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  1. May 29, 2017
  2. May 26, 2017
  3. May 25, 2017
  4. Apr 20, 2017
    • Mark Olesen's avatar
      CONFIG: address differences between shells · 7f01a4be
      Mark Olesen authored
      - suppress error messages that appear with zsh.
        According to unset(1p), 'unset -f' unsets a function.
        If the function was not previously defined, this is a no-op.
        This is similar for zsh, but there it emits a warning if the
        function was not previously defined.
      - avoid 'local' in functions sources from etc/bashrc.
        ksh does not support this.
      - use 'command' shell builtin instead of 'type'.
        Seems to be more consistent between shell flavours.
    • Henry Weller's avatar
      The "<type>Coeffs" sub-dictionary is now optional for most model parameters · 5c518365
      Henry Weller authored
      except turbulence and lagrangian which will also be updated shortly.
      For example in the nonNewtonianIcoFoam offsetCylinder tutorial the viscosity
      model coefficients may be specified in the corresponding "<type>Coeffs"
      transportModel  CrossPowerLaw;
          nu0         [0 2 -1 0 0 0 0]  0.01;
          nuInf       [0 2 -1 0 0 0 0]  10;
          m           [0 0 1 0 0 0 0]   0.4;
          n           [0 0 0 0 0 0 0]   3;
          nu0         [0 2 -1 0 0 0 0]  1e-06;
          nuInf       [0 2 -1 0 0 0 0]  1e-06;
          k           [0 0 1 0 0 0 0]   0;
          n           [0 0 0 0 0 0 0]   1;
      which allows a quick change between models, or using the simpler
      transportModel  CrossPowerLaw;
      nu0         [0 2 -1 0 0 0 0]  0.01;
      nuInf       [0 2 -1 0 0 0 0]  10;
      m           [0 0 1 0 0 0 0]   0.4;
      n           [0 0 0 0 0 0 0]   3;
      if quick switching between models is not required.
      To support this more convenient parameter specification the inconsistent
      specification of seedSampleSet in the streamLine and wallBoundedStreamLine
      functionObjects had to be corrected from
          // Seeding method.
          seedSampleSet   uniform;  //cloud; //triSurfaceMeshPointSet;
              type        uniform;
              axis        x;  //distance;
              // Note: tracks slightly offset so as not to be on a face
              start       (-1.001 -0.05 0.0011);
              end         (-1.001 -0.05 1.0011);
              nPoints     20;
      to the simpler
          // Seeding method.
              type        uniform;
              axis        x;  //distance;
              // Note: tracks slightly offset so as not to be on a face
              start       (-1.001 -0.05 0.0011);
              end         (-1.001 -0.05 1.0011);
              nPoints     20;
      which also support the "<type>Coeffs" form
          // Seeding method.
              type        uniform;
                  axis        x;  //distance;
                  // Note: tracks slightly offset so as not to be on a face
                  start       (-1.001 -0.05 0.0011);
                  end         (-1.001 -0.05 1.0011);
                  nPoints     20;
  5. Apr 19, 2017
  6. Apr 18, 2017
  7. Apr 08, 2017
    • Henry Weller's avatar
      externalWallHeatFluxTemperatureFvPatchScalarField: Added "power" heat source option · 861b273e
      Henry Weller authored
      by combining with and rationalizing functionality from
      externalWallHeatFluxTemperatureFvPatchScalarField now replaces
      turbulentHeatFluxTemperatureFvPatchScalarField which is no longer needed and has
      been removed.
          This boundary condition applies a heat flux condition to temperature
          on an external wall in one of three modes:
            - fixed power: supply Q
            - fixed heat flux: supply q
            - fixed heat transfer coefficient: supply h and Ta
              Q  | Power [W]
              q  | Heat flux [W/m^2]
              h  | Heat transfer coefficient [W/m^2/K]
              Ta | Ambient temperature [K]
          For heat transfer coefficient mode optional thin thermal layer resistances
          can be specified through thicknessLayers and kappaLayers entries.
          The thermal conductivity \c kappa can either be retrieved from various
          possible sources, as detailed in the class temperatureCoupledBase.
