- Jun 15, 2020
Mark OLESEN authored
- build prior to transportModels, which includes geometricVoF and its own form of surface sampling (interface sampling)
- Jun 09, 2020
1) Implementation of the compressibleIsoInterFOam solver 2) Implementation of a new PLIC interpolation scheme. 3) New tutorials associated with the solvers This implementation was carried out by Henning Scheufler (DLR) and Johan Roenby (DHI), following : \verbatim Henning Scheufler, Johan Roenby, Accurate and efficient surface reconstruction from volume fraction data on general meshes, Journal of Computational Physics, 2019, doi 10.1016/j.jcp.2019.01.009 \endverbatim The integration of the code was carried out by Andy Heather and Sergio Ferraris from OpenCFD Ltd.
- Jun 03, 2020
The phase systems tables for multiphase solvers create conflict between each other as they are defined in the same namespace and using similar class names. Therefore a special htc function object for reactingEulerSolver was added (reactingEulerHtcModel), located under src/phaseSystemModels/reactingEulerFoam/functionObjects/ This commit includes the following: - Relocate solvers/reactingEulerFoam functionObjects to src/phaseSystemModels - Remove links for fieldFunctionObject to multiphase libs to avoid conflicts - New FO for htc for reactingEulerFoam called reactingEulerHtcModel
- May 12, 2020
Mark OLESEN authored
- initial split of wmake-related commands into "plumbing" and "porcelain" akin to how git handles things. - wmakeBuildInfo (very low-level), now relocated to the wmake/scripts and accessible for the user as "wmake -build-info". This satisfies a long-standing desire to access build information in a fashion similar to the api/patch information. CONFIG: avoid git information when building with a debian/ directory - when a 'debian/' directory exists, there is a high probability that the '.git/' directory is from debian and not from OpenFOAM (ie, useless here). This corresponds to an implicit '-no-git', which has no effect when building from pristine sources. ENH: wmakeCheckPwd becomes scripts/wmake-check-dir - accessible for the user as "wmake -check-dir" and with 1 or 2 directory names. A wmakeCheckPwd symlink left for compatibility.
- Feb 12, 2020
Mark OLESEN authored
- simplifies code, covers most cases. Can use wmake -show-api or wmakeBuildInfo to query the make rules. STYLE: Allwmake script adjustments - use bin/foamEtcFile instead of relying on PATH. The make environment may not have the OpenFOAM bin/ in it. - simpler shell syntax
- Dec 19, 2019
1) New skewCorrectedSnGrad for non-orthogonal and skewness corrector 2) New freeSurfacePressure and freeSurfacePressure working with interfaceTrackingFvMesh 3) New interfaceTrackingFvMesh
- Dec 14, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- Sep 30, 2019
sergio authored
- did not perform as well as desired. Slated for replacement with a different approach.
- Jul 30, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- When building OpenFOAM for different platform combinations (single/double, int32/int64) the build information that is compiled into the OpenFOAM lib can become out of sync. This is because the update trigger (wmakeBuildInfo -check) is independent of the targetted platform. The added file 'src/OpenFOAM/Alltouch' provides a direct means of forcing a rebuild of the version information. Eg, src/OpenFOAM/Alltouch wmake src/OpenFOAM Also provide an additional 'wmakeBuildInfo -remove' to forcibly remove META-INFO/build-info, if that is desired.
- Jun 17, 2019
Vaggelis Papoutsis authored
A set of libraries and executables creating a workflow for performing gradient-based optimisation loops. The main executable (adjointOptimisationFoam) solves the flow (primal) equations, followed by the adjoint equations and, eventually, the computation of sensitivity derivatives. Current functionality supports the solution of the adjoint equations for incompressible turbulent flows, including the adjoint to the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model and the adjoint to the nutUSpaldingWallFunction, [1], [2]. Sensitivity derivatives are computed with respect to the normal displacement of boundary wall nodes/faces (the so-called sensitivity maps) following the Enhanced Surface Integrals (E-SI) formulation, [3]. The software was developed by PCOpt/NTUA and FOSS GP, with contributions from Dr. Evangelos Papoutsis-Kiachagias, Konstantinos Gkaragounis, Professor Kyriakos Giannakoglou, Andy Heather and contributions in earlier version from Dr. Ioannis Kavvadias, Dr. Alexandros Zymaris, Dr. Dimitrios Papadimitriou [1] A.S. Zymaris, D.I. Papadimitriou, K.C. Giannakoglou, and C. Othmer. Continuous adjoint approach to the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model for incompressible flows. Computers & Fluids, 38(8):1528–1538, 2009. [2] E.M. Papoutsis-Kiachagias and K.C. Giannakoglou. Continuous adjoint methods for turbulent flows, applied to shape and topology optimization: Industrial applications. 23(2):255–299, 2016. [3] I.S. Kavvadias, E.M. Papoutsis-Kiachagias, and K.C. Giannakoglou. On the proper treatment of grid sensitivities in continuous adjoint methods for shape optimization. Journal of Computational Physics, 301:1–18, 2015. Integration into the official OpenFOAM release by OpenCFD
- Jun 12, 2019
mattijs authored
- Jun 07, 2019
Sergio Ferraris authored
Integration of VOF MULES new interfaces. Update of VOF solvers and all instances of MULES in the code. Integration of reactingTwoPhaseEuler and reactingMultiphaseEuler solvers and sub-models Updating reactingEuler tutorials accordingly (most of them tested) New eRefConst thermo used in tutorials. Some modifications at thermo specie level affecting mostly eThermo. hThermo mostly unaffected New chtMultiRegionTwoPhaseEulerFoam solver for quenching and tutorial. Phases sub-models for reactingTwoPhaseEuler and reactingMultiphaseEuler were moved to src/phaseSystemModels/reactingEulerFoam in order to be used by BC for chtMultiRegionTwoPhaseEulerFoam. Update of interCondensatingEvaporatingFoam solver.
- Apr 28, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- Eg, with surface writers now in surfMesh, there are fewer libraries depending on conversion and sampling. COMP: regularize linkage ordering and avoid some implicit linkage (#1238)
Mark OLESEN authored
- Apr 11, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
STYLE: report MPI flavour (WM_MPLIB) when making mpi-related libraries
- Feb 04, 2019
mattijs authored
- Jan 31, 2019
mattijs authored
- Jan 30, 2019
mattijs authored
- Jan 17, 2019
mattijs authored
- Dec 03, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- provide default WM_DIR if not already set, to improve robustness if a reduced environment is used - add etc/ to WM_PROJECT_SITE search. This makes the site directory structure consistent with the OpenFOAM structure. Eg, WM_PROJECT_SITE/etc/.. WM_PROJECT_SITE/bin/.. WM_PROJECT_SITE/platforms/.. - Don't set/export WM_OSTYPE. The default is POSIX and is properly defaulted throughout, including in CMakeLists-OpenFOAM.txt (also for Catalyst)
- Dec 02, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- Use the OPENFOAM define (eg, 1806, 1812), which normally corresponds to a major release, to define an API level. This remains consistent within a release cycle and means that it is possible to manage several sub-versions and continue to have a consistent lookup. The current API value is updated automatically during the build and cached as meta data for later use, even when the wmake/ directory is missing or OpenFOAM has not yet be initialized. The version information reported on program start or with -help usage adjusted to reflect this. The build tag from git now also carries the date as being more meaningful to trace than a hash value. - Update etc/bashrc and etc/cshrc to obtain the project directory directly instead of via its prefix directory. The value obtained corresponds to an absolute path, from which the prefix directory can be obtained. The combination of these changes removes the reliance on any particular directory naming convention. For example, With an 1812 version (API level): WM_PROJECT_VERSION=myVersion installed as /some/path/somewhere/openfoam-mySandbox This makes the -prefix, -foamInstall, -projectVersion, -version values of foamEtcFiles, and similar entries for foamConfigurePaths superfluous. WM_PROJECT_INST_DIR is no longer required or used ENH: improve handling and discovery of ThirdParty - improve the flexibility and reusability of ThirdParty packs to cover various standard use cases: 1. Unpacking initial release tar files with two parallel directories - OpenFOAM-v1812/ - ThirdParty-v1812/ 2. With an adjusted OpenFOAM directory name, for whatever reason - OpenFOAM-v1812-myCustom/ - openfoam-1812-other-info/ 3. Operating with/without ThirdParty directory To handle these use cases, the following discovery is used. Note PROJECT = the OpenFOAM directory `$WM_PROJECT_DIR` PREFIX = the parent directory VERSION = `$WM_PROJECT_VERSION` API = `$WM_PROJECT_API`, as per `foamEtcFiles -show-api` 0. PROJECT/ThirdParty - for single-directory installations 1. PREFIX/ThirdParty-VERSION - this corresponds to the traditional approach 2. PREFIX/ThirdParty-vAPI - allows for an updated value of VERSION (eg, v1812-myCustom) without requiring a renamed ThirdParty. The API value would still be '1812' and the original ThirdParty-v1812/ would be found. 3. PREFIX/ThirdParty-API - this is the same as the previous example, but using an unadorned API value. This also makes sense if the chosen version name also uses the unadorned API value in its naming (eg, 1812-patch190131, 1812.19W03) 4. PREFIX/ThirdParty-common - permits maximum reuse for various versions, but only for experienced user who are aware of potential version incompatibilities Directory existence is checked as is the presence of an Allwmake file or a platforms/ directory. This reduces the potential of false positive matches and limits the selection to directories that are either with sources (has the Allwmake file), or pre-compiled binaries (has the platforms/ directory). If none of the explored directories are found to be suitable, it reverts to using a PROJECT/ThirdParty dummy location since this is within the project source tree and can be trusted to have no negative side-effects. ENH: add csh support to foamConfigurePaths - this removes the previously experienced inconsistence in config file contents. REMOVED: foamExec - was previously used when switching versions and before the bashrc/cshrc discovery logic was added. It is now obsolete.
