- Jun 20, 2017
Andrew Heather authored
Community contribution from Johan Roenby, DHI IsoAdvector is a geometric Volume-of-Fluid method for advection of a sharp interface between two incompressible fluids. It works on both structured and unstructured meshes with no requirements on cell shapes. IsoAdvector is as an alternative choice for the interface compression treatment with the MULES limiter implemented in the interFoam family of solvers. The isoAdvector concept and code was developed at DHI and was funded by a Sapere Aude postdoc grant to Johan Roenby from The Danish Council for Independent Research | Technology and Production Sciences (Grant-ID: DFF - 1337-00118B - FTP). Co-funding is also provided by the GTS grant to DHI from the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation. The ideas behind and performance of the isoAdvector scheme is documented in: Roenby J, Bredmose H, Jasak H. 2016 A computational method for sharp interface advection. R. Soc. open sci. 3: 160405. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsos.160405](http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsos.160405) Videos showing isoAdvector's performance with a number of standard test cases can be found in this youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt6Idpv4C8TTgz1iUX0prAA Project contributors: * Johan Roenby <jro@dhigroup.com> (Inventor and main developer) * Hrvoje Jasak <hrvoje.jasak@fsb.hr> (Consistent treatment of boundary faces including processor boundaries, parallelisation, code clean up * Henrik Bredmose <hbre@dtu.dk> (Assisted in the conceptual development) * Vuko Vukcevic <vuko.vukcevic@fsb.hr> (Code review, profiling, porting to foam-extend, bug fixing, testing) * Tomislav Maric <tomislav@sourceflux.de> (Source file rearrangement) * Andy Heather <a.heather@opencfd.co.uk> (Integration into OpenFOAM for v1706 release) See the integration repository below to see the full set of changes implemented for release into OpenFOAM v1706 https://develop.openfoam.com/Community/Integration-isoAdvector
- Feb 24, 2017
Henry Weller authored
rhoSimpleFoam now instantiates the lower-level fluidThermo which instantiates either a psiThermo or rhoThermo according to the 'type' specification in thermophysicalProperties, e.g. thermoType { type hePsiThermo; mixture pureMixture; transport sutherland; thermo janaf; equationOfState perfectGas; specie specie; energy sensibleInternalEnergy; } instantiates a psiThermo for a perfect gas with JANAF thermodynamics, whereas thermoType { type heRhoThermo; mixture pureMixture; properties liquid; energy sensibleInternalEnergy; } mixture { H2O; } instantiates a rhoThermo for water, see new tutorial compressible/rhoSimpleFoam/squareBendLiq. In order to support complex equations of state the pressure can no longer be unlimited and rhoSimpleFoam now limits the pressure rather than the density to handle start-up more robustly. For backward compatibility 'rhoMin' and 'rhoMax' can still be used in the SIMPLE sub-dictionary of fvSolution which are converted into 'pMax' and 'pMin' but it is better to set either 'pMax' and 'pMin' directly or use the more convenient 'pMinFactor' and 'pMinFactor' from which 'pMax' and 'pMin' are calculated using the fixed boundary pressure or reference pressure e.g. SIMPLE { nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0; pMinFactor 0.1; pMaxFactor 1.5; transonic yes; consistent yes; residualControl { p 1e-3; U 1e-4; e 1e-3; "(k|epsilon|omega)" 1e-3; } }
- Feb 07, 2017
Henry Weller authored
Description Simple solidification porosity model This is a simple approximation to solidification where the solid phase is represented as a porous blockage with the drag-coefficient evaluated from \f[ S = - \rho D(T) U \f] where \vartable D(T) | User-defined drag-coefficient as function of temperature \endvartable Note that the latent heat of solidification is not included and the temperature is unchanged by the modelled change of phase. Example of the solidification model specification: \verbatim type solidification; solidificationCoeffs { // Solidify between 330K and 330.5K D table ( (330.0 10000) // Solid below 330K (330.5 0) // Liquid above 330.5K ); // Solidification porosity is isotropic // use the global coordinate system coordinateSystem { type cartesian; origin (0 0 0); coordinateRotation { type axesRotation; e1 (1 0 0); e2 (0 1 0); } } } \endverbatim
- Jan 17, 2017
Henry Weller authored
Avoids slight phase-fraction unboundedness at entertainment BCs and improved robustness. Additionally the phase-fractions in the multi-phase (rather than two-phase) solvers are adjusted to avoid the slow growth of inconsistency ("drift") caused by solving for all of the phase-fractions rather than deriving one from the others.
- Aug 11, 2016
Henry Weller authored
Renamed the original volRegion -> volFieldValue to clarify the purpose of this class to process vol fields on a volRegion.
