- Dec 13, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- now use findEtcEntry() instead to handle file or directory. Added findEtcEntries(), which provides provides a common code basis for findEtcDirs(), findEtcFiles() ...
- Dec 12, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- restrict to text between "^[Oo]ptions:" and "-help-full" to avoid potential issues when more text is introduced in the usage output.
- Dec 10, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- now needs local 'set' instead of 'setenv' - fixed inconsistency in edit of ParaView_VERSION for csh version
- Dec 05, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- now consider options '-hostRoots', '-roots' to be advanced options that don't need to be in the cache
- Dec 04, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- The usage claimed '-output=', but was using '--output=' for the output file. Rectify to use single dash as documented.
- Dec 03, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- provide default WM_DIR if not already set, to improve robustness if a reduced environment is used - add etc/ to WM_PROJECT_SITE search. This makes the site directory structure consistent with the OpenFOAM structure. Eg, WM_PROJECT_SITE/etc/.. WM_PROJECT_SITE/bin/.. WM_PROJECT_SITE/platforms/.. - Don't set/export WM_OSTYPE. The default is POSIX and is properly defaulted throughout, including in CMakeLists-OpenFOAM.txt (also for Catalyst)
- Dec 02, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- Use the OPENFOAM define (eg, 1806, 1812), which normally corresponds to a major release, to define an API level. This remains consistent within a release cycle and means that it is possible to manage several sub-versions and continue to have a consistent lookup. The current API value is updated automatically during the build and cached as meta data for later use, even when the wmake/ directory is missing or OpenFOAM has not yet be initialized. The version information reported on program start or with -help usage adjusted to reflect this. The build tag from git now also carries the date as being more meaningful to trace than a hash value. - Update etc/bashrc and etc/cshrc to obtain the project directory directly instead of via its prefix directory. The value obtained corresponds to an absolute path, from which the prefix directory can be obtained. The combination of these changes removes the reliance on any particular directory naming convention. For example, With an 1812 version (API level): WM_PROJECT_VERSION=myVersion installed as /some/path/somewhere/openfoam-mySandbox This makes the -prefix, -foamInstall, -projectVersion, -version values of foamEtcFiles, and similar entries for foamConfigurePaths superfluous. WM_PROJECT_INST_DIR is no longer required or used ENH: improve handling and discovery of ThirdParty - improve the flexibility and reusability of ThirdParty packs to cover various standard use cases: 1. Unpacking initial release tar files with two parallel directories - OpenFOAM-v1812/ - ThirdParty-v1812/ 2. With an adjusted OpenFOAM directory name, for whatever reason - OpenFOAM-v1812-myCustom/ - openfoam-1812-other-info/ 3. Operating with/without ThirdParty directory To handle these use cases, the following discovery is used. Note PROJECT = the OpenFOAM directory `$WM_PROJECT_DIR` PREFIX = the parent directory VERSION = `$WM_PROJECT_VERSION` API = `$WM_PROJECT_API`, as per `foamEtcFiles -show-api` 0. PROJECT/ThirdParty - for single-directory installations 1. PREFIX/ThirdParty-VERSION - this corresponds to the traditional approach 2. PREFIX/ThirdParty-vAPI - allows for an updated value of VERSION (eg, v1812-myCustom) without requiring a renamed ThirdParty. The API value would still be '1812' and the original ThirdParty-v1812/ would be found. 3. PREFIX/ThirdParty-API - this is the same as the previous example, but using an unadorned API value. This also makes sense if the chosen version name also uses the unadorned API value in its naming (eg, 1812-patch190131, 1812.19W03) 4. PREFIX/ThirdParty-common - permits maximum reuse for various versions, but only for experienced user who are aware of potential version incompatibilities Directory existence is checked as is the presence of an Allwmake file or a platforms/ directory. This reduces the potential of false positive matches and limits the selection to directories that are either with sources (has the Allwmake file), or pre-compiled binaries (has the platforms/ directory). If none of the explored directories are found to be suitable, it reverts to using a PROJECT/ThirdParty dummy location since this is within the project source tree and can be trusted to have no negative side-effects. ENH: add csh support to foamConfigurePaths - this removes the previously experienced inconsistence in config file contents. REMOVED: foamExec - was previously used when switching versions and before the bashrc/cshrc discovery logic was added. It is now obsolete.
- Nov 30, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- check if the first argument corresponds to an OpenFOAM value for 'true' (as per Switch). True == 't', 'y', 'true', 'yes', 'on'. Everything else is not true. - when the first argument is '-dict', it initializes the value with a query via foamDictionary. Eg, isTrue -dict mydict -entry parallel ==> value=$(foamDictionary mydict -entry parallel -value) isTrue $value a missing entry is silently treated as false. ENH: add getNumberOfPatchFaces function in RunFunctions - simple extraction of nFaces from boundary file for given patch/region
- Nov 29, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- was PREFIX/site, now PROJECT/site This avoids several issues when installing OpenFOAM in clusters without an intermediate OpenFOAM-specific installation prefix. The 'site' directory may have a reserved meaning in these situations and it is undesirable to 'leak' upwards into the parent directory to look for configuration files. Placing the default within the project directory avoids this. Alternative locations can be given via the WM_PROJECT_SITE variable.