- Jan 18, 2018
Andrew Heather authored
- Dec 19, 2017
Andrew Heather authored
- Apr 24, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- generalize some of the library extensions (.so vs .dylib). Provide as wmake 'sysFunctions' - added note about unsupported/incomplete system support - centralize detection of ThirdParty packages into wmake/ subdirectory by providing a series of scripts in the spirit of GNU autoconfig. For example, have_boost, have_readline, have_scotch, ... Each of the `have_<package>` scripts will generally provide the following type of functions: have_<package> # detection no_<package> # reset echo_<package> # echoing and the following type of variables: HAVE_<package> # unset or 'true' <package>_ARCH_PATH # root for <package> <package>_INC_DIR # include directory for <package> <package>_LIB_DIR # library directory for <package> This simplifies the calling scripts: if have_metis then wmake metisDecomp fi As well as reducing clutter in the corresponding Make/options: EXE_INC = \ -I$(METIS_INC_DIR) \ -I../decompositionMethods/lnInclude LIB_LIBS = \ -L$(METIS_LIB_DIR) -lmetis Any additional modifications (platform-specific or for an external build system) can now be made centrally.
- Apr 12, 2018
mattijs authored
- Mar 15, 2018
mattijs authored
- Sep 15, 2017
- with sphereSurfactantFoam and sphereTransport test case
- Mar 20, 2018
Specialized variants of the power law porosity and k epsilon turbulence models developed to simulate atmospheric flow over forested and non-forested complex terrain. Class Foam::powerLawLopesdaCosta Description Variant of the power law porosity model with spatially varying drag coefficient given by: \f[ S = -\rho C_d \Sigma |U|^{(C_1 - 1)} U \f] where \vartable \Sigma | Porosity surface area per unit volume C_d | Model linear coefficient C_1 | Model exponent coefficient \endvartable Reference: \verbatim Costa, J. C. P. L. D. (2007). Atmospheric flow over forested and non-forested complex terrain. \endverbatim Class Foam::RASModels::kEpsilonLopesdaCosta Description Variant of the standard k-epsilon turbulence model with additional source terms to handle the changes in turbulence in porous regions represented by the powerLawLopesdaCosta porosity model. Reference: \verbatim Costa, J. C. P. L. D. (2007). Atmospheric flow over forested and non-forested complex terrain. \endverbatim The default model coefficients are \verbatim kEpsilonLopesdaCostaCoeffs { Cmu 0.09; C1 1.44; C2 1.92; sigmak 1.0; sigmaEps 1.3; } \endverbatim Tutorial case to follow.
- Oct 19, 2017
Two boundary conditions for the modelling of semi-permeable baffles have been added. These baffles are permeable to a number of species within the flow, and are impermeable to others. The flux of a given species is calculated as a constant multipled by the drop in mass fraction across the baffle. The species mass-fraction condition requires the transfer constant and the name of the patch on the other side of the baffle: boundaryField { // ... membraneA { type semiPermeableBaffleMassFraction; samplePatch membranePipe; c 0.1; value uniform 0; } membraneB { type semiPermeableBaffleMassFraction; samplePatch membraneSleeve; c 0.1; value uniform 1; } } If the value of c is omitted, or set to zero, then the patch is considered impermeable to the species in question. The samplePatch entry can also be omitted in this case. The velocity condition does not require any special input: boundaryField { // ... membraneA { type semiPermeableBaffleVelocity; value uniform (0 0 0); } membraneB { type semiPermeableBaffleVelocity; value uniform (0 0 0); } } These two boundary conditions must be used in conjunction, and the mass-fraction condition must be applied to all species in the simulation. The calculation will fail with an error message if either is used in isolation. A tutorial, combustion/reactingFoam/RAS/membrane, has been added which demonstrates this transfer process. This work was done with support from Stefan Lipp, at BASF.
