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  1. Feb 18, 2020
    • Kutalmış Berçin's avatar
      ENH: improve stability in polynomialEqns · 8ca724ff
      Kutalmış Berçin authored and Andrew Heather's avatar Andrew Heather committed
        - replaces floating-point equal comparisons in
          `linearEqn`, `quadraticEqn`, and `cubicEqn`,
        - ensures `quadraticEqn` and `cubicEqn` can return `complex` roots,
        - reorders if-branches in `quadraticEqn` and `cubicEqn` to avoid
          zero-equal comparison,
        - adds Kahan's cancellation-avoiding algorithm into `quadraticEqn` and
          `cubicEqn` for the numerically-sensitive discriminant computation,
        - adds/improves `polynomialEqns` tests:
          * adds Test-linearEqn.C
          * adds Test-quadraticEqn.C
          * improves Test-cubicEqn.C
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: overhaul ensight handling (#1579) · a9762812
      Mark OLESEN authored and Andrew Heather's avatar Andrew Heather committed
      - includes restructuring and simplification of low-level ensight part
        handling and refactor of backends to improve code reuse.
        * new cellZone support.
          This was previously only possible via a separate foamToEnsightParts
          utility that was not parallelized.
        * support for point fields.
        * `-nearCellValue` option (as per foamToVTK)
        * data indexing now uses values from the time index.
          This is consistent with the ensightWrite function object and
          can help with restarts.
        * existing ensight directories are removed, unless the -no-overwrite
          option is supplied
        * now redundant and removed.
      ensightOutputSurface (new class)
        * a lightweight wrapper for point/face references that is tailored
          for the ensightSurfaceWriter. It uses compact face/point information
          and is serial only, since this is the format requirements from the
          surfaceWriter class.
      ensightMesh (revised class)
        * now only holds a polyMesh reference, which removes its dependency
          on finiteVolume and allows it to be relocated under fileFormats
          instead of conversion.
      Removed classes: ensightParts, ensighPartFaces, ensightPartCells
      - these were used by foamToEnsightParts, but not needed anymore.
  2. Feb 12, 2020
  3. Feb 06, 2020
  4. Jan 31, 2020
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: added IndirectSubList · 822d052e
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - provides an indirect access to a sub-section of a list that is
        somewhat less efficient than a Foam::SubList, but supports the
          * adjustment of its addressing range after construction
          * recovery of the original, underlying list at any time
        This can be more convenient for some coding cases.
        For example,
            template<class Addr>
            void renumberFaces(IndirectListBase<face, Addr>& faces, ...);
        which can be called for
            * Specific faces:
              UIndirectList<face>(mesh.faces(), facesToChange)
            * A sub-range of faces:
              IndirectSubList<face>(mesh.faces(), pp.range())
            * All faces:
      CONFIG: added IndirectListsFwd.H with some common forwarding
  5. Jan 29, 2020
  6. Jan 28, 2020
  7. Jan 23, 2020
  8. Jan 21, 2020
  9. Jan 16, 2020
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: provide defaultName() static method for patches, zones · f0be8679
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - consistent way of writing "patch" + Foam::name(id) etc.
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: consistency improvements for surface patch handling (fixes #483) · 2a98c4e6
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - remove (unused) Istream constructors, prune some unused methods,
        rationalize write() vs writeDict().
        Deprecate inconsistent construction order.
      - handle empty names for ".ftr" surface patches (for plain triSurface
        format) with double-quoted strings for more reliable streaming.
        Written on a single line.
        This is _backward_ compatible, but if users have been parsing these
        files manually, they will need to adjust their code.
      Updated (with example handling of empty name):
        frt-fairing:001%1 empty
        windshield:002%2 ""
  10. Jan 22, 2020
  11. Jan 16, 2020
  12. Jan 06, 2020
  13. Jan 03, 2020
  14. Dec 23, 2019
  15. Dec 19, 2019
  16. Dec 18, 2019
  17. Dec 17, 2019
    • sergio's avatar
      INT: org integration · 6e8f0dbe
      sergio authored and Andrew Heather's avatar Andrew Heather committed
      1) rPolynomial Eq of State
      2) externalForce and softWall in rigidBodyDynamics
      INT: Several minor bug fixes plus
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: use exprString expansions for #eval · 1cf795a4
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - follows the principle of least surprise if the expansion behaviour
        for #eval and expressions (eg, exprFixedValue) are the same.  This
        is possible now that we harness the regular stringOps::expand()
        within exprString::expand()
  18. Dec 16, 2019
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: PDRsetFields utility (#1216) · a60fe9c7
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - the PDRsetFields utility processes a set of geometrical obstructions
        to determine the equivalent blockage effects.
        These fields are necessary inputs for PDRFoam calculations.
        After setting up the geometries, the -dry-run option can be used to
        generate a VTK file for diagnosis and post-processing purposes.
      - this is an initial release, with improvements slated for the future.
        - the field results may be less than fully reliable when run in
          single-precision. This howver does not represent a realistic
          restriction since the prepared fields target a combustion
          application which will invariably be double-precision.
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      COMP: compilation of Test-QRMatrix (clang, int64) · 1a16207e
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - remove unused local functions from volumeExprDriver
  19. Dec 14, 2019
  20. Dec 13, 2019
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: improve expression string expansions · 33e0c4ba
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - reuse more of stringOps expansions to reduce code and improve the
        syntax flexiblity.
        We can now embed "pre-calculated" values into an expression.