Mark OLESEN authored
- removed reliance on ParaView_INCLUDE_DIR variable for conveying the major.minor version information when compiling. This can be somewhat fragile and also adds variable that is an unnecessary when running (only used when compiling). Instead use `have_pvplugin_support` function in paraviewFunctions wmake script to determine the maj.min from the PV_PLUGIN_PATH since we have already defined the output path there with paraview maj.min numbering. Can now build with paraview from the operating system, provided that it has develop headers available. ParaView_VERSION=system In the etc/config.sh/paraview setup, the maj.min is taken from the corresponding `paraview --version` output and used when defining the PV_PLUGIN_PATH. During the build, the include path taken from `paraview-config` for a system installation, from the guess installation root of the paraview binary, or ParaView_DIR otherwise. NB: using a system ParaView for building runTimePostProcessing is unsupported. - these types of builds appear to have various library resolution issues (eg, libexpat not being loaded). Additionally, the build logic does not yet cover this type of use case.
- Nov 28, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- skip /, /bin, /usr/bin ... as potential filters.
- Nov 25, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- Added quoting to handle spaces in environment values in commit 50852b33 (#1007, #1008). However, quoting is only needed for eval mode. In regular mode, quoting should not be part of the output, instead it should be done on the caller side.
- Nov 23, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- this would automatically change openfoam<digits> into maj.min.rel values, thus transforming openfoam1806 into a version "" !
Mark OLESEN authored
- provide edit for adjusting the ThirdParty and fallback site variables. This is useful when packaging into a single directory, and possibly without any ThirdParty dependencies. - support '-prefix' (similar to auotconfig) as an alternative to '-foamInstall'. Use this prefix to set the prefix directly. Bypasses and disables the bash sourcing magic.
Mark OLESEN authored
- Within strings it is preferable to use the "<etc>" instead. Most use cases for the old "~OpenFOAM" expansion have been obsoleted by the #includeEtc directive.
- Nov 22, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- file is to be sourced, non-executable. - remove stray .keep file from tutorial case
- Nov 21, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- generalize output text wrapping, use for usage notes - add -help-man option for generating manpage content for any OpenFOAM application or solver. bin/tools/foamCreateManpage as helper
Mark OLESEN authored
- The changes in foamCleanPath introduced for issues (#1007, #1008) include quoted output of the cleaned environment variable. When used in foamCreateModuleInclude, the quotes make their way into the final environment. Avoid this by using the -sh-env eval format instead. - add environment extraction of MANPATH changes
Mark OLESEN authored
- more filtering in the sed stage to remove non-essential text. Terminate parsing on first appearance of -help-full option.
Mark OLESEN authored
- have -help-full as the last entry in the list of options. This permits some optimizations when generating shell completions.
- Nov 19, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- Nov 15, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- simplifies things for legacyCompile
- Oct 15, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- foamCleanPath now only splits the environment variable on ':', which allows other directories with spaces or '(..)' etc to pass through without major issue. - The filter arguments are split on whitespace, colons or semi-colons.
- Oct 12, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- Sep 12, 2018
Andrew Heather authored
- Aug 08, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- With argList::noFunctionObjects() we use the logic added in 4b933332 (issue #352) By removing the '-noFunctionObjects' option, we automatically suppress the creation of function-objects via Time (with argList as a parameter). There is generally no need in these cases for an additional runTime.functionObjects().off() statement Use the argList::noFunctionObjects() for more direct configuration and reduce unnecessary clutter in the -help information. In previous versions, the -noFunctionObjects would have been redundant anyhow, so we can also just ignore it now instead.
- Aug 07, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- Jun 27, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- the backend script should not be accessible from the PATH. Using deprecated/ adds a level of documentation.
- Jun 26, 2018
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
- Jun 25, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- since 1612, FOAM_INST_DIR and foamInstDir longer have any special meanings when sourcing the bashrc or cshrc files. Thus no need for special treatment in any of the dispatch wrappers. Retained FOAM_INST_DIR as (unexported) variable in etc/bashrc, just in case people are using patched versions of etc/bashrc as part of their installation. ENH: relax prefix restrictions on foamCreateVideo (issue #904) - shift the implicit '.' to be part of the default prefix. This allows things like "-image myimages_00" to work as might be expected.
- Jun 24, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- respect trailing '-', '.', '_' for the image prefix name. For example, -image press_ to accept press_*.png - additional -mask width option (for avconv)
- Jun 19, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- The additional output generated by #calc directives in the controlDict or decomposeParDict causes issues for the RunFunctions extraction of 'application' and 'numberOfSubdomains'. Avoid by using -disableFunctionEntries, which also has the side-effect of disabling '#include'.
- Jun 22, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- Don't remove the constant/polyMesh directory if it contains a blockMeshDict or blockMeshDict.m4 file. Offer a reminder that system/ is the normal place for it.
Mark OLESEN authored
- add additional control via a Foam::infoDetailLevel flag, which is supported by a 'DetailLevel' macro. Eg, DetailLevel << "some information" << nl - When infoDetailLevel is zero, the stdout for all Foam::system() calls are also redirected to stderr to prevent child output from appearing on the parent. - close stdin before exec in system call.
- Jun 19, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- Jun 18, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- add support by using updated foamEtcFile from 1806, which also add the '-config' short-cut option.