- Jun 23, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
- This provides a mechanism for moving mesh patches based on external input (eg, from an external structures solver). The patch points are influenced by the position and rotation of the lumped points. BC: lumpedPointDisplacementPointPatchVectorField Controlling mechanisms: - externalCoupler for coordinating the master/slave - lumpedPointMovement manages the patch-points motion, but also for extracting forces/moments - lumpedPointState represents the positions/rotations of the controlling points Utils: - lumpedPointZones diagnostic for visualizing the correspondence between controlling points and patch faces - lumpedPointMovement Test that the patch motion is as desired without invoking moveMesh. With the -slave option, return items from a precalculated table for the lumpedPointDisplacementPointPatchVectorField BC.
- Jun 14, 2017
mattijs authored
Adds overset discretisation to selected physics: - diffusion : overLaplacianDyMFoam - incompressible steady : overSimpleFoam - incompressible transient : overPimpleDyMFoam - compressible transient: overRhoPimpleDyMFoam - two-phase VOF: overInterDyMFoam The overset method chosen is a parallel, fully implicit implementation whereby the interpolation (from donor to acceptor) is inserted as an adapted discretisation on the donor cells, such that the resulting matrix can be solved using the standard linear solvers. Above solvers come with a set of tutorials, showing how to create and set-up simple simulations from scratch.
- May 18, 2017
- simplifies organization, includes, linkage etc.
- Apr 21, 2017
Henry Weller authored
- Apr 04, 2017
Mark Olesen authored
- just check WM_PROJECT_DIR instead. - provide a fallback value when FOAM_EXT_LIBBIN might actually be needed. Only strictly need FOAM_EXT_LIBBIN for scotch/metis decomposition, and when these are actually supplied by ThirdParty. All other ThirdParty dependencies are referenced by BOOST_ARCH_PATH etc. Can therefore drop the FOAM_EXT_LIBBIN dependency for VTK-related things, which do not use scotch/metis anyhow.
- Mar 27, 2017
Andrew Heather authored
- Mar 20, 2017
Mark Olesen authored
- handle sourcing bashrc with a relative path (issue #383) - handle sourcing from bash and zsh. Still need manual intervention when sourcing dash, sh, or ksh. - replace grep in etc/cshrc with sed only - logical instead of physical path for WM_PROJECT_DIR (issue #431). Doesn't seem to be possible for csh/tcsh. * Continue using physical locations when comparing directories, but not for the top-level FOAM_INST_DIR, WM_PROJECT_DIR. - relocate WM_CC, WM_CXX overrides from etc/config.*/compiler to etc/config.*/settings to ensure that they are left untouched when etc/config.sh/compiler is sourced while making third-party packages (eg, gcc, llvm, CGAL). - provide fallback FOAM_TUTORIALS setting in RunFunctions STYLE: remove "~OpenFOAM" fallback as being too rare, non-obvious
- Feb 06, 2017
Mark Olesen authored
- Jan 28, 2017
Henry Weller authored
Patch contributed by Bruno Santos Resolves patch request https://bugs.openfoam.org/view.php?id=2424
- Dec 22, 2016
Mark Olesen authored
- Could be related to interrupted builds. So if there are any parts of the build that rely on an explicit 'wmakeLnInclude', make sure that the contents are properly updated. -- ENH: improved feedback from top-level Allwmake - Report which section (libraries, applications) is being built. - Provide final summary of date, version, etc, which can be helpful for later diagnosis or record keeping. - The -log=XXX option for Allwmake now accepts a directory name and automatically appends an appropriate log name. Eg, ./Allwmake -log=logs/ ->> logs/log.linux64GccDPInt32Opt The default name is built from the value of WM_OPTIONS. -- BUG: shell not exiting properly in combination with -log option - the use of 'tee' causes the shell to hang around. Added an explicit exit to catch this. -- - Detecting the '-k' (-non-stop) option at the top-level Allwmake, which may improve robustness. - Explicit continue-on-error for foamyMesh (as optional component) - unify format of script messages for better readability COMP: reduce warnings when building Pstream (old-style casts in openmpi)