- Apr 28, 2016
Henry Weller authored
provides optional control for solving the pyrolysis region. Patch contributed by Karl Meredith, FMGlobal.
- Apr 23, 2016
Henry Weller authored
Also added the new prghTotalHydrostaticPressure p_rgh BC which uses the hydrostatic pressure field as the reference state for the far-field which provides much more accurate entrainment is large open domains typical of many fire simulations. The hydrostatic field solution is controlled by the optional entries in the fvSolution.PIMPLE dictionary, e.g. hydrostaticInitialization yes; nHydrostaticCorrectors 5; and the solver must also be specified for the hydrostatic p_rgh field ph_rgh e.g. ph_rgh { $p_rgh; } Suitable boundary conditions for ph_rgh cannot always be derived from those for p_rgh and so the ph_rgh is read to provide them. To avoid accuracy issues with IO, restart and post-processing the p_rgh and ph_rgh the option to specify a suitable reference pressure is provided via the optional pRef file in the constant directory, e.g. dimensions [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0]; value 101325; which is used in the relationship between p_rgh and p: p = p_rgh + rho*gh + pRef; Note that if pRef is specified all pressure BC specifications in the p_rgh and ph_rgh files are relative to the reference to avoid round-off errors. For examples of suitable BCs for p_rgh and ph_rgh for a range of fireFoam cases please study the tutorials in tutorials/combustion/fireFoam/les which have all been updated. Henry G. Weller CFD Direct Ltd.
- Feb 13, 2016
Henry Weller authored
The boundary conditions of HbyA are now constrained by the new "constrainHbyA" function which applies the velocity boundary values for patches for which the velocity cannot be modified by assignment and pressure extrapolation is not specified via the new "fixedFluxExtrapolatedPressureFvPatchScalarField". The new function "constrainPressure" sets the pressure gradient appropriately for "fixedFluxPressureFvPatchScalarField" and "fixedFluxExtrapolatedPressureFvPatchScalarField" boundary conditions to ensure the evaluated flux corresponds to the known velocity values at the boundary. The "fixedFluxPressureFvPatchScalarField" boundary condition operates exactly as before, ensuring the correct flux at fixed-flux boundaries by compensating for the body forces (gravity in particular) with the pressure gradient. The new "fixedFluxExtrapolatedPressureFvPatchScalarField" boundary condition may be used for cases with or without body-forces to set the pressure gradient to compensate not only for the body-force but also the extrapolated "HbyA" which provides a second-order boundary condition for pressure. This is useful for a range a problems including impinging flow, extrapolated inlet conditions with body-forces or for highly viscous flows, pressure-induced separation etc. To test this boundary condition at walls in the motorBike tutorial case set lowerWall { type fixedFluxExtrapolatedPressure; } motorBikeGroup { type fixedFluxExtrapolatedPressure; } Currently the new extrapolated pressure boundary condition is supported for all incompressible and sub-sonic compressible solvers except those providing implicit and tensorial porosity support. The approach will be extended to cover these solvers and options in the future. Note: the extrapolated pressure boundary condition is experimental and requires further testing to assess the range of applicability, stability, accuracy etc. Henry G. Weller CFD Direct Ltd.
- Dec 02, 2015
Henry Weller authored
fvOptions are transferred to the database on construction using fv::options::New which returns a reference. The same function can be use for construction and lookup so that fvOptions are now entirely demand-driven. The abstract base-classes for fvOptions now reside in the finiteVolume library simplifying compilation and linkage. The concrete implementations of fvOptions are still in the single monolithic fvOptions library but in the future this will be separated into smaller libraries based on application area which may be linked at run-time in the same manner as functionObjects.
- Dec 01, 2015
Henry Weller authored
See also commit 52d83407
- Jul 19, 2015
Henry Weller authored
- May 29, 2015
Henry authored
fvOptions does not have the appropriate structure to support MRF as it is based on option selection by user-specified fields whereas MRF MUST be applied to all velocity fields in the particular solver. A consequence of the particular design choices in fvOptions made it difficult to support MRF for multiphase and it is easier to support frame-related and field related options separately. Currently the MRF functionality provided supports only rotations but the structure will be generalized to support other frame motions including linear acceleration, SRF rotation and 6DoF which will be run-time selectable.
