS (Network File System) is not
      needed when using the the collated format and additionally, there is an option
      to run without NFS with the original uncollated approach, known as
      The controls for the file handling are in the OptimisationSwitches of
          //- Parallel IO file handler
          //  uncollated (default), collated or masterUncollated
          fileHandler uncollated;
          //- collated: thread buffer size for queued file writes.
          //  If set to 0 or not sufficient for the file size threading is not used.
          //  Default: 2e9
          maxThreadFileBufferSize 2e9;
          //- masterUncollated: non-blocking buffer size.
          //  If the file exceeds this buffer size scheduled transfer is used.
          //  Default: 2e9
          maxMasterFileBufferSize 2e9;
      When using the collated file handling, memory is allocated for the data in the
      thread.  maxThreadFileBufferSize sets the maximum size of memory in bytes that
      is allocated.  If the data exceeds this size, the write does not use threading.
      When using the masterUncollated file handling, non-blocking MPI communication
      requires a sufficiently large memory buffer on the master node.
      maxMasterFileBufferSize sets the maximum size in bytes of the buffer.  If the
      data exceeds this size, the system uses scheduled communication.
      The installation defaults for the fileHandler choice, maxThreadFileBufferSize
      and maxMasterFileBufferSize (set in etc/controlDict) can be over-ridden within
      the case controlDict file, like other parameters.  Additionally the fileHandler
      can be set by:
      - the "-fileHandler" command line argument;
      - a FOAM_FILEHANDLER environment variable.
      A foamFormatConvert utility allows users to convert files between the collated
      and uncollated formats, e.g.
          mpirun -np 2 foamFormatConvert -parallel -fileHandler uncollated
      An example case demonstrating the file handling methods is provided in:
      The work was undertaken by Mattijs Janssens, in collaboration with Henry Weller.
  13. Apr 28, 2017
    • Will Bainbridge's avatar
      Lagrangian: Rewrite of the particle tracking algorithm to function in · 743dea87
      Will Bainbridge authored and Andrew Heather's avatar Andrew Heather committed
      terms of the local barycentric coordinates of the current tetrahedron,
      rather than the global coordinate system.
      Barycentric tracking works on any mesh, irrespective of mesh quality.
      Particles do not get "lost", and tracking does not require ad-hoc
      "corrections" or "rescues" to function robustly, because the calculation
      of particle-face intersections is unambiguous and reproducible, even at
      small angles of incidence.
      Each particle position is defined by topology (i.e. the decomposed tet
      cell it is in) and geometry (i.e. where it is in the cell). No search
      operations are needed on restart or reconstruct, unlike when particle
      positions are stored in the global coordinate system.
      The particle positions file now contains particles' local coordinates
      and topology, rather than the global coordinates and cell. This change
      to the output format is not backwards compatible. Existing cases with
      Lagrangian data will not restart, but they will still run from time
      zero without any modification. This change was necessary in order to
      guarantee that the loaded particle is valid, and therefore
      fundamentally prevent "loss" and "search-failure" type bugs (e.g.,
      2517, 2442, 2286, 1836, 1461, 1341, 1097).
      The tracking functions have also been converted to function in terms
      of displacement, rather than end position. This helps remove floating
      point error issues, particularly towards the end of a tracking step.
      Wall bounded streamlines have been removed. The implementation proved
      incompatible with the new tracking algorithm. ParaView has a surface
      LIC plugin which provides equivalent, or better, functionality.
      Additionally, bug report <>
      is resolved by this change.
  14. Sep 21, 2016
  15. Aug 16, 2016
  16. Feb 29, 2016
  17. Mar 20, 2012
  18. Feb 23, 2012
  19. Jan 16, 2012
  20. Nov 21, 2011
  21. Aug 14, 2011
  22. Jul 11, 2011
  23. Jul 07, 2011
  24. Mar 07, 2011
  25. Feb 24, 2011
  26. Feb 07, 2011
  27. Jan 14, 2011
  28. Jan 13, 2011
  29. Jan 05, 2011
  30. Nov 25, 2010
  31. Oct 22, 2010
  32. Oct 21, 2010
  33. Oct 01, 2010
  34. Sep 17, 2010
  35. May 28, 2010
  36. Apr 29, 2010
  37. Apr 07, 2010
  38. Mar 30, 2010
  39. Mar 29, 2010