- Jul 01, 2016
Henry Weller authored
- Jun 28, 2016
Andrew Heather authored
Reference: Poletto, R., Craft, T., and Revell, A., "A New Divergence Free Synthetic Eddy Method for the Reproduction of Inlet Flow Conditions for LES", Flow Turbulence Combust (2013) 91:519-539
- May 16, 2016
Henry Weller authored
to simplify writing common functionObjects and avoid unnecessary code duplication
- May 15, 2016
Henry Weller authored
splitMeshRegions: handle flipping of faces for surface fields subsetMesh: subset dimensionedFields decomposePar: use run-time selection of decomposition constraints. Used to keep cells on particular processors. See the decomposeParDict in $FOAM_UTILITIES/parallel/decomposePar: - preserveBaffles: keep baffle faces on same processor - preserveFaceZones: keep faceZones owner and neighbour on same processor - preservePatches: keep owner and neighbour on same processor. Note: not suitable for cyclicAMI since these are not coupled on the patch level - singleProcessorFaceSets: keep complete faceSet on a single processor - refinementHistory: keep cells originating from a single cell on the same processor. decomposePar: clean up decomposition of refinement data from snappyHexMesh reconstructPar: reconstruct refinement data (refineHexMesh, snappyHexMesh) reconstructParMesh: reconstruct refinement data (refineHexMesh, snappyHexMesh) redistributePar: - corrected mapping surfaceFields - adding processor patches in order consistent with decomposePar argList: check that slaves are running same version as master fvMeshSubset: move to dynamicMesh library fvMeshDistribute: - support for mapping dimensionedFields - corrected mapping of surfaceFields parallel routines: allow parallel running on single processor Field: support for - distributed mapping - mapping with flipping mapDistribute: support for flipping AMIInterpolation: avoid constructing localPoints
- Apr 23, 2016
Henry Weller authored
This condition creates a zero-dimensional model of an enclosed volume of gas upstream of the inlet. The pressure that the boundary condition exerts on the inlet boundary is dependent on the thermodynamic state of the upstream volume. The upstream plenum density and temperature are time-stepped along with the rest of the simulation, and momentum is neglected. The plenum is supplied with a user specified mass flow and temperature. The result is a boundary condition which blends between a pressure inlet condition condition and a fixed mass flow. The smaller the plenum volume, the quicker the pressure responds to a deviation from the supply mass flow, and the closer the model approximates a fixed mass flow. As the plenum size increases, the model becomes more similar to a specified pressure. The expansion from the plenum to the inlet boundary is controlled by an area ratio and a discharge coefficient. The area ratio can be used to represent further acceleration between a sub-grid blockage such as fins. The discharge coefficient represents a fractional deviation from an ideal expansion process. This condition is useful for simulating unsteady internal flow problems for which both a mass flow boundary is unrealistic, and a pressure boundary is susceptible to flow reversal. It was developed for use in simulating confined combustion. tutorials/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/laminar/helmholtzResonance: helmholtz resonance tutorial case for plenum pressure boundary This development was contributed by Will Bainbridge
Henry Weller authored
Also added the new prghTotalHydrostaticPressure p_rgh BC which uses the hydrostatic pressure field as the reference state for the far-field which provides much more accurate entrainment is large open domains typical of many fire simulations. The hydrostatic field solution is controlled by the optional entries in the fvSolution.PIMPLE dictionary, e.g. hydrostaticInitialization yes; nHydrostaticCorrectors 5; and the solver must also be specified for the hydrostatic p_rgh field ph_rgh e.g. ph_rgh { $p_rgh; } Suitable boundary conditions for ph_rgh cannot always be derived from those for p_rgh and so the ph_rgh is read to provide them. To avoid accuracy issues with IO, restart and post-processing the p_rgh and ph_rgh the option to specify a suitable reference pressure is provided via the optional pRef file in the constant directory, e.g. dimensions [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0]; value 101325; which is used in the relationship between p_rgh and p: p = p_rgh + rho*gh + pRef; Note that if pRef is specified all pressure BC specifications in the p_rgh and ph_rgh files are relative to the reference to avoid round-off errors. For examples of suitable BCs for p_rgh and ph_rgh for a range of fireFoam cases please study the tutorials in tutorials/combustion/fireFoam/les which have all been updated. Henry G. Weller CFD Direct Ltd.
- Apr 06, 2016
Henry Weller authored
e.g. (fvc::interpolate(HbyA) & mesh.Sf()) -> fvc::flux(HbyA) This removes the need to create an intermediate face-vector field when computing fluxes which is more efficient, reduces the peak storage and improved cache coherency in addition to providing a simpler and cleaner API.
- Mar 07, 2016
Henry Weller authored
Wall-velocity condition to be used in conjunction with the single rotating frame (SRF) model (see: FOAM::SRFModel) The condition applies the appropriate rotation transformation in time and space to determine the local SRF velocity of the wall. \f[ U_p = - U_{p,srf} \f] where \vartable U_p = patch velocity [m/s] U_{p,srf} = SRF velocity \endvartable The normal component of \f$ U_p \f$ is removed to ensure 0 wall-flux even if the wall patch faces are irregular. \heading Patch usage Example of the boundary condition specification: \verbatim myPatch { type SRFWallVelocity; value uniform (0 0 0); // Initial value } \endverbatim
- Feb 20, 2016
Henry Weller authored
To be used instead of zeroGradientFvPatchField for temporary fields for which zero-gradient extrapolation is use to evaluate the boundary field but avoiding fields derived from temporary field using field algebra inheriting the zeroGradient boundary condition by the reuse of the temporary field storage. zeroGradientFvPatchField should not be used as the default patch field for any temporary fields and should be avoided for non-temporary fields except where it is clearly appropriate; extrapolatedCalculatedFvPatchField and calculatedFvPatchField are generally more suitable defaults depending on the manner in which the boundary values are specified or evaluated. The entire OpenFOAM-dev code-base has been updated following the above recommendations. Henry G. Weller CFD Direct
- Feb 13, 2016
Henry Weller authored
The boundary conditions of HbyA are now constrained by the new "constrainHbyA" function which applies the velocity boundary values for patches for which the velocity cannot be modified by assignment and pressure extrapolation is not specified via the new "fixedFluxExtrapolatedPressureFvPatchScalarField". The new function "constrainPressure" sets the pressure gradient appropriately for "fixedFluxPressureFvPatchScalarField" and "fixedFluxExtrapolatedPressureFvPatchScalarField" boundary conditions to ensure the evaluated flux corresponds to the known velocity values at the boundary. The "fixedFluxPressureFvPatchScalarField" boundary condition operates exactly as before, ensuring the correct flux at fixed-flux boundaries by compensating for the body forces (gravity in particular) with the pressure gradient. The new "fixedFluxExtrapolatedPressureFvPatchScalarField" boundary condition may be used for cases with or without body-forces to set the pressure gradient to compensate not only for the body-force but also the extrapolated "HbyA" which provides a second-order boundary condition for pressure. This is useful for a range a problems including impinging flow, extrapolated inlet conditions with body-forces or for highly viscous flows, pressure-induced separation etc. To test this boundary condition at walls in the motorBike tutorial case set lowerWall { type fixedFluxExtrapolatedPressure; } motorBikeGroup { type fixedFluxExtrapolatedPressure; } Currently the new extrapolated pressure boundary condition is supported for all incompressible and sub-sonic compressible solvers except those providing implicit and tensorial porosity support. The approach will be extended to cover these solvers and options in the future. Note: the extrapolated pressure boundary condition is experimental and requires further testing to assess the range of applicability, stability, accuracy etc. Henry G. Weller CFD Direct Ltd.
- Feb 09, 2016
Henry Weller authored
noSlip is equivalent to fixedValue with a value of (0 0 0) but is simpler to specify e.g. upperWall { type noSlip; }
Henry Weller authored
For example the sinusoidal motion of the floating object in the potentialFreeSurfaceFoam/oscillatingBox tutorial is now specified thus floatingObject { type fixedNormalInletOutletVelocity; fixTangentialInflow false; normalVelocity { type uniformFixedValue; uniformValue sine; uniformValueCoeffs { frequency 1; amplitude table ( ( 0 0) ( 10 0.025) (1000 0.025) ); scale (0 1 0); level (0 0 0); } } value uniform (0 0 0); } rather than using floatingObject { type fixedNormalInletOutletVelocity; fixTangentialInflow false; normalVelocity { type oscillatingFixedValue; refValue uniform (0 1 0); offset (0 -1 0); amplitude table ( ( 0 0) ( 10 0.025) (1000 0.025) ); frequency constant 1; } value uniform (0 0 0); }
- Dec 02, 2015
Henry Weller authored
fvOptions are transferred to the database on construction using fv::options::New which returns a reference. The same function can be use for construction and lookup so that fvOptions are now entirely demand-driven. The abstract base-classes for fvOptions now reside in the finiteVolume library simplifying compilation and linkage. The concrete implementations of fvOptions are still in the single monolithic fvOptions library but in the future this will be separated into smaller libraries based on application area which may be linked at run-time in the same manner as functionObjects.