          Property     | Description                 | Required | Default value
          mode         | 'power', 'flux' or 'coefficient' | yes |
          Q            | Power [W]                   | for mode 'power'     |
          q            | Heat flux [W/m^2]           | for mode 'flux'     |
          h            | Heat transfer coefficient [W/m^2/K] | for mode 'coefficent' |
          Ta           | Ambient temperature [K]     | for mode 'coefficient' |
          thicknessLayers | Layer thicknesses [m] | no |
          kappaLayers  | Layer thermal conductivities [W/m/K] | no |
          qr           | Name of the radiative field | no | none
          qrRelaxation | Relaxation factor for radiative field | no | 1
          kappaMethod  | Inherited from temperatureCoupledBase | inherited |
          kappa        | Inherited from temperatureCoupledBase | inherited |
          Example of the boundary condition specification:
              type            externalWallHeatFluxTemperature;
              mode            coefficient;
              Ta              uniform 300.0;
              h               uniform 10.0;
              thicknessLayers (0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4);
              kappaLayers     (1 2 3 4);
              kappaMethod     fluidThermo;
              value           $internalField;
  8. Apr 07, 2017
  9. Apr 04, 2017
  10. Apr 03, 2017
  11. Mar 31, 2017
  12. Mar 29, 2017
    • Mark Olesen's avatar
      ENH: improve MPI configuration possibilities · 3ece6e52
      Mark Olesen authored
      - permit SYSTEMMPI user adjustments via
        This can be a convenient place for setting up SYSTEMMPI for OpenFOAM
        without adjusting bashrc, ...
      - add a USERMPI type. This represents any generic mpi implementation.
        The user is responsible for supplying an appropriate
        wmake/rules/General/mplibUSERMPI file and managing all settings.
        This type of setup can be useful in combination with specific build
        systems (SPACK, EASYBUILD, etc) or module systems for which the MPI
        variant is part of the installed configuration.
  13. Mar 24, 2017
  14. Mar 23, 2017
    • Mark Olesen's avatar
      ENH: several improvements to foamEtcFile · bad27c45
      Mark Olesen authored
      - lazier evaluation of project name and version based on the directory
        name. Avoids heuristics based on directory names unless really needed.
      - cope with alternative directory locations.
        For example, OpenFOAM+VERSION etc.
      The combination of the two above appears to be sufficient to open up
      the directory naming possibilities.
      - additional -list-test option (tests for existence of directory).
    • Mark Olesen's avatar
      STYLE: suppress unalias warnings/errors · e6e617ed
      Mark Olesen authored
      - cleanup variables last in etc/bashrc for a clean exit code
  15. Mar 22, 2017
  16. Mar 20, 2017
  17. Mar 14, 2017
  18. Mar 13, 2017
  19. Mar 10, 2017
  20. Mar 20, 2017
    • Mark Olesen's avatar
      ENH: minor improvements to environment · b970ba09
      Mark Olesen authored
      - handle sourcing bashrc with a relative path (issue #383)
      - handle sourcing from bash and zsh.
        Still need manual intervention when sourcing dash, sh, or ksh.
      - replace grep in etc/cshrc with sed only
      - logical instead of physical path for WM_PROJECT_DIR (issue #431).
        Doesn't seem to be possible for csh/tcsh.
        * Continue using physical locations when comparing directories,
          but not for the top-level FOAM_INST_DIR, WM_PROJECT_DIR.
      - relocate WM_CC, WM_CXX overrides from etc/config.*/compiler
        to etc/config.*/settings to ensure that they are left untouched
        when etc/ is sourced while making third-party
        packages (eg, gcc, llvm, CGAL).
      - provide fallback FOAM_TUTORIALS setting in RunFunctions
      STYLE: remove "~OpenFOAM" fallback as being too rare, non-obvious
  21. Mar 14, 2017
  22. Mar 10, 2017
  23. Mar 07, 2017
  24. Feb 24, 2017
    • Henry Weller's avatar
      rhoSimpleFoam: added support for compressible liquid flows · a1c8cde3
      Henry Weller authored
      rhoSimpleFoam now instantiates the lower-level fluidThermo which instantiates
      either a psiThermo or rhoThermo according to the 'type' specification in
      thermophysicalProperties, e.g.
          type            hePsiThermo;
          mixture         pureMixture;
          transport       sutherland;
          thermo          janaf;
          equationOfState perfectGas;
          specie          specie;
          energy          sensibleInternalEnergy;
      instantiates a psiThermo for a perfect gas with JANAF thermodynamics, whereas
          type            heRhoThermo;
          mixture         pureMixture;
          properties      liquid;
          energy          sensibleInternalEnergy;
      instantiates a rhoThermo for water, see new tutorial
      In order to support complex equations of state the pressure can no longer be
      unlimited and rhoSimpleFoam now limits the pressure rather than the density to
      handle start-up more robus...
  25. Feb 23, 2017