- Sep 22, 2017
Resolves bug-report https://bugs.openfoam.org/view.php?id=2579
terms of the local barycentric coordinates of the current tetrahedron, rather than the global coordinate system. Barycentric tracking works on any mesh, irrespective of mesh quality. Particles do not get "lost", and tracking does not require ad-hoc "corrections" or "rescues" to function robustly, because the calculation of particle-face intersections is unambiguous and reproducible, even at small angles of incidence. Each particle position is defined by topology (i.e. the decomposed tet cell it is in) and geometry (i.e. where it is in the cell). No search operations are needed on restart or reconstruct, unlike when particle positions are stored in the global coordinate system. The particle positions file now contains particles' local coordinates and topology, rather than the global coordinates and cell. This change to the output format is not backwards compatible. Existing cases with Lagrangian data will not restart, but they will still run from time zero without any modification. This change was necessary in order to guarantee that the loaded particle is valid, and therefore fundamentally prevent "loss" and "search-failure" type bugs (e.g., 2517, 2442, 2286, 1836, 1461, 1341, 1097). The tracking functions have also been converted to function in terms of displacement, rather than end position. This helps remove floating point error issues, particularly towards the end of a tracking step. Wall bounded streamlines have been removed. The implementation proved incompatible with the new tracking algorithm. ParaView has a surface LIC plugin which provides equivalent, or better, functionality. Additionally, bug report <https://bugs.openfoam.org/view.php?id=2517> is resolved by this change.
- Sep 12, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
- relocate as Test-surfaceMeshConvert.
- Aug 30, 2017
Prashant Sonakar authored
Prashant Sonakar authored
- Aug 10, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
- the (global) associative array requires bash >= 4.2
- Aug 09, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
- this reduces the number of functions and allows lazy loading of completion options, which makes it easy to quickly add any other OpenFOAM application in completion. The generic '_of_complete_' function handles (bash) completion for any OpenFOAM application. On the first call for any particular application, it retrieves the available options from the application help output and adds this information to its environmental cache for subsequent use. - Tcsh completion uses the same function via a bash wrapper. But since its wrapper is transient, the on-the-fly generation would be less efficient. For this case, a pre-generated completion_cache can be used, which is generated with bin/tools/foamCreateCompletionCache
- Aug 03, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- handles the case where we are currently completing something that does not appear to be an option. For example, foamDictionary -expanded someD[TAB] should complete the filename, not present more options.
Mark OLESEN authored
- although this has been supported for many years, the tutorials continued to use "convertToMeters" entry, which is specific to blockMesh. The "scale" is more consistent with other dictionaries. ENH: - ignore "scale 0;" (treat as no scaling) for blockMeshDict, consistent with use elsewhere.
- Aug 02, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
- currently no cleanup of completions when deactivating an OpenFOAM tcsh environment - tab completion with directories adds a space after the slash, which makes navigation a bit annoying.
- Jul 31, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
- use complete -o filenames, dropped -o nospace to make it more responsive. - restructure completion code to use a unified backend, which makes it easier understand, maintain and re-use. - foamCreateBashCompletions now simply outputs to a stdout, and allows quick generation of completion of single applications. - add -fileHandler completion in anticipation of future changes there. - relocated as etc/config.s/bash_completion to prevent inadvertently having two versions (.com, .org) installed at the same time.
- Jul 14, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
- since the cpu/sys information is invariant, it doesn't make much sense to emit by default at every time-step.
Mark OLESEN authored
- With many processors, the number of entries becomes quite large. New controlDict InfoSwitches: "writeSlaves", "writeRoots".
- Jul 12, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
- added an explicit print, but only report profiling to the log file from master process. We don't wish to overwrite any profiling that was conducted during the simulation. Besides which, we don't have a proper Time object for handling the write nicely either.
Mark OLESEN authored
- add note in BuildIssues about the I_MPI_CC variable, which is needed when building with Intel-MPI and gcc/clang. This additional setting is needed since the changes needed to solve the issue of building scotch with Intel-MPI and icc (issue #434) means that mpiicc is now being used as the wrapper when compiling scotch. - have the FOAM_MPI short name for INTELMPI start with 'impi-' instead of just the version number. Intel-MPI is often installed as /opt/intel/impi/, which results in 'FOAM_MPI=' and the mpi flavour is lost. Prefix these cases with 'impi-'
- Jul 11, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
- Added for transition purposes only in 1612 but can now be removed.
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- Jul 07, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
- as of v1706 extractFromSurfaceCoeffs { ... } is an optional subdictionary
- Jul 06, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
- allows configuration without an environment variable. For compatibility still respect FOAM_SIGFPE and FOAM_SETNAN env-variables - The env-variables are now treated as true/false switch values. Previously there was just a check for env exists or not, but this can be fairly fragile for a user's environment.
Mark OLESEN authored
- allows configuration without an environment variable. For compatibility still respect MPI_BUFFER_SIZE env-variable.
- Jun 28, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- this is the same version as OpenFOAM-1612 shipped with and seems to have fewer issues than the newer openmpi-2.1.1
- Jun 27, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
- Jun 26, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
- Jun 21, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
- minor cleanup of bash completion script
Mark OLESEN authored
- adjust mesa, vtk versions to the latest
- Jun 14, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
- as per foamToEnsight, foamToEnsightParts. Allows the user to specify different output directories.
Mark OLESEN authored
- user-selectable format (vtk or vtu, ascii or binary) - dictionary syntax closer to ensightWrite - tutorial example in windAroundBuildings
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
mattijs authored
Adds overset discretisation to selected physics: - diffusion : overLaplacianDyMFoam - incompressible steady : overSimpleFoam - incompressible transient : overPimpleDyMFoam - compressible transient: overRhoPimpleDyMFoam - two-phase VOF: overInterDyMFoam The overset method chosen is a parallel, fully implicit implementation whereby the interpolation (from donor to acceptor) is inserted as an adapted discretisation on the donor cells, such that the resulting matrix can be solved using the standard linear solvers. Above solvers come with a set of tutorials, showing how to create and set-up simple simulations from scratch.
- Jun 08, 2017
Andrew Heather authored
- May 30, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored