- Feb 19, 2020
- was missing cast to symmTensor
- Feb 18, 2020
Mark OLESEN authored
- can be convenient to bundle IO options as a single parameter
Mark OLESEN authored
STYLE: change return type of NewOFstream from Ostream to OSstream
Mark OLESEN authored
- expose the write IOstreamOption in Time
Mark OLESEN authored
* Support default values for format/compress enum lookups. - Avoids situations where the preferred default format is not ASCII. For example, with dictionary input: format binar; The typing mistake would previously have caused formatEnum to default to ASCII. We can now properly control its behaviour. IOstream::formatEnum ( dict.get<word>("format"), IOstream::BINARY ); Allowing us to switch ascii/binary, using BINARY by default even in the case of spelling mistakes. The mistakes are flagged, but the return value can be non-ASCII. * The format/compression lookup behave as pass-through if the lookup string is empty. - Allows the following to work without complaint IOstream::formatEnum ( dict.getOrDefault("format", word::null), IOstream::BINARY ); - Or use constructor-like failsafe method IOstream::formatEnum("format", dict, IOstream::BINARY); - Apply the same behaviour with setting stream format/compression from a word. is.format("binar"); will emit a warning, but leave the stream format UNCHANGED * Rationalize versionNumber construction - constexpr constructors where possible. Default construct is the "currentVersion" - Construct from token to shift the burden to versionNumber. Support token as argument to version(). Now: is.version(headerDict.get<token>("version")); or failsafe constructor method is.version ( IOstreamOption::versionNumber("version", headerDict) ); Before (controlled input): is.version ( IOstreamOption::versionNumber ( headerDict.get<float>("version") ) ); Old, uncontrolled input - has been removed: is.version(headerDict.lookup("version")); * improve consistency, default behaviour for IOstreamOption construct - constexpr constructors where possible - add copy construct with change of format. - construct IOstreamOption from streamFormat is now non-explicit. This is a commonly expected result with no ill-effects
Mark OLESEN authored
- align Switch more with Enum. Now have find(), found() static methods. Constructors with failsafe option. The find() method makes for clearer coding: OLD Switch sw(some_string, true); // NB: true = allowBad if (sw.valid()) ... NOW Switch sw = Switch::find(some_string); if (sw.good()) ... or if (Switch::found(some_string)) ... - improve construct from dictionary to handle all valid token types. Previously just read in a word. - Remove asText() method - replaced by c_str() and str() several versions ago.
Mark OLESEN authored
- allows reuse as base implementation for IOstream::check()
Mark OLESEN authored
- The warning in Field.C has been emitted since 2005. - The warning in mappedPatchBase.C has been emitted since 2012.
Mark OLESEN authored
- an old pre-OpenFOAM transitional feature (prior to 2004) for named faces.
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- underflow/overflow handling for type narrowing. Eg, double -> float, int64 -> int32
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- renamed 'core/' -> 'base/' to avoid gitignore masking when re-adding files - rename 'nas/' to 'nastran/' for more clarity - relocated OBJstream from surfMesh to fileFormats STYLE: remove unused parseNASCoord. Was deprecated 2017-09
Mark OLESEN authored
Andrew Heather authored
ENH: Improve polynomial equations and analytical eigendecompositions See merge request !340
- `tensor` and `tensor2D` returns complex eigenvalues/vectors - `symmTensor` and `symmTensor2D` returns real eigenvalues/vectors - adds new test routines for eigendecompositions - improves numerical stability by: - using new robust algorithms, - reordering the conditional branches in root-type selection
- In the course of time, global funcs/opers of Tensor types expanded leaving funcs/opers unordered. - Therefore, by following the order designated in Matrix class, the order of global funcs and global opers are reordered: - oper+ oper- oper* oper/ inner-product double-inner-product outer-product
