- Jul 16, 2021
STYLE: vibrationShellModel and thermalShellModel: regroup the access functions
The original thermoSurfaceFilm sub-models were divided between kinematicSurfaceFilm and thermoSurfaceFilm in order to use the surfaceFilm model in a kinematicCloud. The film interaction models are now in a kinematicSurface class which can be used in a kinematic cloud adding constant thermal properties (p and T) for some sub-models, e.g. drySplashInteraction/wetSplashInteraction. pRef and Tref were added to the kinematicSurfaceFilm as entry to the regionFilm when used with a kinematic cloud. In the finite area surface film model Tref, pRef are stored in filmSubModelBase. TUT: kinematicParcelFoam: new tutorial pitzDailySprinkles
ENH: Several additions to thinFilm models 1) Changing the faSolution entry nonOrthoCorr to nFilmCorr entry. This entry specify the number of iterations on the film thickness Eq which does not correct for laplacian non-orthogonality. 2) Changing laminar turbulent model for the skin friction exerted by the flow to the film. 3) Adding optional relaxation factors for source terms coming from the added mass of the lagragian particles into the film such as rhoSp, pnSp and Usp. Similarly the film pressure (pf) can be relaxed in the inner loops. 4) Adding optional entries to curvatureSepration injection model. minimum (fThreshold) force and minimum curvature (minInvR1) for separation were added to have more control on determining the points of film separation ENH: ThermoSurfaceFilm in lagragian to search for finiteArea film models
- new model framework: liquidFilm - new film turbulence models: filmTurbulenceModel with friction models - new velocity boundary condition: velocityFilmShell to handle/evolve regionFa film - new function object: setTimeStep to control the simulation time-step based on regionFa Courant number - add support for the absorption of Lagrangian particles into films
- Jul 15, 2021
Mark OLESEN authored
- remove construct from two iterators (#2083)
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
TUT: some simplification for multiWorld test STYLE: remove some editor junk
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
STYLE: additional note about include/exclude HashTable.C
- Jul 12, 2021
sergio authored
- Jul 08, 2021
- Jul 05, 2021
- need to change requireUpdate_ at the beginning of calculateCache otherwise it is not updated for "ALL" selection (causing unnecessary repeated calculations). For other modes, it would have tripped an error in FULLDEBUG.
Mark OLESEN authored
- lets function objects catch and handle errors (fixes #2144, related to #1779)
Mark OLESEN authored
- handle failures more robustly - add static shutdown() for similarity with Pstream etc.
Mark OLESEN authored
- fix linkage for cellModeller compat methods
Mark OLESEN authored
- unused, but missed in 40567b84
Mark OLESEN authored
- Jun 29, 2021
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- all flags before loaders. Avoids "uninitialized when used here" warning while preserving the field ownership logic. - relocate override of updateT basicThermo into constructor body for clearer logic and initialization STYLE: plain bool instead of Switch for dpdt flag
Mark OLESEN authored
- Jun 28, 2021
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
Minor clean-up
Andrew Heather authored
- Jun 24, 2021
sergio authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mattijs Janssens authored
Hot fixes for v2106 See merge request !474
mattijs authored
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored