- Feb 23, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- While a rectilinear mesh can be created with blockMesh, not every mesh created with blockMesh will satisfy the requirements for being a rectilinear mesh. This alternative to blockMesh uses a single block that is aligned with the xy-z directions and specifications of the control points, mesh divisions and expansion ratios. For example, x { points ( -13.28 -0.10 6.0 19.19 ); nCells ( 10 12 10 ); ratios ( 0.2 1 5 ); } y { ... } z { ... } With only one block, the boundary patch definition is simple and the canonical face number is used directly. For example, inlet { type patch; faces ( 0 ); } outlet { type patch; faces ( 1 ); } sides { type patch; faces ( 2 3 ); } ... - After a mesh is defined, it is trivial to retrieve mesh-related information such as cell-volume, cell-centres for any i-j-k location without an actual polyMesh. STYLE: remove -noFunctionObjects from blockMesh - no time loop, so function objects cannot be triggered anyhow.
- Feb 24, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- Feb 23, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- Feb 22, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- can be useful for 2D mesh dimensioning or possibly for matrices
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- PtrList::release() method. Similar to autoPtr and unique_ptr and clearer in purpose than using set(i,nullptr) - Construct from List of pointers, taking ownership. Useful when upgrading code. Eg, List<polyPatch*> oldList = ...; PtrList<polyPatch> newList(oldList); ... BUG: incorrect resizing method names (PtrDynList) in previously unused code
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- this functionality was originally added to allow sampling of volume fields onto a surface in order to perform calculations on them. However, the sampling framework essentially mirrored the sampledSurface, but was less complete. It is now possible to store sampled surfaces on a registry and do calculation with their fields. This is the preferred method, and thus removing the surfMeshSample duplicate code.
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- previously wrapped raw points/faces with a meshedSurfRef on input, but now handle the raw -> meshedSurf logic directly within surfaceWriter to avoid holding references to temporaries Since the updated meshedSurfRef is now modifiable, it can be used directly as a redirection mechanism within surfaceWriter. - add explicit close() in destructor
Mark OLESEN authored
- construct null, clear() and reset() methods
Mark OLESEN authored
- removes a layer of opacity and may help with future restructuring
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- add output verbosity in debug mode
- Feb 20, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- sorted field names for consistency, remove some local variables
- Feb 21, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- A negative expansion ratio is geometrically invalid and will normally cause issues (FatalError). However, we can trap this type of input and interpret it as the inverse expansion ratio - ie, the expansion ratio in the opposite direction. This can be especially convenient when generating a blockMesh with a symmetrical expansion. It permits using the same expansion ratio (with a sign change) instead of providing the reciprocal values manually. COMP: revert demand-driven point creation in blockMesh (db9b35b5) - appears to have caused a dangling reference on some systems ENH: add a lightweight ijkAddressing class - it can be used for an i-j-k to linear lookup of meshes or fields, where applicable.
sergio authored
and reading dpdt in one basicThermo constructor
- Feb 20, 2019
Andrew Heather authored
Feature postpro See merge request OpenFOAM-plus!236
- Feb 17, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- avoid potential ambiguities in naming of mesh faces/edges vs. block faces/edges - additional methods characterizing the number of faces (internal, boundary, total) associated with a blockDescriptor - cellLabel() accessor and checkIndex() methods - restore demand-driven behaviour of block, cache the calculated cells and refactor generation of block boundary faces to improve potential reuse.
Mark OLESEN authored
- can be useful for diagnosing mesh internals and the locations of decomposed cells.
- Feb 16, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- already available from the FixedList inheritance, but provide explicitly in edge to allow future adjustment of the inheritance (#1205)
Mark OLESEN authored
- construct from MinMax, optional start index for identity factory method to match Foam::identity() - use GREAT instead of VGREAT in inverted scalarRange. Consistent with boundBox - to reduce the potential of overflow if calculating the span. - add min()/max() methods to labelRange
- Feb 18, 2019
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
- Feb 15, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- seems to have slipped into an earlier commit
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- adapted from the 'foamGet' utility authored by Chris Greenshields
Mark OLESEN authored
- Feb 13, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- Extended runTimePostProcessing to include access to "live" simulation objects such a geometry patches and sampled surfaces stored on the "functionObjectObjects" registry. - Add 'live' runTimePostProcessing of cloud data. Extracts position and fields from the cloud via its objectRegistry writer - For the "live" simulation objects, there are two new volume filters that work directly with the OpenFOAM volume fields: * iso-surface * cutting planes Both use the VTK algorithms directly and support multiple values. Eg, can make multiple iso-levels or multiple planes parallel to each other. - When VTK has been compiled with MPI-support, parallel rendering will be used. - Additional title text properties (shadow, italic etc) - Simplified handling of scalar-bar and visibility switches - Support multiple text positions. Eg, for adding watermark text.
- Feb 12, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- fits better into the general sampling framework, improves flexibilty and allows code reduction. ENH: include surface fields on sampledSurfaces that support it
- Feb 07, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- The writers have changed from being a generic state-less set of routines to more properly conforming to the normal notion of a writer. These changes allow us to combine output fields (eg, in a single VTK/vtp file for each timestep). Parallel data reduction and any associated bookkeeping is now part of the surface writers. This improves their re-usability and avoids unnecessary and premature data reduction at the sampling stage. It is now possible to have different output formats on a per-surface basis. - A new feature of the surface sampling is the ability to "store" the sampled surfaces and fields onto a registry for reuse by other function objects. Additionally, the "store" can be triggered at the execution phase as well
- Jan 23, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- This simple container provides a means of storing faces/points (ie, surfaces) with registered dimensioned fields. The main registry is used to hold face-based data, a secondary sub-registry is used to hold point-based data. This allows the same name for CellData and PointData fields without name collisions.
- Jan 07, 2019
Mark OLESEN authored
- reduced clutter when iterating over containers
Mark OLESEN authored
- reduced clutter when iterating over containers
Mark OLESEN authored
- reduced clutter when iterating over containers
Mark OLESEN authored
- reduced clutter when iterating over containers
Mark OLESEN authored
- reduced clutter when iterating over containers