        For example,
             angle       35;
             valueExpr   "vector(${{cos(degToRad($angle))}}, 2, 3)";
        and the ${{..}} will be evaluated with the regular string evaluation
        and used to build the entire expression for boundary condition
        Could also use for fairly wild indirect referencing:
             axis1   (1 0 0);
             axis2   (0 1 0);
             axis3   (0 0 1);
             index   100;
             expr   "$[(vector) axis${{ ($index % 3) +1 }}] / ${{max(1,$index)}}";
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      STYLE: header format · 7aa2bf83
      Mark OLESEN authored
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: stringOps::findTrim helper · 17d9969a
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - finds beg/end indices of string trimmed of leading/trailing whitespace
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      string trim · 677e3142
      Mark OLESEN authored
  21. Dec 12, 2019
    • Vaggelis Papoutsis's avatar
      ENH: New adjont shape optimisation functionality · b8632543
      Vaggelis Papoutsis authored
      The adjoint library is enhanced with new functionality enabling
      automated shape optimisation loops.  A parameterisation scheme based on
      volumetric B-Splines is introduced, the control points of which act as
      the design variables in the optimisation loop [1, 2].  The control
      points of the volumetric B-Splines boxes can be defined in either
      Cartesian or cylindrical coordinates.
      The entire loop (solution of the flow and adjoint equations, computation
      of sensitivity derivatives, update of the design variables and mesh) is
      run within adjointOptimisationFoam. A number of methods to update the
      design variables are implemented, including popular Quasi-Newton methods
      like BFGS and methods capable of handling constraints like loop using
      the SQP or constraint projection.
      The software was developed by PCOpt/NTUA and FOSS GP, with contributions from
      Dr. Evangelos Papoutsis-Kiachagias,
      Konstantinos Gkaragounis,
      Professor Kyriakos Giannakoglou,
      Andy Heather
      [1] E.M. Papoutsis-Kiachagias, N. Magoulas, J. Mueller, C. Othmer,
      K.C.  Giannakoglou: 'Noise Reduction in Car Aerodynamics using a
      Surrogate Objective Function and the Continuous  Adjoint Method with
      Wall Functions', Computers & Fluids, 122:223-232, 2015
      [2] E. M. Papoutsis-Kiachagias, V. G. Asouti, K. C. Giannakoglou,
      K.  Gkagkas, S. Shimokawa, E. Itakura: ‘Multi-point aerodynamic shape
      optimization of cars based on continuous adjoint’, Structural and
      Multidisciplinary Optimization, 59(2):675–694, 2019
    • Kutalmış Berçin's avatar
      BUG: fix QRMatrix (#1261, #1240) · af0e454c
      Kutalmış Berçin authored
          QRMatrix (i.e. QR decomposition, QR factorisation or orthogonal-triangular
          decomposition) decomposes a scalar/complex matrix \c A into the following
          matrix product:
              A = Q*R,
           \c Q is a unitary similarity matrix,
           \c R is an upper triangular matrix.
          Input types:
           - \c A can be a \c SquareMatrix<Type> or \c RectangularMatrix<Type>
          Output types:
           - \c Q is always of the type of the matrix \c A
           - \c R is always of the type of the matrix \c A
          Options for the output forms of \c QRMatrix (for an (m-by-n) input matrix
          \c A with k = min(m, n)):
           - outputTypes::FULL_R:     computes only \c R                   (m-by-n)
           - outputTypes::FULL_QR:    computes both \c R and \c Q          (m-by-m)
           - outputTypes::REDUCED_R:  computes only reduced \c R           (k-by-n)
          Options where to store \c R:
           - storeMethods::IN_PLACE:        replaces input matrix content with \c R
           - storeMethods::OUT_OF_PLACE:    creates new object of \c R
          Options for the computation of column pivoting:
           - colPivoting::FALSE:            switches off column pivoting
           - colPivoting::TRUE:             switches on column pivoting
          Direct solution of linear systems A x = b is possible by solve() alongside
          the following limitations:
           - \c A         = a scalar square matrix
           - output type  = outputTypes::FULL_QR
           - store method = storeMethods::IN_PLACE
          - QR decomposition is not unique if \c R is not positive diagonal \c R.
          - The option combination:
            - outputTypes::REDUCED_R
            - storeMethods::IN_PLACE
            will not modify the rows of input matrix \c A after its nth row.
          - Both FULL_R and REDUCED_R QR decompositions execute the same number of
            operations. Yet REDUCED_R QR decomposition returns only the first n rows
            of \c R if m > n for an input m-by-n matrix \c A.
          - For m <= n, FULL_R and REDUCED_R will produce the same matrices
    • Kutalmış Berçin's avatar
      ENH: add new funcs into `SquareMatrix` · 64614cfc
      Kutalmış Berçin authored
          - query func `symmetric()`
          - query func `tridiagonal()`
          - `resize()`
          - `labelpair` identity constructor
          STYLE: add `#if(0 | RUNALL)` to improve test control in Test-Matrix
  22. Dec 11, 2019
    • Andrew Heather's avatar
      ENH: add selectable update control/interval to pimpleFoam, rhoPimpleFoam · 87bba9ae
      Andrew Heather authored and Mark OLESEN's avatar Mark OLESEN committed
      - Allows user-defined control of when the mesh motion occurs,
        which can be especially useful in situations where the mesh motion
        is much slower than any of the fluid physics.
        For example, in constant/dynamicMeshDict:
            updateControl   runTime;
            updateInterval  0.5;
        to have mesh motion triggered every 1/2 second.
        Note that the _exact_ time that the mesh motion actually occurs may
        be slightly differently since the "runTime" triggering is fuzzy in
        nature. It will trigger when the threshold has been crossed, which
        will depend on the current time-step size.