- Dec 11, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- the local third-party headers are to be searched before any MPI include directories. This stops the situation where an mpi-specific version of ptscotch.h is installed into the MPI directories. This "system" version may well have a different SCOTCH_Num size (32 bit vs 64 bit) from the third-party library etc.
sergio authored
sergio authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- Dec 10, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
sergio authored
sergio authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- can occur if MPI has be initialized for communication but OpenFOAM itself is operating in serial mode and thus did not attach any MPI buffers.
Mark OLESEN authored
- regression was introduced by 628b2445
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- change previous default (convert all faceZones unless -noFaceZones specified) with the default behaviour to only convert face zones on request. - uses the '-faceZones' option as per foamToEnsight
Mark OLESEN authored
- this allows it to work like readListIfPresent() but with a list as the return value, which can be useful for a const context.
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Johan Roenby authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- allows inclusion of the cyclicACMIPolyPatch mask in the same file
Mark OLESEN authored
- the result of lsof, which is used in the etc/cshrc to locate the installation, may contain trailing information about host and mount point. There is also a moderate concern with people sourcing the file indirectly with their own version in the same directory. For example, a 'etc/cshrc-site' that actually sources 'etc/cshrc'. This leads to multiple matches in the lsof output, so we only take the first one, stop there and hope they didn't do something even trickier.
Mark OLESEN authored
- now needs local 'set' instead of 'setenv' - fixed inconsistency in edit of ParaView_VERSION for csh version
Mark OLESEN authored
- Dec 09, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- report api, patch as well as the number of entries in the FOAM_APPBIN, FOAM_LIBBIN for a quick visual sanity check
- Dec 10, 2018
Andrew Heather authored
ENH: Added new AMIWeights function object See merge request OpenFOAM-plus!225
- Dec 09, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- the counterpart to floatVector, doubleTensor, which can be useful for connecting to programs that always expect double precision for the arguments, when using single-precision for OpenFOAM itself. Eg, doubleVector pos = ...; vtkcamera->SetPosition(pos.v_);
Mark OLESEN authored
- applyToSet() automatically handles NEW like ADD, so no need to do so explicitly
- Dec 08, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- have 'use' as the action appears more intuitive as the first entry instead of 'add'. Was previously also added to vtkCloud.
Mark OLESEN authored
- now defaults to the project-version when absolutely nothing else is known STYLE: simplify internal calling in wmakeBuildInfo
Mark OLESEN authored
- local csh variable in foreach was masking the setenv
Mark OLESEN authored
- prefer this to using the OPENFOAM define since this improves the internal consistency with the build information. The API information could change between builds without the etcFiles.C being recompiled whereas the value of Foam::foamVersion::api is force updated during the build (triggers recompilation of globals.Cver)
- Dec 07, 2018
Andrew Heather authored
Reports the min|max|average AMI weights to text file and optionally writes VTK surfaces of the sum of the weights, and mask field for ACMI patches. Example usage: AMIWeights { type AMIWeights; libs ("libfieldFunctionObjects.so"); writeControl writeTime; writeFields yes; }
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
and final residuals, nIterations. See #1115.
Johan Roenby authored
- Dec 06, 2018
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
Reference: Comte-Bellot, G., and Corrsin, S., "Simple Eulerian Time Correlation of Full- and Narrow-Band Velocity Signals in Grid-Generated, 'Isotropic' Turbulence," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 48, No. 2, 1971, pp. 273–337.
Andrew Heather authored
sergio authored