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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Apr 24, 2016
  2. Apr 23, 2016
    • Henry Weller's avatar
      Updated header · a0e86416
      Henry Weller authored
    • Henry Weller's avatar
      boundaryField() -> boundaryFieldRef() · d8f8498c
      Henry Weller authored
    • Henry Weller's avatar
      fireFoam: Added optional hydrostatic initialization of the pressure and density · 673e0d17
      Henry Weller authored
      Also added the new prghTotalHydrostaticPressure p_rgh BC which uses the
      hydrostatic pressure field as the reference state for the far-field
      which provides much more accurate entrainment is large open domains
      typical of many fire simulations.
      The hydrostatic field solution is controlled by the optional entries in
      the fvSolution.PIMPLE dictionary, e.g.
          hydrostaticInitialization yes;
          nHydrostaticCorrectors 5;
      and the solver must also be specified for the hydrostatic p_rgh field
      ph_rgh e.g.
      Suitable boundary conditions for ph_rgh cannot always be derived from
      those for p_rgh and so the ph_rgh is read to provide them.
      To avoid accuracy issues with IO, restart and post-processing the p_rgh
      and ph_rgh the option to specify a suitable reference pressure is
      provided via the optional pRef file in the constant directory, e.g.
          dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0];
          value           101325;
      which is used in the relationship between p_rgh and p:
          p = p_rgh + rho*gh + pRef;
      Note that if pRef is specified all pressure BC specifications in the
      p_rgh and ph_rgh files are relative to the reference to avoid round-off
      For examples of suitable BCs for p_rgh and ph_rgh for a range of
      fireFoam cases please study the tutorials in
      tutorials/combustion/fireFoam/les which have all been updated.
      Henry G. Weller
      CFD Direct Ltd.
  3. Apr 22, 2016
  4. Apr 21, 2016
  5. Apr 17, 2016
  6. Apr 16, 2016
  7. Apr 15, 2016
    • Henry Weller's avatar
      septernion: Changed definition of the forward transformation for consistency with spatialTransform · 23a87793
      Henry Weller authored
      inline Foam::vector Foam::septernion::transformPoint(const vector& v) const
          return r().transform(v - t());
      Now there is a 1:1 correspondence between septernion and
      spatialTransform and a septernion constructor from spatialTransform
      Additionally "septernion::transform" has been renamed
      "septernion::transformPoint" to clarify that it transforms coordinate
      points rather than displacements or other relative vectors.
  8. Apr 12, 2016
  9. Apr 11, 2016
  10. Apr 10, 2016
  11. Apr 08, 2016
  12. Apr 07, 2016
  13. Apr 06, 2016
  14. Apr 04, 2016
  15. Apr 03, 2016
    • Henry Weller's avatar
      applications/test/rigidBodyDynamics/pendulum: Very simple test/demonstration... · 4344a732
      Henry Weller authored
      applications/test/rigidBodyDynamics/pendulum: Very simple test/demonstration of the rigidBodyDynamics library
          Simple swinging pendulum simulation with 1-DoF.  The motion is integrated
          using a symplectic method for just over 2-periods.
    • Henry Weller's avatar
      UList: Rationalize assignment (shallow-copy vs deep-copy) · 6e573ad7
      Henry Weller authored
          //- Disallow default shallow-copy assignment
          //  Assignment of UList<T> may need to be either shallow (copy pointer)
          //  or deep (copy elements) depending on context or the particular type
          //  of list derived from UList and it is confusing and prone to error
          //  for the default assignment to be either.  The solution is to
          //  disallow default assignment and provide separate 'shallowCopy' and
          //  'deepCopy' member functions.
          void operator=(const UList<T>&) = delete;
          //- Copy the pointer held by the given UList.
          inline void shallowCopy(const UList<T>&);
          //- Copy elements of the given UList.
          void deepCopy(const UList<T>&);
  16. Apr 02, 2016