- Dec 15, 2017
e.g. odeCoeffs { solver seulex; absTol 1e-12; relTol 0.0001; maxSteps 1e+06; } maxSteps defaults to 10000 for backward compatibility.
- Dec 13, 2017
The absolute value of the the time has been added to the rigid body model state. This value is not directly necessary for calculating the evolution of the rigid body system, it just facilitates the implementation of sub-models which are in some way time-dependent.
- Dec 01, 2017
Mixture molecular weight is now evaluated in heThermo like everything else, relying on the low level specie mixing rules. Units have also been corrected. SpecieMixture: Pure virtual definition for W to prevent Clang warning
- Nov 29, 2017
- Nov 22, 2017
- Nov 16, 2017
to support the evaporation of the solvent from the wax film and the changes in viscosity caused by the reduction in solvent content. BUG: filmViscosityModel::thixotropicViscosity: Corrected sign of impingement rate to compensate for rhoSp having the wrong sign BUG: surfaceFilmModels::waxSolventEvaporation: Corrected handling of impingement ENH: surfaceFilmModels::waxSolventViscosity: Changed mixing to mole-fraction based ENH: surfaceFilmModels::thermoSingleLayer: Added call to solveContinuity before updateSubmodels to allow sub-models to solve transport equations for conserved properties
- Nov 14, 2017
Resolves bug-report https://bugs.openfoam.org/view.php?id=2758
- Nov 09, 2017
Patch contributed by Timo Niemi, VTT. Resolves patch request https://bugs.openfoam.org/view.php?id=2753 STYLE: TDACChemistryModel: Removed unnecessary warning messages Patch contributed by Francesco Contino
- Nov 06, 2017
In the event that matching centroids across a coupled patch pair fails, we fall back to matching the face point average. The latter can be obtained more reliably on degenerate faces as the calculation does not involve division by the face area. This fallback was already implemented as part of processorPolyPatch. This change also applies it to the faceCoupleInfo class used by reconstructParMesh.
- Nov 07, 2017
Patch contributed by Björn Pfeiffelmann Resolves patch request https://bugs.openfoam.org/view.php?id=2713
- Nov 02, 2017
Resolves bug-report https://bugs.openfoam.org/view.php?id=2748
- Oct 31, 2017
- Oct 30, 2017
ENH: compressibleInterPhaseTransportFoam: New variant of compressibleInterFoam supporting separate phase stress models In this version of compressibleInterFoam separate stress models (laminar, non-Newtonian, LES or RAS) are instantiated for each of the two phases allowing for completely different modeling for the phases. e.g. in the climbingRod tutorial case provided a Newtonian laminar model is instantiated for the air and a Maxwell non-Newtonian model is instantiated for the viscoelastic liquid. To stabilize the Maxwell model in regions where the liquid phase-fraction is 0 the new symmTensorPhaseLimitStabilization fvOption is applied. Other phase stress modeling combinations are also possible, e.g. the air may be turbulent but the liquid laminar and an RAS or LES model applied to the air only. However, to stabilize this combination a suitable fvOption would need to be applied to the turbulence properties where the air phase-fraction is 0. Henry G. Weller, Chris Greenshields CFD Direct Ltd.
- Oct 27, 2017
Resolves bug-report https://bugs.openfoam.org/view.php?id=2739
- Oct 26, 2017
Resolves bug-report https://bugs.openfoam.org/view.php?id=2740
- Oct 20, 2017
The restraints generate either joint-local (tau) or global (fx) forces. At the moment they all generate the latter. This change corrects three of the four restraints so that the forces are in the gobal coordinate system and not the local coordinate system of the body. The problem with this is that the forward dynamics code then transforms most of the forces back to the body local coordinate system. A better solution would be to associate restraints which are more sensibly defined in a local frame with the joints instead of the bodies, and return the forces as part of the tau variable.
- Oct 19, 2017
Two boundary conditions for the modelling of semi-permeable baffles have been added. These baffles are permeable to a number of species within the flow, and are impermeable to others. The flux of a given species is calculated as a constant multipled by the drop in mass fraction across the baffle. The species mass-fraction condition requires the transfer constant and the name of the patch on the other side of the baffle: boundaryField { // ... membraneA { type semiPermeableBaffleMassFraction; samplePatch membranePipe; c 0.1; value uniform 0; } membraneB { type semiPermeableBaffleMassFraction; samplePatch membraneSleeve; c 0.1; value uniform 1; } } If the value of c is omitted, or set to zero, then the patch is considered impermeable to the species in question. The samplePatch entry can also be omitted in this case. The velocity condition does not require any special input: boundaryField { // ... membraneA { type semiPermeableBaffleVelocity; value uniform (0 0 0); } membraneB { type semiPermeableBaffleVelocity; value uniform (0 0 0); } } These two boundary conditions must be used in conjunction, and the mass-fraction condition must be applied to all species in the simulation. The calculation will fail with an error message if either is used in isolation. A tutorial, combustion/reactingFoam/RAS/membrane, has been added which demonstrates this transfer process. This work was done with support from Stefan Lipp, at BASF.
- Oct 18, 2017
Patch contributed by Jakub Benda Resolves bug-report https://bugs.openfoam.org/view.php?id=2727
- Oct 17, 2017
which avoids the need for field interpolation and snGrad specification and evaluation. Resolves patch request https://bugs.openfoam.org/view.php?id=2725 wallHeatFlux: Filter out coupled patches Resolves bug-report https://bugs.openfoam.org/view.php?id=2776
- Oct 13, 2017
Resolves bug-report https://bugs.openfoam.org/view.php?id=2709
Resolves bug report https://bugs.openfoam.org/view.php?id=2710
- Oct 12, 2017
- Oct 11, 2017
for consistency with multiphase solvers and compatibility with the generalized TurbulenceModels library.
to support multiphase solvers in which the phases have the same velocity field.
- Oct 09, 2017
To disable face correspondence checking set checkFaceCorrespondence off; in blockMeshDict. This is necessary in the rare cases where adjacent block faces do not need to correspond because they are geometrically collapsed, e.g. to form a pole/axis. Resolves bug-report https://bugs.openfoam.org/view.php?id=2711
Resolves bug-report https://bugs.openfoam.org/view.php?id=2716
- Oct 06, 2017
Added incompressible solver support to the buoyancyForce fvOption
- Sep 15, 2017
ENH: foamyHexMesh: Made default region volume type that of it's parent Foamy surface conformation entries have a "meshableSide" entry which controls which side of the surface is to be meshed. Typically this is set "inside" for boundaries and "both" for baffles. A sub-region's default entry is now taken from it's parent, rather than a specific value (it was "inside"). This is consistent with how other entries are handled. surfaceConformation { locationInMesh (0 0 0); geometryToConformTo { baffle { featureMethod extractFeatures; includedAngle 120; meshableSide both; // <-- per-surface setting regions { disk { meshableSide both; // <-- per-region setting* // *in this example, this entry is not needed, as it // is taken from the per-surface setting above } } } // ... } } ENH: foamyHexMesh: Added (reinstated) baffle patches A patch can now be assigned to a baffle surface. This assignment will take precedence over any face-zones. surfaceConformation { locationInMesh (0 0 0); geometryToConformTo { disk { featureMethod extractFeatures; includedAngle 120; meshableSide both; // <-- baffle patchInfo { type wall; inGroups (walls); } } // ... } } STYLE: foamyHexMesh: Switched off output of all the secondary meshes
- Oct 05, 2017
- Oct 03, 2017
Resolves bug report https://bugs.openfoam.org/view.php?id=2591
- Sep 28, 2017
- Sep 20, 2017
The integration of force and heat transfer onto the particle is facilitated by a run-time-selectable integration scheme. These schemes were written to generate the value at the end of an intregration step and also an average value over the step from which the total transfer was computed. The average value in the Euler scheme was implemented incorrectly, which resulted in the momentum and heat transfer processes being non-conservative. Implementing the average correctly, however, would have inteoduced a number of trancendental functions which would have negated the purpose of the Euler scheme as the cheap and stable option. The schemes have been rewritten to generate changes over the step, rather than the final value. This change is then used to calculate the transfers. Regardless of the scheme, this formulation is guaranteed to be conservative, and the Euler scheme remains computationally inexpensive. This change was made with help from Timo Niemi, VTT This resolves bug report https://bugs.openfoam.org/view.php?id=2666 ENH: integrationSchemes: Further simplification and optimisation Removed templating from integration schemes, improved the name convention, and optimised the utilisation so that the virtual call is only made once per integration in the KinematicParcel and the ThermoParcel. BUG: integrationSchemes: Corrections to coupled/non-coupled force splitting The integration splitting implemented in commit a5806207 has been shown to be incorrect in some cases. A new procedure has been implemented which can correctly split the implicit-explicit integral into a number of pieces, in order to calculate the contribution of each. This is intended for integrating coupled and non-coupled particle momentum and heat transfers. However, currently there is only ever one implicit coefficient used in these transfers (there is no implicit non-coupled contribution). The evaluation has therefore been short-cutted to only do the integration with respect to the coupled contributions. The splitting functionality has been retained in case additional separate implicit coefficients are required in the future. This change was made with help from Timo Niemi, VTT This resolves bug report https://bugs.openfoam.org/view.php?id=2666
- Sep 22, 2017
- Sep 19, 2017
XiEngineFoam is a premixed/partially-premixed combustion engine solver which exclusively uses the Xi flamelet combustion model. engineFoam is a general engine solver for inhomogeneous combustion with or without spray supporting run-time selection of the chemistry-based combustion model.
Standard crank-connecting rod and the new free-piston kinematics motion options are provides, others can easily be added. Contributed by Francesco Contino and Nicolas Bourgeois, BURN Research Group.
- Sep 15, 2017
Patch contributed by Juho Peltola, VTT Resolves bug-report https://bugs.openfoam.org/view.php?id=2699
- Sep 14, 2017