- Mar 25, 2020
Mark OLESEN authored
- preferentially handle Allwmake.override, which allows packaging tools to define alternative make scripts, or selectively disable components. - remove legacy handling of 'Optional' directory. Conditionals have since migrated into scripts themselves and/or use the wmake/scripts/have_* framework. BUG: missed passing -debug for Allwmake scripts
- Feb 12, 2020
Mark OLESEN authored
- simplifies code, covers most cases. Can use wmake -show-api or wmakeBuildInfo to query the make rules. STYLE: Allwmake script adjustments - use bin/foamEtcFile instead of relying on PATH. The make environment may not have the OpenFOAM bin/ in it. - simpler shell syntax
- Dec 19, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- previously just reported gcc/clang versions, but these are not necessarily the ones actually being used (eg, clang-9 vs clang). Now use the path from `wmake -show-path-cxx` to improve the accuracy, and also support other compiler types.
- Dec 17, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- an empty WM_COMPILE_OPTION is treated internally (in make rules) like "Opt" - an empty WM_COMPILER_TYPE is treated like "system" (system compiler)
- Nov 13, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- Nov 10, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- can assist diagnosing when things have gone wrong
- Jun 24, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- Jun 09, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- no use having wmkdepend on the target architecture when it will only be needed on the host architecture.
- Dec 09, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- report api, patch as well as the number of entries in the FOAM_APPBIN, FOAM_LIBBIN for a quick visual sanity check
- Dec 03, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- provide default WM_DIR if not already set, to improve robustness if a reduced environment is used - add etc/ to WM_PROJECT_SITE search. This makes the site directory structure consistent with the OpenFOAM structure. Eg, WM_PROJECT_SITE/etc/.. WM_PROJECT_SITE/bin/.. WM_PROJECT_SITE/platforms/.. - Don't set/export WM_OSTYPE. The default is POSIX and is properly defaulted throughout, including in CMakeLists-OpenFOAM.txt (also for Catalyst)
- Nov 22, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- convenient when bootstrapping some systems
- Nov 21, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- provides some feedback about which mpi is being used
- Nov 06, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- Dec 18, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
- Dec 13, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
- any code placed here should provide Allwmake and Allwclean scripts and normally have compilation targets into FOAM_APPBIN, FOAM_LIBBIN Since there is no standardize places for sources or applications, a simultaneous build of a module's doxygen documentation requires a minor bit of manual effort. Add (via symlink) the sources into the modules/doc/ directory to have them included in the normal OpenFOAM doxygen documentation generation. A makelink.example file is provided there as an example.
- Apr 24, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- generalize some of the library extensions (.so vs .dylib). Provide as wmake 'sysFunctions' - added note about unsupported/incomplete system support - centralize detection of ThirdParty packages into wmake/ subdirectory by providing a series of scripts in the spirit of GNU autoconfig. For example, have_boost, have_readline, have_scotch, ... Each of the `have_<package>` scripts will generally provide the following type of functions: have_<package> # detection no_<package> # reset echo_<package> # echoing and the following type of variables: HAVE_<package> # unset or 'true' <package>_ARCH_PATH # root for <package> <package>_INC_DIR # include directory for <package> <package>_LIB_DIR # library directory for <package> This simplifies the calling scripts: if have_metis then wmake metisDecomp fi As well as reducing clutter in the corresponding Make/options: EXE_INC = \ -I$(METIS_INC_DIR) \ -I../decompositionMethods/lnInclude LIB_LIBS = \ -L$(METIS_LIB_DIR) -lmetis Any additional modifications (platform-specific or for an external build system) can now be made centrally.
- Apr 04, 2017
Mark Olesen authored
- just check WM_PROJECT_DIR instead. - provide a fallback value when FOAM_EXT_LIBBIN might actually be needed. Only strictly need FOAM_EXT_LIBBIN for scotch/metis decomposition, and when these are actually supplied by ThirdParty. All other ThirdParty dependencies are referenced by BOOST_ARCH_PATH etc. Can therefore drop the FOAM_EXT_LIBBIN dependency for VTK-related things, which do not use scotch/metis anyhow.
- Mar 29, 2017
Mark Olesen authored
- minor bug: 'wclean empty' may have had issues with logical vs physical path
- Mar 10, 2017
Mark Olesen authored
- easier to test or use different versions - change WM_CXXFLAGS to -std=c++11 instead of -std=c++0x
- Feb 06, 2017
Mark Olesen authored
- Jan 28, 2017
Henry Weller authored
Patch contributed by Bruno Santos Resolves patch request https://bugs.openfoam.org/view.php?id=2424
- Dec 23, 2016
Mark Olesen authored
- this is apparently not uniform across systems STYLE: unify the date format in logfile
- Dec 22, 2016
Mark Olesen authored
- Could be related to interrupted builds. So if there are any parts of the build that rely on an explicit 'wmakeLnInclude', make sure that the contents are properly updated. -- ENH: improved feedback from top-level Allwmake - Report which section (libraries, applications) is being built. - Provide final summary of date, version, etc, which can be helpful for later diagnosis or record keeping. - The -log=XXX option for Allwmake now accepts a directory name and automatically appends an appropriate log name. Eg, ./Allwmake -log=logs/ ->> logs/log.linux64GccDPInt32Opt The default name is built from the value of WM_OPTIONS. -- BUG: shell not exiting properly in combination with -log option - the use of 'tee' causes the shell to hang around. Added an explicit exit to catch this. -- - Detecting the '-k' (-non-stop) option at the top-level Allwmake, which may improve robustness. - Explicit continue-on-error for foamyMesh (as optional component) - unify format of script messages for better readability COMP: reduce warnings when building Pstream (old-style casts in openmpi)
- Jul 04, 2016
Henry Weller authored
It is better to run doc/Allwmake or doc/Doxygen/Allwmake and provide the required options.
- Jun 24, 2016
Henry Weller authored
Patch contributed by Mattijs Janssens
- Feb 15, 2016
Henry Weller authored
- Oct 26, 2015
Henry Weller authored
- Dec 14, 2014
Henry authored
- Jun 04, 2013
mattijs authored
- Dec 30, 2010
Mark Olesen authored
- place under $WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/lib/$WM_OPTIONS - relocate FOAM_MPI_LIBBIN accordingly
- Jul 02, 2010
Mark Olesen authored
- Jun 22, 2010
mattijs authored
- Aug 07, 2009
Mark Olesen authored
- solves problems that can occur when checking $PWD and links are involved
- Jul 31, 2009
henry authored
- Jul 30, 2009
henry authored
Mark Olesen authored
- Jul 29, 2009
henry authored
- Jul 27, 2009
Mark Olesen authored
- also gives better isolation between scripts
- Jul 24, 2009
Mark Olesen authored
henry authored