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  1. Dec 09, 2018
  2. Dec 03, 2018
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      CONFIG: adjustments to environment · b8c257d6
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - provide default WM_DIR if not already set, to improve robustness if a
        reduced environment is used
      - add etc/ to WM_PROJECT_SITE search. This makes the site directory
        structure consistent with the OpenFOAM structure.
      - Don't set/export WM_OSTYPE.  The default is POSIX and is properly
        defaulted throughout, including in CMakeLists-OpenFOAM.txt (also for
  3. Nov 22, 2018
  4. Nov 21, 2018
  5. Nov 06, 2018
  6. Dec 18, 2017
  7. Dec 13, 2017
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      CONFIG: add additional modules/ directory and Module namespace · ffc1c5ac
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - any code placed here should provide Allwmake and Allwclean scripts
        and normally have compilation targets into FOAM_APPBIN, FOAM_LIBBIN
        Since there is no standardize places for sources or applications,
        a simultaneous build of a module's doxygen documentation requires
        a minor bit of manual effort. Add (via symlink) the sources into
        the modules/doc/ directory to have them included in the normal
        OpenFOAM doxygen documentation generation.
        A makelink.example file is provided there as an example.
  8. Apr 24, 2018
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: improve handling of ThirdParty packages · b4d38ab4
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - generalize some of the library extensions (.so vs .dylib).
        Provide as wmake 'sysFunctions'
      - added note about unsupported/incomplete system support
      - centralize detection of ThirdParty packages into wmake/ subdirectory
        by providing a series of scripts in the spirit of GNU autoconfig.
        For example,
            have_boost, have_readline, have_scotch, ...
        Each of the `have_<package>` scripts will generally provide the
        following type of functions:
            have_<package>          # detection
            no_<package>            # reset
            echo_<package>          # echoing
        and the following type of variables:
            HAVE_<package>          # unset or 'true'
            <package>_ARCH_PATH     # root for <package>
            <package>_INC_DIR       # include directory for <package>
            <package>_LIB_DIR       # library directory for <package>
        This simplifies the calling scripts:
            if have_metis
                wmake metisDecomp
        As well as reducing clutter in the corresponding Make/options:
            EXE_INC = \
                -I$(METIS_INC_DIR) \
            LIB_LIBS = \
                -L$(METIS_LIB_DIR) -lmetis
        Any additional modifications (platform-specific or for an external build
        system) can now be made centrally.
  9. Apr 04, 2017
    • Mark Olesen's avatar
      ENH: reduce reliance on FOAM_EXT_LIBBIN during builds · dd78e042
      Mark Olesen authored
      - just check WM_PROJECT_DIR instead.
      - provide a fallback value when FOAM_EXT_LIBBIN might actually be needed.
      Only strictly need FOAM_EXT_LIBBIN for scotch/metis decomposition, and
      when these are actually supplied by ThirdParty.
      All other ThirdParty dependencies are referenced by BOOST_ARCH_PATH etc.
      Can therefore drop the FOAM_EXT_LIBBIN dependency for VTK-related
      things, which do not use scotch/metis anyhow.
  10. Mar 29, 2017
  11. Mar 10, 2017
  12. Feb 06, 2017
  13. Jan 28, 2017
  14. Dec 23, 2016
  15. Dec 22, 2016
    • Mark Olesen's avatar
      COMP: update lnInclude directories when building (issue #364) · 608bb5d8
      Mark Olesen authored
      - Could be related to interrupted builds.
        So if there are any parts of the build that rely on an explicit
        'wmakeLnInclude', make sure that the contents are properly updated.
      ENH: improved feedback from top-level Allwmake
      - Report which section (libraries, applications) is being built.
      - Provide final summary of date, version, etc, which can be helpful
        for later diagnosis or record keeping.
      - The -log=XXX option for Allwmake now accepts a directory name
        and automatically appends an appropriate log name.
            ./Allwmake -log=logs/  ->> logs/log.linux64GccDPInt32Opt
        The default name is built from the value of WM_OPTIONS.
      BUG: shell not exiting properly in combination with -log option
      - the use of 'tee' causes the shell to hang around.
        Added an explicit exit to catch this.
      - Detecting the '-k' (-non-stop) option at the top-level Allwmake, which
        may improve robustness.
      - Explicit continue-on-error for foamyMesh (as optional component)
      - unify format of script messages for better readability
      COMP: reduce warnings when building Pstream (old-style casts in openmpi)
  16. Jul 04, 2016
  17. Jun 24, 2016
  18. Feb 15, 2016
  19. Oct 26, 2015
  20. Dec 14, 2014
  21. Jun 04, 2013
  22. Dec 30, 2010
  23. Jul 02, 2010
  24. Jun 22, 2010
  25. Aug 07, 2009
  26. Jul 31, 2009
  27. Jul 30, 2009
  28. Jul 29, 2009
  29. Jul 27, 2009
  30. Jul 24, 2009
  31. Nov 05, 2008
  32. Aug 09, 2008
  33. Jun 15, 2008
    • Mark Olesen's avatar
      minor changes to Allwmake script(s) · 3bbd01eb
      Mark Olesen authored
        * use $WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR variable in top-level Allwmake
        * test new shell idiom for Allwmake files:
              # run from this directory only
              cd ${0%/*} || exit 1
          this might be especially useful when building optional components
  34. Jun 05, 2008
  35. Jun 03, 2008