- Jun 05, 2019
Andrew Heather authored
Feature single precision See merge request OpenFOAM-plus!234
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
mattijs authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- Apr 12, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- with the changes added in #1256 and corresponding updates to ThirdParty we can stop exporting these variables: WM_CC WM_CFLAGS WM_CXX WM_CXXFLAGS WM_LDFLAGS
- Jun 04, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- options '-n' and '-np' are synonymous, but some mpiexec versions may only recognize '-n' and not '-np'
Mark OLESEN authored
sergio authored
sergio authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- need additional tolerance when comparing time values to those stored in the fieldDict (both less and equal operators)
Andrew Heather authored
ENH: improved handling of regIOobject deletion (#1276) See merge request OpenFOAM-plus!263
Andrew Heather authored
ENH: FO: Lamb vector and its divergence See merge request OpenFOAM-plus!245
kuti authored
- If applied: This commit allows the user to compute: - the Lamb vector (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamb_vector), - on-the-fly or via postProcess utility - for a given volVectorField (one per functionObject entry) - Why: The motivation is the literature-reported quantitative connection between the Lamb vector (divergence) and the spatially localised instantaneous fluid motions, e.g. high- and low-momentum fluid parcels, which possess considerable level of capacity to affect the rate of change of momentum, and to generate forces such as drag. - Verification: - Smooth-wall plane channel flow case (Moser et al. 1999) by # Curtis et al. (2008) On the Lamb vector divergence in Navier–Stokes flows, doi:10.1017/S0022112008002760 - What's next: - The verification-show case - Extended code guide entry titled "Lamb vector"
Mark OLESEN authored
- remove registration and ownership before deleting a regIOobject from within objectRegistry to avoid possible recursion. - regIOobject destructor now removes any registered object from registry regardless if ownedByRegistry or not. It also removes always removes the ownership flag to avoid possible recursion. - the regIOobject::checkOut() now unconditionally clears file watches. These will only be there if the object is registered (a no-op for an unregistered object), but this additional safety is needed to manage case where the registration has been modified elsewhere (eg, by the objectRegistry).
Mark OLESEN authored
Feature complex cleanup See merge request OpenFOAM-plus!264
Mark OLESEN authored
Kutalmış Berçin authored
ENH: define addition/subtraction operations for scalar and complex - required since construct complex from scalar is explicit - additional tests in Test-complex
- Jun 03, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- can additionally relinquish the registered state as well as ownedByRegistry state
- Jun 04, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- when a single (non-regex) source field is specified, it is now possible to specify the result name without any '@@' substitution tokens
- Jun 03, 2019
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- forces c++DBUG='-DFULLDEBUG -g -O0' for the compilation, to allow localized debugging during development without file editing and while retaining the WM_COMPILE_OPTION (eg, Opt) Note that switching between 'wmake' and 'wmake -debug' will not cause existing targets to be rebuilt. As before, these are driven by the dependencies. An intermediate wclean may thus be required.
Mark OLESEN authored
- in case an individual geometry element has render issues in parallel - additional debug information
- May 31, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
- May 23, 2019
Andrew Heather authored
Calculates and outputs the pressure fields p_rgh and ph_rgh based on the option that was previously hard-coded in the fireFoam solver Usage Example of function object specification to calculate hydrostatic pressure: \verbatim hydrostaticPressure1 { type hydrostaticPressure; libs ("libinitialisationFunctionObjects.so"); ... } \endverbatim Where the entries comprise: \table Property | Description | Required | Default value log | Log to standard output | no | yes p_rgh | Name of p_rgh field | no | p_rgh ph_rgh | Name of ph_rgh field | no | ph_rgh pRef | Name of pressure ref field | no | pRef rho | Name of density field | no | rho U | Name of velocity field | no | U gh | Name of gravity*height volume field | no | gh ghf | Name of gravity*height surface field | no | ghf nCorrectors | Number of correctors when solving ph_rgh | no | 5 \endtable Note Calculates the hydrostatic pressure on construction/re-initialisation; the execute and write functions are not used.
- May 30, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- error trapped by C++11 regex
Mark OLESEN authored
- was missing range setting for the colour lookup table
- May 29, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- generalize identity matrix constructors for non-scalar types - add constructors using labelPair for the row/column sizing information. For a SquareMatrix, this provides an unambiguous parameter resolution. - reuse assignment operators STYLE: adjust matrix comments
- May 23, 2019
Kutalmış Berçin authored
Kutalmış Berçin authored
- additional operators: + compound assignment + inner product: operator& + outer product: operator^ - additional functions: - MatrixBlock methods: subColumn, subRow, subMatrix - L2 norms for matrix or column - trace, diag, round, transpose - MatrixBlock methods: col(), block() are deprecated since their access patterns with (size, offset) are unnatural/unwieldy. - verifications by test/Matrix/Test-Matrix
- May 31, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- make parallelProjection default (was previously mandatory)
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored