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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Jul 15, 2019
  2. Jun 27, 2019
  3. Jun 25, 2019
  4. Jun 26, 2019
  5. Jun 25, 2019
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      CONFIG: adjust bin/tools/foamConfigurePaths · 47f37588
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - add a '-SPDP' option
      - remove the '-archOption' for forcing a '-m32' build on 64-bit
        architecture, which is now considered too obscure.
        Must edit files manually if this option is really required.
  6. Jun 17, 2019
  7. Jun 14, 2019
  8. Jun 13, 2019
  9. Jun 10, 2019
  10. Jun 07, 2019
    • Sergio Ferraris's avatar
      INT: Org integration of VOF, Euler phase solvers and models. · 8170f2ad
      Sergio Ferraris authored
      Integration of VOF MULES new interfaces. Update of VOF solvers and all instances
      of MULES in the code.
      Integration of reactingTwoPhaseEuler and reactingMultiphaseEuler solvers and sub-models
      Updating reactingEuler tutorials accordingly (most of them tested)
      New eRefConst thermo used in tutorials. Some modifications at thermo specie level
      affecting mostly eThermo. hThermo mostly unaffected
      New chtMultiRegionTwoPhaseEulerFoam solver for quenching and tutorial.
      Phases sub-models for reactingTwoPhaseEuler and reactingMultiphaseEuler were moved
      to src/phaseSystemModels/reactingEulerFoam in order to be used by BC for
      Update of interCondensatingEvaporatingFoam solver.
  11. Jun 05, 2019
  12. Jun 03, 2019
  13. May 31, 2019
  14. May 06, 2019
  15. May 02, 2019
  16. May 01, 2019
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: ensure that content changes in coded objects are noticed (#1293) · a85c55bb
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - for codedFunctionObject and CodedSource the main code snippets
        were not included in the SHA1 calculation, which meant that many
        changes would not be noticed and no new library would be compiled.
        As a workaround, a dummy 'code' entry could be used solely for the
        purposes of generating a SHA1, but this is easily forgotten.
        We now allow tracking of the dynamicCodeContext for the coded
        objects and append to the SHA1 hasher with specific entries.
        This should solve the previous misbehaviour.
        We additionally add information about the ordering of the code
        sections. Suppose we have a coded function object (all code
        segments are optional) with the following:
            codeExecute "";
            codeWrite   #{ Info<< "Called\n"; #};
        which we subsequently change to this:
            codeExecute #{ Info<< "Called\n"; #};
            codeWrite   "";
        If the code strings are simply concatenated together, the SHA1 hashes
        will be identical. We thus 'salt' with their semantic locations,
        choosing tags that are unlikely to occur within the code strings
      - simplify the coded templates with constexpr for the SHA1sum
      - Correct the CodedSource to use 'codeConstrain' instead of
        'codeSetValue' for consistency with the underlying functions.
  17. Apr 28, 2019
  18. Apr 16, 2019
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      STYLE: formatting in makefiles, config files · 2d7c266d
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - fix typo in makefiles/info that affected wmake -show-compile-c
      - additional safeguard in src/OpenFOAM/Make/options against self-linking.
        This is not normally required unless PROJECT_LIBS has been added into
        the link stage.
  19. Apr 15, 2019
  20. Apr 12, 2019
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      CONFIG: eliminate compiler/linker enviroment variables (#517) · 32fe9406
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - with the changes added in #1256 and corresponding updates to
        ThirdParty we can stop exporting these variables:
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      CONFIG: adjust settings for solaris and darwin · 09cf9d99
      Mark OLESEN authored
        - rename WM_ARCH from SunOS to solaris64 for consistency with wmake/rules
        - drop non-64 solaris from wmake/rules
        - remove automatic selection of FJMPI. This should be done in the bashrc
          or file instead.
        - remove old (likely inaccurate) exported flags, rely on wmake -show-xyz
          or user config instead
        - remove '-Ddarwin' from the exported WM_CFLAGS, WM_CXXFLAGS.
          Not used elsewhere (ThirdParty)
  21. Apr 03, 2019
  22. Apr 01, 2019
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: allow space char in fileName is now configurable (#1008) · 89245fa7
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - having whitespace in fileName can be somewhat fragile since it means
        that the fileName components do not necessarily correspond to a
        'Foam::word'. But in many cases it will work provided that spaces
        are not present in the final portion of the simulation directory
              // Allow space character in fileName (use with caution)
              allowSpaceInFileName    0;
      - now use doClean=true as default for fileName::validate(). Was false.
        Unlike fileName::clean() this requires no internal string rewrite
        since the characters are being copied.  Also handle any path
        separator transformations (ie, backslash => forward slash) at the
        same time. This makes it resemble the std::filesystem a bit more.
  23. Mar 15, 2019
  24. Mar 11, 2019
  25. Mar 26, 2019
  26. Feb 23, 2019
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: new PDRblockMesh mesh generation utility (issue #1216) · 84270ed6
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - While a rectilinear mesh can be created with blockMesh, not every mesh
        created with blockMesh will satisfy the requirements for being a
        rectilinear mesh.
        This alternative to blockMesh uses a single block that is aligned
        with the xy-z directions and specifications of the control points,
        mesh divisions and expansion ratios. For example,
              points  ( -13.28 -0.10 6.0 19.19 );
              nCells  (  10  12 10 );
              ratios  ( 0.2   1  5 );
          y { ... }
          z { ... }
        With only one block, the boundary patch definition is simple and the
        canonical face number is used directly. For example,
              type    patch;
              faces   ( 0 );
              type    patch;
              faces   ( 1 );
              type    patch;
              faces   ( 2 3 );
      - After a mesh is defined, it is trivial to retrieve mesh-related
        information such as cell-volume, cell-centres for any i-j-k location
        without an actual polyMesh.
      STYLE: remove -noFunctionObjects from blockMesh
      - no time loop, so function objects cannot be triggered anyhow.
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
  27. Mar 22, 2019
  28. Feb 15, 2019
  29. Feb 13, 2019
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: extended runTimePostProcessing (#1206) · 42fbf6d3
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - Extended runTimePostProcessing to include access to "live"
        simulation objects such a geometry patches and sampled surfaces
        stored on the "functionObjectObjects" registry.
      - Add 'live' runTimePostProcessing of cloud data.
        Extracts position and fields from the cloud via its objectRegistry writer
      - For the "live" simulation objects, there are two new volume filters
        that work directly with the OpenFOAM volume fields:
            * iso-surface
            * cutting planes
        Both use the VTK algorithms directly and support multiple values.
        Eg, can make multiple iso-levels or multiple planes parallel to each
      - When VTK has been compiled with MPI-support, parallel rendering will
        be used.
      - Additional title text properties (shadow, italic etc)
      - Simplified handling of scalar-bar and visibility switches
      - Support multiple text positions. Eg, for adding watermark text.
  30. Feb 03, 2019
  31. May 21, 2019
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: dictionary checking methods with predicates on the input values · 32916fa8
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - can be used to check the validity of input values.
          dict.getCheck<label>("nIters", greaterOp1<label>(0));
          dict.getCheck<scalar>("relax", scalarMinMax::zero_one());
      - use 'get' prefix for more regular dictionary methods.
        Eg, getOrDefault() as alternative to lookupOrDefault()
      - additional ops for convenient construction of predicates
      ENH: make dictionary writeOptionalEntries integer
      - allow triggering of Fatal if default values are used
      ENH: additional scalarRange static methods: ge0, gt0, zero_one
      - use GREAT instead of VGREAT for internal placeholders
      - additional MinMax static methods: gt, le
    • mattijs's avatar
      ENH: GAMG: supress debug msg · 9cd9d879
      mattijs authored
  32. Jan 28, 2019
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: enable MPI library variants (#1153) · 473e000b
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - in addition to managing different vendors and versions, it may also
        be necessary or desirable to have a particular variant
        (eg, profiling, release, etc).
        Devise a new meaningful name for the variant and create a
        corresponding wmake rule.
        Eg, SYSTEMOPENMPI-profiling with a corresponding
            "wmake/rules/linux64Gcc/mplibSYSTEMOPENMPI-profiling" file
        that has suitable content for your system.
      CONFIG: intel-mpi use intel64/ paths only for config and wmake rules (#1153)
      - previously adjusted the config files, but missed the changes
        required for the wmake rules too.
        Now simply migrate to using  "intel64/{include,bin,lib}"
        instead of the older naming  "{include,bin,lib}64"
        These changes work since at least intel-mpi 2015 (5.x), but possibly
        earlier as well
  33. Jan 17, 2019
  34. Jan 10, 2019
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: make use of FOAM_API for environment as well (issue #1158) · 63d8e7e5
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - was WM_PROJECT_API in the environment and FOAM_API in dictionaries.
        Make these both consistently FOAM_API.
        This is a non-breaking change, since the value of WM_PROJECT_API
        (added in 1812) and/or FOAM_API is purely informative.
        For the current correct values, always use
          * foamEtcFile -show-api
          * wmakeBuildInfo -show-api