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  1. Dec 12, 2019
    • Vaggelis Papoutsis's avatar
      ENH: New adjont shape optimisation functionality · b8632543
      Vaggelis Papoutsis authored
      The adjoint library is enhanced with new functionality enabling
      automated shape optimisation loops.  A parameterisation scheme based on
      volumetric B-Splines is introduced, the control points of which act as
      the design variables in the optimisation loop [1, 2].  The control
      points of the volumetric B-Splines boxes can be defined in either
      Cartesian or cylindrical coordinates.
      The entire loop (solution of the flow and adjoint equations, computation
      of sensitivity derivatives, update of the design variables and mesh) is
      run within adjointOptimisationFoam. A number of methods to update the
      design variables are implemented, including popular Quasi-Newton methods
      like BFGS and methods capable of handling constraints like loop using
      the SQP or constraint projection.
      The software was developed by PCOpt/NTUA and FOSS GP, with contributions from
      Dr. Evangelos Papoutsis-Kiachagias,
      Konstantinos Gkaragounis,
      Professor Kyriakos Giannakoglou,
      Andy Heather
      [1] E.M. Papoutsis-Kiachagias, N. Magoulas, J. Mueller, C. Othmer,
      K.C.  Giannakoglou: 'Noise Reduction in Car Aerodynamics using a
      Surrogate Objective Function and the Continuous  Adjoint Method with
      Wall Functions', Computers & Fluids, 122:223-232, 2015
      [2] E. M. Papoutsis-Kiachagias, V. G. Asouti, K. C. Giannakoglou,
      K.  Gkagkas, S. Shimokawa, E. Itakura: ‘Multi-point aerodynamic shape
      optimization of cars based on continuous adjoint’, Structural and
      Multidisciplinary Optimization, 59(2):675–694, 2019
  2. Dec 11, 2019
  3. Dec 10, 2019
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      Merge branch 'feature-particle-patch-postpro-filtering' into 'develop' · 71bc3510
      Mark OLESEN authored
      Feature particle patch postpro filtering
      ### Summary
      Adds options to write particle-patch interactions to file, and to select particle fields to post-process for the `patchPostProcessing` cloud function object
      ### Resolved bugs (If applicable)
      ### Details of new models (If applicable)
      Cloud patch interaction models:
      Optionally write patch interaction statistics, e.g. number and mass of particles that stick, escape etc. to file using the optional `writeToFile` entry, e.g.
                      type        rebound;
                      type escape;
              // New optional entry
              writeToFile     yes;
      Cloud function objects:
      New `fields` optional entry can be used to select which particle fields to post-process; if empty or the entry is not given all fields are written (to provide backwards compatibility)
              type            patchPostProcessing;
              // Optional new entry
              fields          (position "U.*" d T nParticle);
              maxStoredParcels 20;
      See the `$FOAM_TUTORIALS/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilm/filter` tutorial for an example
      ### Risks
      Low risk
      See merge request !301
    • Andrew Heather's avatar
      Merge branch 'feature-expressions' into 'develop' · 1b17784a
      Andrew Heather authored
      Feature expressions
      ### Summary
      This branch represents an implementation of what is considered to be the most useful aspects of swak4Foam ([Swiss-Army-Knife for FOAM]( from Bernhard Gschaider, namely the ability to use text-based expressions instead of coding in C++ for the following cases:
      - expression-based boundary conditions (also known as _groovy_ boundary conditions)
      - expression-based setFields (also known as _funky_ set fields)
      The idea of what we currently term *expressions* was pioneered by
      (Bernhard Gschaider) and is now firmly established in `swak4Foam`.
      Among other things, expressions attempt to bridge the gap between
      using standard, predefined boundary conditions and writing dedicated,
      special-purpose ones. Although part of this gap is now covered within
      OpenFOAM by using dynamically compiled user coding (eg, coded boundary
      conditions), there remains substantial areas where it can be
      significantly more convenient to have a series of predefined functions
      and expression sytax with some access to base OpenFOAM field
      functionality that enables rapid deployment of boundary conditions, or
      custom-defined `setFields` without writing code.
      A significant portion of `swak4Foam` expressions has been adapted for
      direct integration into OpenFOAM. During the integration and rewrite,
      we have tried to pare things down to a smaller subset with the aim of
      covering 90% or more of the common cases. The remaining cases are left
      to be reassessed for extending the *expressions* functionality in the
      future, but they also may be better served with other approaches (eg,
      with coded conditions) that were not available when `swak4Foam` was
      originally conceived.
      To the greatest extent possible, the integrated *expressions* have
      been designed to avoid name clashes with `swak` so it should remain
      possible to use the most recent versions of `swak` without problem.
      ### Risks
      - New functionality, so low chance of regression.
      - The scope of the functionality will be revised in the future
      ### Naming (for `swak4Foam` users)
      The following are the *expressions* correspondences to `swak`:
      - The `exprFixedValue` and `exprGradient` boundary conditions are
        roughly equivalent to the _groovy_ boundary conditions.
      - The utilities `setExprFields` and `setExprBoundaryFields` are
        roughly equivalent to the _funky_ utilities of similar name.
      The naming of the boundary conditions and utilities not only reflects
      the slightly different input requirements, but simultaneously seeks to
      avoid any potential name-clash with `swak4Foam` in a mixed
      The names for the boundary condition dictionary entries tend be
      shorter and slightly different (eg, `valueExpr` vs `valueExpression`)
      to serve as a small reminder that the *expressions* syntax is slightly
      different than the *groovy* equivalents. It also allows the user to
      fashion dictionary entries that are sufficient for **both** boundary
      condition variants and quickly toggle between them simply by changing
      the boundary condition `type`.
      See merge request !300
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: setExprFields and setExprBoundaryFields · 2923daab
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - these are the expressions equivalent of funkySetFields and
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: boundary conditions with expressions · 749f4b5d
      Mark OLESEN authored
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: base fvMesh driver for expressions · 019fe7de
      Mark OLESEN authored
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: more flexible naming for ensightPartCells, ensightPartFaces · 7e275838
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - make ensightParts parallel-aware when handling zones and patches
      STYLE: use of serial/parallel more evident in write templates
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      STYLE: avoid potential deadlock when resizing from zero-sized list · 98b79fad
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - not yet triggered by any code, but avoid anyhow
  4. Dec 09, 2019
  5. Dec 06, 2019
  6. Dec 03, 2019
  7. Dec 09, 2019
  8. Dec 06, 2019
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: improve exprResult handling · 17869747
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - some support for "uniform" bool fields. Calculating an averaged
        value for a boolField does not work very well, but we simply define
        that the field average is 'true' when more than 1/2 of its values
        are true. Not exactly true, but allows templated definitions to work
      - additional output method writeValue().
        This outputs the single (uniform) value or the first value of the