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Copyright (C) 2016-2019 OpenCFD Ltd.
This file is part of OpenFOAM.
OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
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Collection of static functions to do various simple string-related
#ifndef stringOps_H
#define stringOps_H
#include "scalar.H"
#include "string.H"
#include "SubStrings.H"
#include "word.H"
#include "HashTable.H"
#include "stringOpsSort.H"
#include "stringOpsEvaluate.H"
#include "wordRes.H"
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
namespace Foam
// Forward declarations
class OSstream;
Namespace stringOps Declaration
namespace stringOps
//- Count the number of occurrences of the specified character
std::string::size_type count(const std::string& str, const char c);
//- Count the number of occurrences of the specified character
// Correctly handles nullptr.
std::string::size_type count(const char* str, const char c);
//- Return true if text matches one of the regular expressions.
inline bool match(const UList<wordRe>& patterns, const std::string& text)
return wordRes::matcher(patterns)(text);
//- Expand occurrences of variables according to the mapping
//- and return the expanded string.
// \sa stringOps::inplaceExpand() for details
string expand
const HashTable<string, word, string::hash>& mapping,
const char sigil = '$'
//- Inplace expand occurrences of variables according to the mapping.
//- Does \b not use environment values.
// Expansion includes:
// -# variables
// - \c $VAR
// - \c ${VAR}
// - \c ${VAR:-defValue}
// - \c ${VAR:+altValue}
// Default and alternative values as per the POSIX shell:
// 1. ${parameter:-defValue}
// 2. ${parameter:+altValue}
// -# If parameter is unset or null, the \c defValue is substituted.
// Otherwise, the value of parameter is substituted.
// -# If parameter is unset or null, nothing is substituted.
// Otherwise the \c altValue is substituted.
// .
// General behaviour:
// - Unknown entries are removed silently.
// - Malformed entries (eg, brace mismatch, sigil followed by bad chars)
// Currently only used by dynamicCode.
// \param[in,out] s The string to modify inplace.
// \param mapping The lookup table
// \param sigil The leading sigil. Can be changed to avoid conflict
// with other string expansions. (default: '$')
void inplaceExpand
std::string& s,
const HashTable<string, word, string::hash>& mapping,
const char sigil = '$'
//- Inplace expand occurrences of variables according to the dictionary
//- and (optionally) environment variables.
// -# dictionary variables and (optionally) environment variables
// - \c $VAR
// - \c ${VAR}
// - \c ${VAR:-defValue}
// - \c ${VAR:+altValue}
// -# mathematical evaluation using stringOps::evaluate
// -# current directory
// - leading "./"
// : the current directory - Foam::cwd()
// -# leading tag expansion for commonly used directories
// - <b> \<etc\>/ </b>
// : user/group/other OpenFOAM etc directory
// - <b> \<etc:</b><em>[ugoa]+</em>)<b>\>/ </b>
// : user/group/other etc with specified location mode
// - <b> \<case\>/ </b>
// : The \c $FOAM_CASE directory
// - <b> \<constant\>/ </b>
// : The \c $FOAM_CASE/constant directory
// - <b> \<system\>/ </b>
// : The \c $FOAM_CASE/system directory
// -# tilde expansion
// - leading "~/" : home directory
// - leading "~user" : home directory for specified user
// Default and alternative values as per the POSIX shell:
// 1. ${parameter:-defValue}
// 2. ${parameter:+altValue}
// -# If parameter is unset or null, the \c defValue is substituted.
// Otherwise, the value of parameter is substituted.
// -# If parameter is unset or null, nothing is substituted.
// Otherwise the \c altValue is substituted.
// .
// - Malformed entries (eg, brace mismatch, sigil followed by bad chars)
// - Supports recursive variable expansions.
// For example, "${var${num}}" and "${{100 + ${var}}}"
// \param[in,out] s The string to modify inplace
// \param dict The dictionary context for the expansion
// \param allowEnv Allow use of environment values as fallback
// \param allowEmpty Allow empty expansions, or treat as Fatal
// \param allowSubDict Allow expansion of subDict entries as well as
// primitive entries (default: false)
// \param sigil The leading sigil. Can be changed to avoid conflict
// with other string expansions. (default: '$')
// \sa Foam::findEtcEntry(), Foam::findEtcEntries(), stringOps::evaluate()
// \note this function has too many parameters and should generally
// be avoided in user coding.
void inplaceExpand
std::string& s,
const dictionary& dict,
const bool allowEnv,
const bool allowEmpty,
const bool allowSubDict = false,
const char sigil = '$'
//- Expand occurrences of dictionary or environment variables.
// Empty expansions are allowed.
// Serialization of subDict entries is permitted.
// \sa stringOps::inplaceExpand(std::string&, const dictionary&, char)
string expand
const dictionary& dict,
const char sigil = '$'
//- Inplace expand occurrences of dictionary or environment variables.
// Empty expansions are allowed.
// Serialization of subDict entries is permitted.
// \sa stringOps::inplaceExpand(std::string&, const dictionary&, bool, bool, bool, char)
void inplaceExpand
std::string& s,
const dictionary& dict,
const char sigil = '$'
//- Expand initial tags, tildes, and all occurrences of environment
//- variables.
// \sa
// stringOps::inplaceExpand(std::string&, bool);
string expand
const bool allowEmpty = false
//- Expand initial tags, tildes, and all occurrences of environment
//- variables
// The expansion behaviour is identical to
// stringOps::inplaceExpand(std::string&, const dictionary&, bool, bool, bool, char)
// except that there is no dictionary and the environment variables
// are always enabled.
void inplaceExpand
std::string& s,
//- Replace environment variable contents with its name.
// This is essentially the inverse operation for inplaceExpand
// for a single element.
// Return true if a replacement was successful.
bool inplaceReplaceVar(std::string& s, const word& varName);
//- Find (first, last) non-space locations in string or sub-string.
// This may change to std::string_view in the future.
std::pair<size_t, size_t>
const std::string& s,
size_t pos = 0,
size_t len = std::string::npos
//- Return string trimmed of leading whitespace
string trimLeft(const std::string& s);
//- Trim leading whitespace inplace
void inplaceTrimLeft(std::string& s);
//- Return string trimmed of trailing whitespace
string trimRight(const std::string& s);
//- Trim trailing whitespace inplace
void inplaceTrimRight(std::string& s);
//- Return string trimmed of leading and trailing whitespace
string trim(const std::string& str);
//- Trim leading and trailing whitespace inplace
void inplaceTrim(std::string& s);
//- Return string with C/C++ comments removed
string removeComments(const std::string& str);
//- Remove C/C++ comments inplace
void inplaceRemoveComments(std::string& s);
//- Return string transformed with std::tolower on each character
string lower(const std::string& str);
//- Inplace transform string with std::tolower on each character
void inplaceLower(std::string& s);
//- Return string transformed with std::toupper on each character
string upper(const std::string& str);
//- Inplace transform string with std::toupper on each character
void inplaceUpper(std::string& s);
//- Split string into sub-strings at the delimiter character.
// Empty sub-strings are normally suppressed.
// Behaviour is ill-defined if delim is a NUL character.
template<class StringType>
Foam::SubStrings<StringType> split
const StringType& str,
const char delim,
const bool keepEmpty = false
//- Split string into sub-strings using delimiter string.
// Empty sub-strings are normally suppressed.
template<class StringType>
Foam::SubStrings<StringType> split
const StringType& str,
const std::string& delim,
const bool keepEmpty = false
//- Split string into sub-strings using any characters in delimiter.
// Empty sub-strings are normally suppressed.
// Behaviour is ill-defined if delim is an empty string.
template<class StringType>
Foam::SubStrings<StringType> splitAny
const StringType& str,
const std::string& delim
//- Split string into sub-strings using a fixed field width.
// Behaviour is ill-defined if width is zero.
// \param str the string to be split
// \param width the fixed field width for each sub-string
// \param start the optional offset of where to start the splitting.
// Any text prior to start is ignored in the operation.
template<class StringType>
Foam::SubStrings<StringType> splitFixed
const StringType& str,
const std::string::size_type width,
const std::string::size_type start = 0
//- Split string into sub-strings at whitespace (TAB, NL, VT, FF, CR, SPC)
// Empty sub-strings are suppressed.
template<class StringType>
Foam::SubStrings<StringType> splitSpace
const StringType& str
//- Output string with text wrapping.
// Always includes a trailing newline, unless the string itself is empty.
// \param os the output stream
// \param str the text to be output
// \param width the max-width before wrapping
// \param indent indentation for continued lines
// \param escape escape any backslashes on output
void writeWrapped
OSstream& os,
const std::string& str,
const std::string::size_type width,
const std::string::size_type indent = 0,
const bool escape = false
} // End namespace stringOps
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
} // End namespace Foam
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
#ifdef NoRepository
#include "stringOpsTemplates.C"
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
// ************************************************************************* //