- Apr 20, 2023
Andrew Heather authored
- Apr 19, 2023
Andrew Heather authored
ENH: multiLevel: native scotch implementation of multi-level See merge request Development/openfoam!599
- Apr 18, 2023
Mark OLESEN authored
- directory discovery originally designed for a sub-dir location (eg, etc/openfoam) but failed if called from within the sub-dir itself. Now simply assume it is located in the project directory or the etc/ sub-dir, so that it can also be relocated into the project directory in the future (pending changes to RPM and debian packaging)
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- for querying all outstanding requests: if (UPstream::finishedRequests(startRequest)) ... if (UPstream::finishedRequests(startRequest, -1)) ... - for querying slice of outstanding requests: if (UPstream::finishedRequests(startRequest, 10)) ...
Mark OLESEN authored
- simplifies communication structuring with intra-host communication. Can be used for IO only, or for specialised communication. Demand-driven construction. Gathers the SHA1 of host names when determining the connectivity. Internally uses an MPI_Gather of the digests and a MPI_Bcast of the unique host indices. NOTE: does not use MPI_Comm_splt or MPI_Comm_splt_type since these return MPI_COMM_NULL on non-participating process which does not easily fit into the OpenFOAM framework. Additionally, if using the caching version of UPstream::commInterHost() and UPstream::commIntraHost() the topology is determined simultaneously (ie, equivalent or potentially lower communication).
Mark OLESEN authored
- make sizing of commsStruct List demand-driven as well for more robustness, fewer unneeded allocations. - fix potential latent bug with allBelow/allNotBelow for proc 0 (linear communication). ENH: remove unused/unusable UPstream::communicator optional parameter - had constructor option to avoid constructing the MPI backend, but this is not useful and inconsistent with what the reset or destructor expect. STYLE: local use of UPstream::communicator - automatically frees communicator when it leaves scope
Mark OLESEN authored
- these are primarily when encountering sparse (eg, inter-host) communicators. Additional UPstream convenience methods: is_rank(comm) => True if process corresponds to a rank in the communicators. Can be a master rank or a sub-rank. is_parallel(comm) => True if parallel algorithm or exchange is used on the process. same as (parRun() && (nProcs(comm) > 1) && is_rank(comm))
Mark OLESEN authored
COMP: incorrect macro declaration for mpiGather/mpiScatter
Mark OLESEN authored
- for robustness with small edges (which can occur with snappy meshes), the Le() and magLe() are limited to SMALL (commit a0f1e98d). Now use factor sqrt(1/3) in the components to maintain magnitude of 1. ENH: add fvMesh::unitSf() and faMesh::unitLe() methods - simple wrappers around Sf()/magSf() and Le()/magLe() but with the potential for additional/alternative corrections. STYLE: thisDb() in faMesh code to simplify future changes in storage ENH: do not register finite-area geometric fields - consistent with finite-volume treatment
Mark OLESEN authored
- replace the "one-size-fits-all" approach of tensor field inv() with individual 'failsafe' inverts. The inv() field function historically just checked the first entry to detect 2D cases and adjusted/readjusted *all* tensors accordingly (to avoid singularity tensors and/or noisy inversions). This seems to have worked reasonably well with 3D volume meshes, but breaks down for 2D area meshes, which can be axis-aligned differently on different sections of the mesh.
- Apr 13, 2023
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- was primed with toPoint(..) expression call instead of point(...)
Mark OLESEN authored
- Apr 11, 2023
Mark OLESEN authored
- don't need to retain group references globally. Just retrieve parent group reference on-demand and discard immediately afterwards.
Mark OLESEN authored
- with (nPollProcInterfaces < 0) it does the following: - loop, waiting for some requests to finish - for each out-of-date interface, check if its associated requests have now finished (ie, the ready() check). - if ready() -> call updateInterfaceMatrix() In contrast to (nPollProcInterfaces > 0) which loops a specified number of times with several calls to MPI_Test each time, the (nPollProcInterfaces < 0) variant relies on internal MPI looping within MPI_Waitsome to progress communication. The actual dispatch still remains non-deterministic (ie, waiting for some requests to finish does not mean that any particular interface is eligible for update, or in any particular order). However, using Waitsome places the tight looping into the MPI layer, which results in few calls and eliminates behaviour dependent on the value of nPollProcInterfaces. TUT: add polling to windAroundBuildings case (for testing purposes)
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- fewer calls, potentially more consistent ENH: update sendRequest state after recvRequest wait - previously had this type of code: // Treat send as finished when recv is done UPstream::waitRequest(recvRequest_); recvRequest_ = -1; sendRequest_ = -1; Now refined as follows: // Require receive data. Update the send request state. UPstream::waitRequest(recvRequest_); recvRequest_ = -1; if (UPstream::finishedRequest(sendRequest_)) sendRequest_ = -1; Can potentially investigate with requiring both, but this may be over-contrained. Example, // Require receive data, but also wait for sends too UPstream::waitRequestPair(recvRequest_, sendRequest_);
Mark OLESEN authored
- checks requests from completion, returning true when some requests have completed and false when there are no active requests. This allows it to be used in a polling loop to progress MPI and then respond when as requests become satisfied. When using as part of a dispatch loop, waitSomeRequests() is probably more efficient than calling waitAnyRequest() and can help avoid biasing which client requests are serviced. Takes an optional return parameter, to retrieve the indices, but more importantly to avoid inner-loop reallocations. Example, DynamicList<int> indices; while (UPstream::waitSomeRequests(startRequest, &indices)) { // Dispatch something .... } // Reset list of outstanding requests with 'Waitall' for safety UPstream::waitRequests(startRequest); --- If only dealing with single items and an index is required for dispatching, it can be better to use a list of UPstream::Request instead. Example, List<UPstream::Request> requests = ...; label index = -1; while ((index = UPstream::waitAnyRequest(requests)) >= 0) { // Do something at index } ENH: pair-wise wrappers for MPI_Test or MPI_Wait - for send/recv pairs of requests, can bundle both together and use a single MPI_Testsome and MPI_Waitall instead of two individual calls.
