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  • Mark Olesen's avatar
    ENH: provide separate geometry description per region/patch (issue #278) · 3d5fb086
    Mark Olesen authored
    - Also fixed bug noted in issue #269
    - Previous implementation had all faces together, which made
      it difficult (impossible) for external applications to
      figure out which geometry was being referred to.
    - Provide separate region/patches as follows:
        // Patch: <regionName> <patchName>
      For example,
        // Group: coupleGroup
        // Patch: heater minY
        8( ... )
      The region-name is always present, even if there is only one region.
    - This change is a partial reversion to the behaviour in 2.4.x, except
      that we can now also handle multi-region geometries.
      Changing the leading comment from "# " to "// " facilitates parsing
      of the files with OpenFOAM itself if necessary.