- Mar 17, 2015
Henry authored
Allows the specification of a reference height, for example the height of the free-surface in a VoF simulation, which reduces the range of p_rgh. hRef is a uniformDimensionedScalarField specified via the constant/hRef file, equivalent to the way in which g is specified, so that it can be looked-up from the database. For example see the constant/hRef file in the DTCHull LTSInterFoam and interDyMFoam cases.
- Feb 10, 2015
Henry authored
- Feb 09, 2015
Henry authored
- Jan 21, 2015
Henry authored
The old separate incompressible and compressible libraries have been removed. Most of the commonly used RANS and LES models have been upgraded to the new framework but there are a few missing which will be added over the next few days, in particular the realizable k-epsilon model. Some of the less common incompressible RANS models have been introduced into the new library instantiated for incompressible flow only. If they prove to be generally useful they can be templated for compressible and multiphase application. The Spalart-Allmaras DDES and IDDES models have been thoroughly debugged, removing serious errors concerning the use of S rather than Omega. The compressible instances of the models have been augmented by a simple backward-compatible eddyDiffusivity model for thermal transport based on alphat and alphaEff. This will be replaced with a separate run-time selectable thermal transport model framework in a few weeks. For simplicity and ease of maintenance and further development the turbulent transport and wall modeling is based on nut/nuEff rather than mut/muEff for compressible models so that all forms of turbulence models can use the same wall-functions and other BCs. All turbulence model selection made in the constant/turbulenceProperties dictionary with RAS and LES as sub-dictionaries rather than in separate files which added huge complexity for multiphase. All tutorials have been updated so study the changes and update your own cases by comparison with similar cases provided. Sorry for the inconvenience in the break in backward-compatibility but this update to the turbulence modeling is an essential step in the future of OpenFOAM to allow more models to be added and maintained for a wider range of cases and physics. Over the next weeks and months more turbulence models will be added of single and multiphase flow, more additional sub-models and further development and testing of existing models. I hope this brings benefits to all OpenFOAM users. Henry G. Weller
- Sep 10, 2013
Henry authored
fixedFluxPressure BC: the snGrad is now pushed into the BC from pEqn.H rather than being evaluated in the BC
- Jan 08, 2013
andy authored
- Dec 10, 2012
andy authored
- Dec 06, 2012
andy authored
- Nov 16, 2012
andy authored
- Sep 23, 2012
Henry authored
- Oct 26, 2011
andy authored
- Sep 07, 2011
Sergio Ferraris authored
- Aug 14, 2011
Henry authored
- Jul 13, 2011
sergio authored
- Jun 06, 2011
sergio authored
- Apr 18, 2011
andy authored
- Apr 14, 2011
andy authored
- Apr 13, 2011
andy authored
- Mar 26, 2011
Henry authored
Automated the caching of "finalIteration".
- Jan 19, 2011
- Jan 14, 2011
Andrew Heather authored
- Jan 07, 2011
graham authored
- Jan 05, 2011
Andrew Heather authored
This reverts commit b18f6cc1.
graham authored
- Jul 27, 2010
graham authored
Exception: applyWallFunctionBoundaryConditions.C cannot split #include directives.
- May 25, 2010
henry authored
Relaxation and solution parameters for the final iteration in PIMPLE loops are now selected according to the value of the "finalIteration" entry in the mesh::data dictionary. rhoPimpleFoam significantly updates and now replaces rhoPisoFoam.
- Mar 29, 2010
Mark Olesen authored
- Feb 10, 2010
henry authored
For non-premixed combustion using sensible enthalpy.
- Jul 08, 2009
henry authored
- Jun 03, 2009
henry authored
New, improved with p rather than pd, PIMPLE rather than PISO and more general handling of the diffusivity.
- May 11, 2009
henry authored
location for the specification is the same as that for the pd level.
- Feb 18, 2009
Mark Olesen authored
- change system/controlDict to use functions {..} instead of functions (..); * This is internally more efficient - fixed formatting of system/controlDict functions entry - pedantic change: use 'return 0' instead of 'return(0)' in the applications, since return is a C/C++ keyword, not a function.
- Feb 17, 2009
Mark Olesen authored
- this (now deprecated) idiom: for (runTime++; !runTime.end(); runTime++) { ... } has a few problems: * stop-on-next-write will be off-by-one (ie, doesn't work) * function objects are not executed on exit with runTime.end() Fixing these problems is not really possible. - this idiom while (runTime.run()) { runTime++; ... } works without the above problems.