- Nov 21, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- generalize output text wrapping, use for usage notes - add -help-man option for generating manpage content for any OpenFOAM application or solver. bin/tools/foamCreateManpage as helper
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- more filtering in the sed stage to remove non-essential text. Terminate parsing on first appearance of -help-full option.
Mark OLESEN authored
- have -help-full as the last entry in the list of options. This permits some optimizations when generating shell completions.
- Nov 20, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- check Istream in readBool in operator>> variant (#1033)
- Nov 15, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- simplifies things for legacyCompile
- Nov 08, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- Nov 06, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- Oct 18, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- this helps for many cases outlined in issue #1007, but can also be useful when simply using symlinks for shorter or reorganized directory structures.
- Oct 15, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- with the 'cwd' optimization switch it is possible to select the preferred behaviour for the cwd() function. A value of 0 causes cwd() to return the physical directory, which is what getcwd() and `pwd -P` return. Until now, this was always the standard behaviour. With a value of 1, cwd() instead returns the logical directory, which what $PWD contains and `pwd -L` returns. If any of the sanity checks fail (eg, PWD points to something other than ".", etc), a warning is emitted and the physical cwd() is returned instead. Apart from the optical difference in the output, this additional control helps workaround file systems with whitespace or other characters in the directory that normally cause OpenFOAM to balk. Using a cleaner symlink elsewhere should skirt this issue. Eg, cd $HOME ln -s "/mounted volume/user/workdir" workdir cd workdir # start working with OpenFOAM
Mark OLESEN authored
- foamCleanPath now only splits the environment variable on ':', which allows other directories with spaces or '(..)' etc to pass through without major issue. - The filter arguments are split on whitespace, colons or semi-colons.
- Oct 12, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- use the dictionary 'get' methods instead of readScalar for additional checking Unchecked: readScalar(dict.lookup("key")); Checked: dict.get<scalar>("key"); - In templated classes that also inherit from a dictionary, an additional 'template' keyword will be required. Eg, this->coeffsDict().template get<scalar>("key"); For this common use case, the predefined getXXX shortcuts may be useful. Eg, this->coeffsDict().getScalar("key");
- Oct 09, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- this also removes the '-newTimes' option cruft from appearing everywhere. reconstructPar and redistributePar are unaffected by this since they define their own -newTimes option independently.
Andrew Heather authored
- Oct 01, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
Previously the coordinate system functionality was split between coordinateSystem and coordinateRotation. The coordinateRotation stored the rotation tensor and handled all tensor transformations. The functionality has now been revised and consolidated into the coordinateSystem classes. The sole purpose of coordinateRotation is now just to provide a selectable mechanism of how to define the rotation tensor (eg, axis-angle, euler angles, local axes) for user input, but after providing the appropriate rotation tensor it has no further influence on the transformations. -- The coordinateSystem class now contains an origin and a base rotation tensor directly and various transformation methods. - The origin represents the "shift" for a local coordinate system. - The base rotation tensor represents the "tilt" or orientation of the local coordinate system in general (eg, for mapping positions), but may require position-dependent tensors when transforming vectors and tensors. For some coordinate systems (currently the cylindrical coordinate system), the rotation tensor required for rotating a vector or tensor is position-dependent. The new coordinateSystem and its derivates (cartesian, cylindrical, indirect) now provide a uniform() method to define if the rotation tensor is position dependent/independent. The coordinateSystem transform and invTransform methods are now available in two-parameter forms for obtaining position-dependent rotation tensors. Eg, ... = cs.transform(globalPt, someVector); In some cases it can be useful to use query uniform() to avoid storage of redundant values. if (cs.uniform()) { vector xx = cs.transform(someVector); } else { List<vector> xx = cs.transform(manyPoints, someVector); } Support transform/invTransform for common data types: (scalar, vector, sphericalTensor, symmTensor, tensor). ==================== Breaking Changes ==================== - These changes to coordinate systems and rotations may represent a breaking change for existing user coding. - Relocating the rotation tensor into coordinateSystem itself means that the coordinate system 'R()' method now returns the rotation directly instead of the coordinateRotation. The method name 'R()' was chosen for consistency with other low-level entities (eg, quaternion). The following changes will be needed in coding: Old: tensor rot = cs.R().R(); New: tensor rot = cs.R(); Old: cs.R().transform(...); New: cs.transform(...); Accessing the runTime selectable coordinateRotation has moved to the rotation() method: Old: Info<< "Rotation input: " << cs.R() << nl; New: Info<< "Rotation input: " << cs.rotation() << nl; - Naming consistency changes may also cause code to break. Old: transformVector() New: transformPrincipal() The old method name transformTensor() now simply becomes transform(). ==================== New methods ==================== For operations requiring caching of the coordinate rotations, the 'R()' method can be used with multiple input points: tensorField rots(cs.R(somePoints)); and later Foam::transformList(rots, someVectors); The rotation() method can also be used to change the rotation tensor via a new coordinateRotation definition (issue #879). The new methods transformPoint/invTransformPoint provide transformations with an origin offset using Cartesian for both local and global points. These can be used to determine the local position based on the origin/rotation without interpreting it as a r-theta-z value, for example. ================ Input format ================ - Streamline dictionary input requirements * The default type is cartesian. * The default rotation type is the commonly used axes rotation specification (with e1/e2/3), which is assumed if the 'rotation' sub-dictionary does not exist. Example, Compact specification: coordinateSystem { origin (0 0 0); e2 (0 1 0); e3 (0.5 0 0.866025); } Full specification (also accepts the longer 'coordinateRotation' sub-dictionary name): coordinateSystem { type cartesian; origin (0 0 0); rotation { type axes; e2 (0 1 0); e3 (0.5 0 0.866025); } } This simplifies the input for many cases. - Additional rotation specification 'none' (an identity rotation): coordinateSystem { origin (0 0 0); rotation { type none; } } - Additional rotation specification 'axisAngle', which is similar to the -rotate-angle option for transforming points (issue #660). For some cases this can be more intuitive. For example, rotation { type axisAngle; axis (0 1 0); angle 30; } vs. rotation { type axes; e2 (0 1 0); e3 (0.5 0 0.866025); } - shorter names (or older longer names) for the coordinate rotation specification. euler EulerRotation starcd STARCDRotation axes axesRotation ================ Coding Style ================ - use Foam::coordSystem namespace for categories of coordinate systems (cartesian, cylindrical, indirect). This reduces potential name clashes and makes a clearer declaration. Eg, coordSystem::cartesian csys_; The older names (eg, cartesianCS, etc) remain available via typedefs. - added coordinateRotations namespace for better organization and reduce potential name clashes.
