- Dec 13, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- now use findEtcEntry() instead to handle file or directory. Added findEtcEntries(), which provides provides a common code basis for findEtcDirs(), findEtcFiles() ...
Mark OLESEN authored
- this simplifies use of a unified test for directory or file. fileName::Type what = myfile.type(true, true); if (what == FILE) ... if (what == DIRECTORY) ... - Use distinct bit values for fileName::Type, for possible use in the future. - related to issue #1121, since we need a more flexible way of expanding file or directory. An alternative would be to add checkGzip to Foam::exists() and Foam::type() functions, but that would make the code there more confusing and in the fileHandler classes.
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- for some special cases we wish to mark command-line arguments as being optional, in order to do our own treatment. For example, when an arbitrary number of arguments should be allowed. Now tag this situation with argList::noMandatoryArgs(). The argList::argsMandatory() query can then be used in any further logic, including the standard default argument checking. - with the new default check, can consolidate the special-purpose "setRootCaseNonMandatoryArgs.H" into the regular "setRootCase.H" - revert to a simple "setRootCase.H" and move all the listing related bits to a "setRootCaseLists.H" file. This leaves the information available for solvers, or whoever else wishes, without being introduced everywhere. - add include guards and scoping to the listing files and rename to something less generic. listOptions.H -> setRootCaseListOptions.H listOutput.H -> setRootCaseListOutput.H
- Dec 12, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- Now also responds to the contents of the trigger file, processing action= contents similar to used with external coupling. Previously it only handled an action that was defined in the dictionary. With this update, the user can chose a diferent action simply by echoing the appropriate action string into the trigger file.
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- similar to the foamEtcFile script -mode=... option, the specific search location (user/group/other) can now also specified for string expansions and as a numerical value for etcFile() For example, if searching for group or other (project) controlDict, but not wishing to see the user controlDict: 1. foamEtcFile -mode=go controlDict 2. fileName dictFile("<etc:go>/controlDict"); dictFile.expand(); 3. etcFile(controlDict, false, 0077); The default behaviour for searching all contexts is unchanged. 1. foamEtcFile controlDict 2. fileName dictFile("<etc>/controlDict"); dictFile.expand(); 3. etcFile(controlDict);
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- also replaced a few instances of readIfPresent with opt<> for constant values.
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- restrict to text between "^[Oo]ptions:" and "-help-full" to avoid potential issues when more text is introduced in the usage output.
Mark OLESEN authored
- for referencing the etc locations, or reporting the current API value.
- Dec 11, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- the local third-party headers are to be searched before any MPI include directories. This stops the situation where an mpi-specific version of ptscotch.h is installed into the MPI directories. This "system" version may well have a different SCOTCH_Num size (32 bit vs 64 bit) from the third-party library etc.
sergio authored
sergio authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- Dec 10, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
sergio authored
sergio authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- can occur if MPI has be initialized for communication but OpenFOAM itself is operating in serial mode and thus did not attach any MPI buffers.
Mark OLESEN authored
- regression was introduced by 628b2445
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- change previous default (convert all faceZones unless -noFaceZones specified) with the default behaviour to only convert face zones on request. - uses the '-faceZones' option as per foamToEnsight
Mark OLESEN authored
- this allows it to work like readListIfPresent() but with a list as the return value, which can be useful for a const context.
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Johan Roenby authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- allows inclusion of the cyclicACMIPolyPatch mask in the same file
Mark OLESEN authored
- the result of lsof, which is used in the etc/cshrc to locate the installation, may contain trailing information about host and mount point. There is also a moderate concern with people sourcing the file indirectly with their own version in the same directory. For example, a 'etc/cshrc-site' that actually sources 'etc/cshrc'. This leads to multiple matches in the lsof output, so we only take the first one, stop there and hope they didn't do something even trickier.
Mark OLESEN authored
- now needs local 'set' instead of 'setenv' - fixed inconsistency in edit of ParaView_VERSION for csh version
Mark OLESEN authored
- Dec 09, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- report api, patch as well as the number of entries in the FOAM_APPBIN, FOAM_LIBBIN for a quick visual sanity check