- Nov 25, 2015
Andrew Heather authored
Updated objects - corrected Peclet number for compressible cases - propagated log flag and resultName across objects New function objects - new fluxSummary: - calculates positive, negative, absolute and net flux across face zones - new runTimeControl - abort the calculation when a user-defined metric is achieved. Available options include: - average value remains unchanged wrt a given threshold - equation initial residual exceeds a threshold - useful to abort diverging cases - equation max iterations exceeds a threshold - useful to abort diverging cases - min/max of a function object value - min time step exceeds a threshold - useful to abort diverging cases - new valueAverage: - average singular values from other function objects, e.g. Cd, Cl and Cm from the forceCoeffs function object
- Nov 24, 2015
Henry Weller authored
This is useful when applying an experimentally obtained profile as an inlet condition: Example of the boundary condition specification: \verbatim myPatch { type fixedProfile; profile csvFile; profileCoeffs { nHeaderLine 0; // Number of header lines refColumn 0; // Reference column index componentColumns (1 2 3); // Component column indices separator ","; // Optional (defaults to ",") mergeSeparators no; // Merge multiple separators fileName "Uprofile.csv"; // name of csv data file outOfBounds clamp; // Optional out-of-bounds handling interpolationScheme linear; // Optional interpolation scheme } direction (0 1 0); origin 0; } \endverbatim or a simple polynomial profile: Example setting a parabolic inlet profile for the PitzDaily case: \verbatim inlet { type fixedProfile; profile polynomial ( ((1 0 0) (0 0 0)) ((-6200 0 0) (2 0 0)) ); direction (0 1 0); origin 0.0127; } \endverbatim Based on code provided by Hassan Kassem: http://www.openfoam.org/mantisbt/view.php?id=1922
- Nov 23, 2015
mattijs authored
- user provides two planes and pressure drop across these - bc assume potential flow and works out inlet velocity that would cause an equivalent pressure drop
mattijs authored
- user provides two planes and pressure drop across these - bc assume potential flow and works out inlet velocity that would cause an equivalent pressure drop
- Nov 17, 2015
mattijs authored
- redistributePar to have almost (complete) functionality of decomposePar+reconstructPar - low-level distributed Field mapping - support for mapping surfaceFields (including flipping faces) - support for decomposing/reconstructing refinement data
mattijs authored
- redistributePar to have almost (complete) functionality of decomposePar+reconstructPar - low-level distributed Field mapping - support for mapping surfaceFields (including flipping faces) - support for decomposing/reconstructing refinement data
- Oct 14, 2015
Henry Weller authored
Resolves some stability issues with the outlet of multiphase problems.
- Jul 14, 2015
Henry Weller authored
cellCoBlended: New surfaceInterpolation scheme based on CoBlended using the cell-based Courant number This scheme is equivalent to the CoBlended scheme except that the Courant number is evaluated for cells using the same approach as use in the finite-volume solvers and then interpolated to the faces rather than being estimated directly at the faces based on the flux. This is a more consistent method for evaluating the Courant number but suffers from the need to interpolate which introduces a degree of freedom. However, the interpolation scheme for "Co" is run-time selected and may be specified in "interpolationSchemes" and "localMax" might be most appropriate. Example of the cellCoBlended scheme specification using LUST for Courant numbers less than 1 and linearUpwind for Courant numbers greater than 10: \verbatim divSchemes { . . div(phi,U) Gauss cellCoBlended 1 LUST grad(U) 10 linearUpwind grad(U); . . } interpolationSchemes { . . interpolate(Co) localMax; . . } \endverbatim
- Jun 28, 2015
Henry Weller authored
Now the specification of the LTS time scheme is simply: ddtSchemes { default localEuler; }
- Feb 11, 2015
Henry authored
- Feb 10, 2015
Henry authored
- Jan 09, 2015
Henry authored
advectionDiffusionPatchDistMethod: Calculation of approximate distance to nearest patch for all cells and boundary by solving the Eikonal equation in advection form with diffusion smoothing.
- Jan 08, 2015
Henry authored
wallDist/patchDistMethods/Poisson: New method for fast calculation of an approximate wall-distance field by solving Poisson's equation
Henry authored
Currently these vectors are generated at the same time as the wall-distance field by the same run-time selected algorithm. This will be changed so that the wall-reflection vectors are only generated and stored if required.
Henry authored
When using models which require the wallDist e.g. kOmegaSST it will request the method to be used from the wallDist sub-dictionary in fvSchemes e.g. wallDist { method meshWave; } specifies the mesh-wave method as hard-coded in previous OpenFOAM versions.
- Jan 06, 2015
Henry authored
In preparation for run-time selectable methods
- Mar 20, 2014
Henry authored
- Dec 12, 2013
andy authored
- Dec 06, 2013
Henry authored
The standard/previous general symmetry type is now named symmetry both in class and lookup name for consistency. The rigorous symmetryPlane type is needed for moving-mesh cases in which the motion it constrained by one or two planes.
- Nov 29, 2013
- Nov 25, 2013
Henry authored