- Mar 24, 2022
Andrew Heather authored
- Mar 23, 2022
mattijs authored
- Mar 17, 2022
mattijs authored
Two problems: - flipping inside snappyHexMesh is not done in a parallel consistent way. So e.g. the octree-cached inside/outside information has already been calculated. For now flipping of distributedTriSurfaceMesh is disabled. - octree-cached inside/outside information was using already cached information and would only work for outwards pointing volumes
- Mar 13, 2022
Mark OLESEN authored
- Mar 10, 2022
Mark OLESEN authored
- can now specify sampled sets as dictionary entries instead of a list entry. can now use: sets { ... } instead of: sets ( ... ); This is similar to sampled surfaces and makes it easier to manage with dictionary manipulation tools. TUT: update to use writeTime instead of outputTime
mattijs authored
- Mar 07, 2022
mattijs authored
- Mar 04, 2022
- the internal data are contiguous so can broadcast size and internals directly without an intermediate stream. ENH: split out broadcast time for profilingPstream information STYLE: minor Pstream cleanup - UPstream::commsType_ from protected to private, since it already has inlined noexcept getters/setters that should be used. - don't pass unused/unneed tag into low-level MPI reduction templates. Document where tags are not needed - had Pstream::broadcast instead of UPstream::broadcast in internals
- now largely encapsulated using PstreamBuffers methods, which makes it simpler to centralize and maintain - avoid building intermediate structures when sending data, remove unused methods/data TUT: parallel version of depthCharge2D STYLE: minor update in ProcessorTopology
- Mar 02, 2022
mattijs authored
- Feb 28, 2022
Mark OLESEN authored
- this can be used to apply a uniform field level to remove from a sampled field. For example, fieldLevel { "p.*" 1e5; // Absolute -> gauge [Pa] T 273.15; // [K] -> [C] U #eval{ 10/sqrt(3) }; // Uniform mag(U)=10 } After the fieldLevel has been removed, any fieldScale is applied. For example fieldScale { "p.*" 0.01; // [Pa] -> [mbar] } The fieldLevel for vector and tensor fields may still need some further refinement.
- Feb 18, 2022
Mark OLESEN authored
- generated too much output that also missed topology changes, which prevents proper post-processing
- Feb 10, 2022
Mark OLESEN authored
- when used with *any* alphaField and normalised (the usual case) would largely give a 0-1 corresponding to the min/max of the first component, but could also yield negative values. - if the alpha field corresponds identically to colour field, it is readily possible to combine as into RGBA sequences. However, if the fields are different it potentially means referencing an opacity field that has not yet been sampled. This impedes using the format for a streaming sampler without additional overhead and/or rewriting the alpha channel later.
Mark OLESEN authored
- supports sampling/probing of values to obtain min/max/average/size at execution intervals without writing any output or generating output directories. - 'verbose' option for additional output
mattijs authored
(createPatch now operates on fvMesh)
- Jan 20, 2022
Mark OLESEN authored
- Jan 14, 2022
Andrew Heather authored
- Jan 11, 2022
sergio authored
TUT: hopperEmptying: add an example for KinematicReynoldsNumber DOC: ThermoReynoldsNumber/KinematicReynoldsNumber: correct the usage examples
- Dec 20, 2021
Andrew Heather authored
- Dec 16, 2021
sergio authored
- Dec 15, 2021
The parcel initial velocity can now be set using the new `velocityType` entry, taking one of the following options: - fixedValue : (default) same as earlier versions, requires U0 - patchValue : velocity set to seed patch face value - zeroGradient : velocity set to seed patch face adjacent cell value Example usage: model1 { type patchInjection; massTotal 1; SOI 0; parcelBasisType mass; patch cylinder; duration 10; parcelsPerSecond 100; velocityType patchValue; //velocityType zeroGradient; //U0 (-10 0 0); flowRateProfile constant 1; sizeDistribution { type normal; normalDistribution { expectation 1e-3; variance 1e-4; minValue 1e-5; maxValue 2e-3; } } } See the new $FOAM_TUTORIALS/lagrangian/kinematicParcelFoam/spinningDisk tutorial
The turbulentTemperatureCoupledBaffleMixed boundary condition has been superseded by the turbulentTemperatureRadCoupledMixed condition TUT: injectorPipe: remove an unused entry TUT: waveMakerFlap: remove uncompressed entry
TUT: nonOrthogonalChannel: refactor productionRate computation (fixes #2285)
TUT: floatingObject: add Function1-type accelerationRelaxation example
ENH: discard rhoCentralDyMFoam by merging it with rhoCentralFoam
- Dec 14, 2021
- Dec 13, 2021
TUT: create verificationAndValidation/multiphase directory and migrate StefanProblem into this
mattijs authored
- Dec 10, 2021
mattijs authored
- provides a simple means of defining/modifying fields. For example, ``` <name1> { type exprField; libs (fieldFunctionObjects); field pTotal; expression "p + 0.5*(rho*magSqr(U))"; dimensions [ Pa ]; } ``` It is is also possible to modify an existing field. For example, to modify the previous one. ``` <name2> { type exprField; libs (fieldFunctionObjects); field pTotal; action modify; // Static pressure only in these regions fieldMask #{ (mag(pos()) < 0.05) && (pos().y() > 0) || cellZone(inlet) #}; expression "p"; } ``` To use as a simple post-process calculator, simply avoid storing the result and only generate on write: ``` <name2> { store false; executionControl none; writeControl writeTime; ... } ```
- for debug/tracing handle the following keywords: * debug.driver (was "debugBaseDriver") * debug.scanner (was "debugScanner") * debug.parser (was "debugParser")
- literal lookups only for expression strings - code reduction for setExprFields. - changed keyword "condition" to "fieldMask" (option -field-mask). This is a better description of its purpose and avoids possible naming ambiguities with functionObject triggers (for example) if we apply similar syntax elsewhere. BUG: erroneous check in volumeExpr::parseDriver::isResultType() - not triggered since this method is not used anywhere (may remove in future version)
Andrew Heather authored