- Feb 06, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- implemented as lazy evaluation with an additional update() method. This avoids unnecessary changes until the values are actually required. - apply mesh motion changes for momentum, volFieldValue, specieReactionRates function objects
Mark OLESEN authored
- forwards to the underlying HashTable erase, but frees things owned by the registry as well (ie, performs a checkOut)
mattijs authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- also removed some editing cruft from controlDict that should not have been there
- Feb 05, 2019
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
- Feb 04, 2019
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
- Feb 01, 2019
sergio authored
sergio authored
from e to T. T proved to be more generic solution.
Andrew Heather authored
Add minMax and clip field functions See merge request OpenFOAM-plus!230
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
STYLE: avoid local variable name masking
- Jan 30, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- Jan 29, 2019
Andrew Heather authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- changed ensightOutput from a class solely comprising static methods to a namespace and added in sub-namespaces Detail and Serial. This makes it easier to "mix-in" functions at different levels. Refactored and combined some serial/parallel code where possible. The general ensightOutput namespace has now shifted to be in the fileFormats lib, while leaving volField outputs in the conversion lib and cloud outputs in the lagrangian-intermediate lib. The ensightCloud namespace is now simply folded into the new ensightOutput namespace. These changes clean up some code, reduce fragmentation and duplication and removes the previous libconversion dependency for sampling. - use int for ensight nTypes constexpr Note: issue #1176 is unaffected except for the change in file name: ensightOutputTemplates.C -> ensightOutputVolFieldTemplates.C
- Jan 31, 2019
Andrew Heather authored
Function object updates See merge request OpenFOAM-plus!231
mattijs authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- allows localized extension of functionality
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
mattijs authored
- Jan 30, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- improved the selection mechanism to include using a bitSet cell selection (more efficient and convenient). Use templated implementation internally to remove the previous reliance on a NullObject.
- Jan 29, 2019
Andrew Heather authored
Example usage: continuityError1 { type continuityError; libs ("libfieldFunctionObjects.so"); ... writeToFile yes; log yes; phi phi; }
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
- Jan 28, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
Eg, #define FOAM_CONFIGURED_PROJECT_ETC "/usr/share/openfoam/etc" This provides some easy to file patching locations, but is not yet integrated in the build system at all.
Mark OLESEN authored
- in some circumstances we need to pass a bool value upwards to the caller and know if the true/false value was set based on real input or is a default value. Eg, in the object::read() we might normally have enabled_(dict.readIfPresent(key, true)); but would lose information about why the value is true/false. We can change that by using enabled_(dict.readIfPresent<Switch>(key, Switch::DEFAULT_ON)); After which we can use this information is testing. if ( child.enabled().nonDefault() ? child.enabled() : parent.enabled() ) { ... } And thus enable output if the parent requested it explicitly or by default and it has not been explicitly disabled in the child. No difference when testing as a bool and the text representation of DEFAULT_ON / DEFAULT_OFF will simply be "true" / "false". ENH: add construction of Switch from dictionary (similar to Enum)
Mark OLESEN authored
- in addition to managing different vendors and versions, it may also be necessary or desirable to have a particular variant (eg, profiling, release, etc). Devise a new meaningful name for the variant and create a corresponding wmake rule. Eg, SYSTEMOPENMPI-profiling with a corresponding "wmake/rules/linux64Gcc/mplibSYSTEMOPENMPI-profiling" file that has suitable content for your system. CONFIG: intel-mpi use intel64/ paths only for config and wmake rules (#1153) - previously adjusted the config files, but missed the changes required for the wmake rules too. Now simply migrate to using "intel64/{include,bin,lib}" instead of the older naming "{include,bin,lib}64" These changes work since at least intel-mpi 2015 (5.x), but possibly earlier as well
Mark OLESEN authored
- avoids removal of files and the dummy fallback
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
Andrew Heather authored
Feature snappy hex mesh check See merge request OpenFOAM-plus!229