- Apr 08, 2023
Mark OLESEN authored
- previously had an additional stack for freedRequests_, which were used to 'remember' locations into the list of outstandingRequests_ that were handled by 'waitRequest()'. This was principally done for sanity checks on shutdown, but we now just test for any outstanding requests that are *not* MPI_REQUEST_NULL instead (much simpler). The framework with freedRequests_ also had a provision to 'recycle' them by popping from that stack, but this is rather fragile since it would only triggered by some collectives (MPI_Iallreduce, MPI_Ialltoall, MPI_Igather, MPI_Iscatter) with no guarantee that these will all be properly removed again. There was also no pruning of extraneous indices. ENH: consolidate internal reset/push of requests - replace duplicate code with inline functions reset_request(), push_request() ENH: null out trailing requests - extra safety (paranoia) for the UPstream::Request versions of finishedRequests(), waitAnyRequest() CONFIG: document nPollProcInterfaces in etc/controlDict - still experimental, but at least make the keyword known
Mark OLESEN authored
- mechanism has been unused for at least a decade or more (or was never used). Message tags are assigned on an ad hoc basis locally when collision avoidance is necessary.
Mark OLESEN authored
- not currently used, but it is possible that communicator allocation modifies the list of sub-ranks. Ensure that the correct size is used when (re)initialising the linear/tree structures. STYLE: adjust MPI test applications - remove some clutter and unneeded grouping. Some ideas for host-only communicators
- Apr 06, 2023
mattijs authored
- feature angle compared to real angle - stop agglomerating if number of marked edges does not change
- Apr 05, 2023
Mark OLESEN authored
- allow reporting even when profiling is suspended - consolidate reporting into profilingPstream itself (avoids code scatter). Example of possible advanced use for timing only one section of code: ==== // Profile local operations profilingPstream::enable(); ... do something // Don't profile elsewhere profilingPstream::suspend(); ====
Mark OLESEN authored
- separate broadcast times from reduce/gather/scatter time - separate wait times from all-to-all time - support invocation counts, split off requests time/count from others to avoid flooding the counts - support 'detail' switch to increase the output information. Format may change in the future
- Apr 04, 2023
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- Apr 03, 2023
Mark OLESEN authored
STYLE: prefer GeometricField::New factory methods
Mark OLESEN authored
- attributes such as assignable(), coupled() etc - common patchField types: calculatedType(), zeroGradientType() etc. This simplifies reference to these types without actually needing a typed patchField version. ENH: add some basic patchField types to fieldTypes namespace - allows more general use of the names ENH: set extrapolated/calculated from patchInternalField directly - avoids intermediate tmp
- Mar 31, 2023
Kutalmış Berçin authored
- Mar 29, 2023
- Mar 23, 2023
Mark OLESEN authored
- avoid dependency on etc/openfoam (location may change)
Mark OLESEN authored
- with the current handling of small edges (finite-area), the LSQ vectors can result in singular/2D tensors. However, the regular 2D handling in field inv() only detects based on the first element. Provide a 'failsafe' inv() method for symmTensor and tensor that follows a similar logic for avoiding zero determinates, but it is applied on a per element basis, instead of deciding based on the first field element. The symmTensor::inv(bool) and tensor::inv(bool) methods have a fairly modest additional overhead. - unroll the field inv() function to avoid creating an intermediate field. Reduce the number of operations when adjusting/re-adjusting the diagonal.
Mark OLESEN authored
- for cases where a 3D tensor is being used to represent 2D content, the determinant is zero. Can use inv2D(excludeDirection) to compensate and invert as if it were only 2D. ENH: consistent definitions for magSqr of symmTensors, diagSqr() norm COMP: return scalar not component type for magSqr - had inconsistent definitions with SymmTensor returning the component type and Tensor returning scalar. Only evident with complex.
Mark OLESEN authored
- had an optimisation to skip attempted reading for zero-sized patches. But this leads to inconsistency in the code branching, thus removing it.
Mark OLESEN authored
- when only a partial stacktrace is desirable. ENH: add stack trace decorators - the 0-th frame is always printStack(), so skip that and emit some headers/footers instead. Eg, [stack trace] ============= #1 Foam::SymmTensor<double> Foam::inv<double>(...) #2 Foam::inv(Foam::UList<Foam::SymmTensor<double>> const&) ... ... =============
Mark OLESEN authored
- data_bytes(), size_bytes() methods to support broadcasting or gather/scatter content. Additional construct from raw bytes to support transmitting content.