- Sep 25, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
Previously had 3 possibilities for handling exposed internal faces 1. use default "oldInternalFaces" 2. specify -patch, to use the specified (existing) patch 3. specify -patches, to use the geometrically closest patches Now relaxed the restriction on -patch to allow specification of a new (not yet existing) patch name. This improves flexibility, but won't catch typing mistakes. Harmonize behaviour of -patches and -patch. When -patches is used to specify a single, non-regex patch name, it now behaves identically to -patch. Since the getList handling for options already allows special treatment for single parameter lists, the following will work identically: subsetMesh -patch patch0 subsetMesh -patches patch0 subsetMesh -patches '( patch0 )' In the future it might be reasonable to fully combine the behaviour of '-patch' and '-patches' and treat them as aliases for each other. ENH: support subsetMesh on a cellZone. - when the '-zone' option is specified, the command argument is treated as the name (or names) of cellZones to be selected instead of as the name of the cellSet. The command argument can be a single word, regex, or list of word/regex. Eg, subsetMesh -zone -patch mypatch mixer subsetMesh -zone -patch mypatch '(mixer "moving.*" )' STYLE: simplify set handling and other code cleanup in subsetMesh
- Sep 18, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- The test condition [ -n "$cur" -a ... ] fails if $cur starts with '-le', which bash interprets as a further test op. Splitting the test condition solves the problem: [ -n "$cur" ] && [ ... ]
- Aug 08, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- With argList::noFunctionObjects() we use the logic added in 4b933332 (issue #352) By removing the '-noFunctionObjects' option, we automatically suppress the creation of function-objects via Time (with argList as a parameter). There is generally no need in these cases for an additional runTime.functionObjects().off() statement Use the argList::noFunctionObjects() for more direct configuration and reduce unnecessary clutter in the -help information. In previous versions, the -noFunctionObjects would have been redundant anyhow, so we can also just ignore it now instead.
- Jul 31, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
General: * -roots, -hostRoots, -fileHandler Specific: * -to <coordinateSystem> -from <coordinateSystem> - Display -help-compat when compatibility or ignored options are available STYLE: capitalization of options text
Mark OLESEN authored
- Jul 27, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- Jul 26, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- Oct 05, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- instead of dict.lookup(name) >> val; can use dict.readEntry(name, val); for checking of input token sizes. This helps catch certain types of input errors: { key1 ; // <- Missing value key2 1234 // <- Missing ';' terminator key3 val; } STYLE: readIfPresent() instead of 'if found ...' in a few more places.
- Jun 28, 2018
Andrew Heather authored
- Jun 26, 2018
Andrew Heather authored
- Jun 25, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- since 1612, FOAM_INST_DIR and foamInstDir longer have any special meanings when sourcing the bashrc or cshrc files. Thus no need for special treatment in any of the dispatch wrappers. Retained FOAM_INST_DIR as (unexported) variable in etc/bashrc, just in case people are using patched versions of etc/bashrc as part of their installation. ENH: relax prefix restrictions on foamCreateVideo (issue #904) - shift the implicit '.' to be part of the default prefix. This allows things like "-image myimages_00" to work as might be expected.
- Jun 24, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- SIGFPE handling, cmake configuration CONFIG: adjust for simplified Catalyst channel naming - no sub-channels, select volField output based in the (internal | boundary) dictionary switches instead
- Jun 18, 2018
Andrew Heather authored
- corrected the mass based correction and updated the misleading function arguments - moved the option to the optimisation switches, e.g.: OptimisationSwitches { experimentalDdtCorr 1; } - default remains off/no (0)
- Jun 21, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- Jun 19, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- Jun 11, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- bump to ParaView 5.5.1
- Jun 07, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- in anticipation of future change, hard-coded choice within bash_completion
- May 17, 2018
- the current working path with replacements for base-level OpenFOAM env variables such as FOAM_RUN, WM_PROJECT_DIR, WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR etc Can be used directly from the command-line or embedded into a command prompt. For example, PS1='$(foamPwd)\n\u\$ ' - aliases for user solver/utilities located under "$WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR": (ufoam, uapp, usol, uutil)
- Dec 30, 2017
Andrew Heather authored
- Dec 21, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
- add some notes about 'git submodule' in modules/README.md
- Dec 19, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
- required if there is no system openmp and libomp or libgomp are only found in the clang hierarchy STYLE: add some notes in the openmp rules. - the _OPENMP macro is now used in low-level testing files
Mark OLESEN authored
- The -rotate-angle option allows convenient specification of a rotation about an arbitrary axis. Eg, -rotate-angle '((1 1 1) 45)' - The -origin option can be used to temporarily shift the origin for the rotation operations. For example, -origin '(0 0 1)' -rotate-angle '((1 0 0) 180)' for mirroring.
- Dec 18, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
- include bash completion for paraFoam, and provision for using foamEtcFile as well.
Mark OLESEN authored