- ensures each Tensor-container operates for the following base types: - floatScalar - doubleScalar - complex - adds/improves test applications for each container and base type: - constructors - member functions - global functions - global operators - misc: - silently removes `invariantIII()` for `tensor2D` and `symmTensor2D` since the 3rd invariant does not exist for 2x2 matrices - fixes `invariantII()` algorithm for `tensor2D` and `symmTensor2D` - adds `Cmpt` multiplication to `Vector2D` and `Vector` - adds missing access funcs for symmetric containers - improves func/header documentations
- replaces floating-point equal comparisons in `linearEqn`, `quadraticEqn`, and `cubicEqn`, - ensures `quadraticEqn` and `cubicEqn` can return `complex` roots, - reorders if-branches in `quadraticEqn` and `cubicEqn` to avoid zero-equal comparison, - adds Kahan's cancellation-avoiding algorithm into `quadraticEqn` and `cubicEqn` for the numerically-sensitive discriminant computation, - adds/improves `polynomialEqns` tests: * adds Test-linearEqn.C * adds Test-quadraticEqn.C * improves Test-cubicEqn.C
Andrew Heather authored
Feature ensight parts See merge request !339
- includes restructuring and simplification of low-level ensight part handling and refactor of backends to improve code reuse. foamToEnsight ------------- * new cellZone support. This was previously only possible via a separate foamToEnsightParts utility that was not parallelized. * support for point fields. * `-nearCellValue` option (as per foamToVTK) * data indexing now uses values from the time index. This is consistent with the ensightWrite function object and can help with restarts. * existing ensight directories are removed, unless the -no-overwrite option is supplied foamToEnsightParts ------------------ * now redundant and removed. ensightOutputSurface (new class) -------------------------------- * a lightweight wrapper for point/face references that is tailored for the ensightSurfaceWriter. It uses compact face/point information and is serial only, since this is the format requirements from the surfaceWriter class. ensightMesh (revised class) --------------------------- * now only holds a polyMesh reference, which removes its dependency on finiteVolume and allows it to be relocated under fileFormats instead of conversion. Removed classes: ensightParts, ensighPartFaces, ensightPartCells - these were used by foamToEnsightParts, but not needed anymore.
- indirect lists, lists of labels - writeString() methods to avoid any ambiguities - support handling of mixed element/node data in ensightCase
- Feb 12, 2020
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
Mark OLESEN authored
mattijs authored
In differing precisions the PrecisionAdaptor will copy the input array element by element and this can trigger NaN detection.
Mark OLESEN authored
- '-c' option (as per shell), '-Dkey[=value]' option to provide preferences via the command-line. For example, etc/openfoam -DWM_COMPILER=Clang -int64 ./Allwmake -j -s -l These can also be combined with other options. Eg, etc/openfoam -DWM_COMPILER=Clang \ -c 'wmake -show-path-cxx -show-cxxflags' - relocated from bin/tools/ => etc/ for easier access - bin/tools/openfoam.in : for autoconfig-style installation - Auto-detect if the shell script was executed with openfoam and interpret accordingly. Simple example, -------------- #!/usr/bin/openfoam cd "${0%/*}" || exit # Run -*-sh-*- from this dir blockMesh simpleFoam -------------- Note it is NOT currently possible to provide any other parameters this way. Eg, `#!/usr/bin/openfoam -sp` (NOT) This will either fail to run, or result in infinite recursion.
Mark OLESEN authored
- simplifies code, covers most cases. Can use wmake -show-api or wmakeBuildInfo to query the make rules. STYLE: Allwmake script adjustments - use bin/foamEtcFile instead of relying on PATH. The make environment may not have the OpenFOAM bin/ in it. - simpler shell syntax
mattijs authored
- Feb 11, 2020
Mark OLESEN authored
- Feb 10, 2020
Mark OLESEN authored
Andrew Heather authored
- Feb 07, 2020
Mark OLESEN authored
- useful for post-processing and data conversion tests
Mark OLESEN authored
- Query the etc/config.sh values for ThirdParty software. Usable without an active OpenFOAM environment.
Mark OLESEN authored
- Feb 06, 2020