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  • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    ENH: improve stream handling of expansions (#2095) · 44a243a9
    Mark OLESEN authored
    * removed internal upper limit on word/string length for parsed input.
      - Although it has not caused many problems, no reason to retain
        these limits.
      - simplify some of the internal logic for reading string-like items.
      - localize parsers for better separation from the header
      - expose new function seekCommentEnd_Cstyle(), as useful
        handler of C-style comments
    * exclude imbalanced closing ')' from word/variable
      - previously included this into the word/variable, but makes more
        sense to leave on the parser for the following token.
        Prevents content like 'vector (10 20 $zmax);' from being parsed
        as '$zmax)' instead of as '$zmax' followed by a ')'.
        No conceivable reason that the former would actually be desirable,
        but can still be obtained with brace notation: Eg, '${zmax)}'
    * consistent handling of ${{ ... }} expressions
      - within a dictionary content, the following construct was
        incorrectly processed: