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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Nov 05, 2021
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: use singleton method for accessing runtime selection · ba8d6bdd
      Mark OLESEN authored
      STYLE: use alias to mark partialFaceAreaWeightAMI deprecation after v2012
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: define singleton-style lookups for runTime selection, alias handling · 4fc6ec1d
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - this makes the lookup and use of tables slightly cleaner and
        provides a hook for update (compat) messages
        The singleton-style method returns the function pointer directly,
        or nullptr on not-found.
        NEW access method (mnemonic: 'ctor' prefix for constructors)
        auto* ctorPtr = dictionaryConstructorTable(modelType);
        if (!ctorPtr)
        return autoPtr<myModel>(ctorPtr(dict, ...));
        OLD method, which also still works, but without any compat handling:
        auto ctorIter = dictionaryConstructorTablePtr_->cfind(modelType);
        if (!ctorIter.found())
        return autoPtr<myModel>(ctorIter()(dict, ...));
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: add error::master() static for low-level messages · 794e23e0
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - a Pstream::master with a Pstream::parRun guard in case Pstream has
        not yet been initialised, as will be the case for low-level messages
        during startup.
      - propagate relativeName handling into IOstreams
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: refactored and simplified runtime declaration macros · 0bd113f5
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - improves future maintenance, avoids code/macro duplication
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: rename runTime selection typedefs · 7f8ecd98
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - better distinction between content and storage type
        by appending 'Type' to the typedef.
          old: 'Class::abcConstructorTable* tablePtr'
          new: 'Class::abcConstructorTableType* tablePtr'
        Was rarely used in any exposed code.
      BREAKING: LESdelta::New with additional table
      - parameter change to dictionaryConstructorTableType
        (was dictionaryConstructorTable)
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: improve isolation of basicThermo internals (as private) · 3416151d
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - getThermoOrDie: returns constructor pointer, or FatalError.
        Better isolation and avoids additional template/typename previously
        needed with ambiguous method name (lookupThermo).
      - makeThermoName: centralize dictionary -> stringified name
      - splitThermoName: use stringOps functionality
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      Merge branch 'feature-proudman-mean-fields' into 'develop' · 9e56dd40
      Mark OLESEN authored
      ENH: proudmanAcousticPower - extended to operate on mean turbulence fields
      See merge request !485
    • Andrew Heather's avatar
      ENH: proudmanAcousticPower - extended to operate on mean turbulence fields · 5cba2690
      Andrew Heather authored and Mark OLESEN's avatar Mark OLESEN committed
      Example using mean turbulence fields (mean fields should be available e.g. from
      a fieldAverage function object)
              // Mandatory entries (unmodifiable)
              type        proudmanAcousticPower;
              libs        (fieldFunctionObjects);
              // Turbulence field names (if not retrieved from the turb model)
              k           kMean;
              epsilon     epsilonMean;
              omega       none; // omegaMean
  2. Nov 04, 2021
  3. Nov 03, 2021
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: improve flexibility of error, messageStream output · c9333a5a
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - provide a plain stream() method on messageStream to reduce reliance
        on casting operators and slightly opaque operator()() calls etc
      - support alternative stream for messageStream serial output.
        This can be used to support local redirection of output.
        For example,
           refPtr<OFstream> logging;   // or autoPtr, unique_ptr etc
           // Later...
              << "Detailed output ..." << endl;
        This will use the stdout semantics in the normal case, or allow
        redirection to an output file if a target output stream is defined,
        but still effectively use /dev/null on non-master processes.
        This is mostly the same as this ternary
            (logging ? *logging : Info())
        except that the ternary could be incorrect on sub-processes,
        requires more typing etc.
      ENH: use case-relative names of dictionary, IOstream for FatalIOError
      - normally yields more easily understandable information
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: expose dictionary relativeName() method · 1c354ce2
      Mark OLESEN authored
      STYLE: more consistent noexcept for dictionary and entry
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: argList improvements · b364a9e7
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - argList::envExecutable() static method.
        This is identical to getEnv("FOAM_EXECUTABLE"), where the name of
        the executable has typically been set from the argList construction.
        Provides a singleton access to this value from locations that
        do not have knowledge of the originating command args (argList).
        This is a similar rationale as for the argList::envGlobalPath() static.
      - additional argList::envRelativePath() static method.
      - make -dry-run handling more central and easier to use by adding into
        argList itself.
      STYLE: drop handling of -srcDoc (v1706 option)
      - replaced with -doc-source for 1712 and never used much anyhow
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      STYLE: additional storage checks, noexcept, spelling · a19f03a5
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - prune unneeded demandDrivenData.H includes
  4. Nov 02, 2021
  5. Oct 29, 2021
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      CONFIG: increment API level to 2108 · 08e66a64
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - reflects updates for List, globalIndex handling etc
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: add fallback behaviour for distanceSurface proximity regions (#1631) · 0c891547
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - using the proximityRegions filter when there is no enclosing surface
        to segregate domains causes a surface of zero-faces to be created.
        In most cases, this means that a simpler proximityFaces filter would
        have been more appropriate. To increase overall robustness, revert
        to the simpler proximityFaces filter logic when the proximityRegions
        would otherwise result in zero faces (globally seen).
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: reduces buffer use / blocking in Ensight output · 048166c3
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - reuse single component buffer within an Ensight output method.
        Use direct UPstream read/write to avoid Pstream char buffers
      - replace blocking transfer with scheduled for Ensight cloud output
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: replace PstreamBuffers with scheduled read/writes for VTK output · 33ff3201
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - use the new updates to globalIndex to manage the bookkeeping
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: additional MPI gather/scatter routines, globalIndex gather methods · b6539cd0
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - UPstream::mpiGather (MPI_Gather)   - used by Pstream::listGatherValues
      - UPstream::mpiScatter (MPI_Scatter) - used by Pstream::listScatterValues
        These are much simpler forms for gather/scatter of fixed-sized
        contiguous types data types (eg, primitives, simple pairs etc).
        In the gather form, creates a list of gathered values on the master
        process. The subranks have a list size of zero.
        Similarly, scatter will distribute a list of values to single values
        on each process.
        Instead of
            labelList sendSizes(Pstream::nProcs());
            sendSizes[Pstream::myProcNo()] = sendData.size();
        Can write
            const labelList sendSizes
        // Less code, lower overhead and list can be const.
        For scattering an individual value only,
        instead of
            labelList someValues;
            if (Pstream::master()) someValu...
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: cleanup Pstream internal names, cull unneeded parameters · 1f20747b
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - Pstreams can be ascii/binary but are always currentVersion
      - rename UIPstream externalBuf_ to 'recvBuf_' for similar naming as
        PstreamBuffers and symmetry with UOPstream::sendBuf_
      - specific enum size for commsType (for more compact structures in the
        future). Default construct lists items.
      BUG: possible incidental indexing in UIPstream::read(char*, std::streamsize)
      - raw reading had been split into beginRawRead(), readRaw().
        However, this could change the current input position (due to word
        boundary alignment), even if the expected count is zero. Make a
        no-op for count == 0. This mirrors UOPstream::write behaviour.
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: improve flexibilty of globalIndex · 609fb366
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - construct or reset from a list of local sizes. It is generally
        easier and safer to assemble sizes and let globalIndex determine the
        corresponding offsets, when working with raw values.
      - Can use reset() from sizes or fine-tune offsets with setLocalSize()
        instead of using the potentially more fragile non-const access to
        the offsets.
      - add globalIndex const_iterator to iterate across the access ranges.
        This is makes it simpler to use with the List slice() method to
        access or operate on a sub-section of list.
        For example,
            scalarField allValues = ...;
            globalIndex procAccess = ...;
            for (const labelRange& range : procAccess)
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: additional 'nocopy' methods for List resize/reserve methods · b8a4b7e8
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - the size of a List often requires adjustment prior to an operation,
        but old values (if any) are not of interest and will be overwritten.
        In these cases can use the _nocopy versions to avoid additional memory
        overhead of the intermediate list and the copy/move overhead of
        retaining the old values (that we will subsequently discard anyhow).
        No equivalent for PtrList/UPtrList - this would be too fragile.
      - add swap DynamicField with DynamicList
      BUG: fixed Dynamic{Field,List} setCapacity corner case
      - for the case when the newly requested capacity coincides with the
        current addressable size, the resize of the underlying list would have
        been bypassed - ie, the real capacity was not actually changed.
      - remove (unused) PtrDynList setCapacity method as too fragile
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: return UList range slice as a SubList · e2861cc2
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - previously returned the range slice as a UList,
        but this prevents convenient assignment.
        Apply similar handling for Field/SubField
        Allows the following
           labelRange range(...);
           fullList.slice(range) = identity(range.size());
           fullList.slice(range) = UIndirectList<T>(other, addr);
      ENH: create SubList from full FixedList (simplifies interface)
      - allow default constructed SubList. Use shallowCopy to 'reset' later
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: add '_bytes()' versions of List data(), cdata() · 3781f17e
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - simply adds in the reinterpret_cast, which simplifies coding for
        binary data movement.
        Name complements the size_bytes() method for contiguous data
      STYLE: container IO.C files into main headers for better visibility
      STYLE: include CompactListList.H in polyTopoChange
      - avoids future mismatches if the CompactListList template signature
      GIT: relocate CompactListList into CompactLists/ directory
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: additional tests in {cell,face}SetOption · 3d3d2874
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - useSubMesh() - name as per fvMeshSubsetProxy.
        Setter methods take a parameter instead of direct access.
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: add static set/get dimensionSet::checking() method · f5058bca
      Mark OLESEN authored
       - encapsulates toggling
      STYLE: noexcept for some Time methods
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      BUG: face flips lost on foamToVTK faceZone output · 120e4a46
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - previously used an indirect patch to get the sampling locations,
        but this doesn't take account of the face flips. Now use
        the faceZone intrinsic for generating a properly flipped patch
        and provide the sampling locations separately.
      STYLE: adjust compatiblity header for surfaceMeshWriter
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      CONFIG: improve flexibility of MPI specification · 435be2e5
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - it is now possible to include the selected mpi version in the
        top-level bashrc or file. For example,
            WM_MPLIB=OPENMPI-4.1.1  or  WM_MPLIB=openmpi-4.1.1
        after evaluation of the, this will define
            WM_MPLIB=OPENMPI-4.1.1  and  FOAM_MPI=openmpi-4.1.1
        During the wmake, the mpi-rules will first load the MPI 'family'
        rules (OPENMPI in this example) before trying to load
        version-specific rules if they exist.
        NOTE: the regular user-defined prefs system is unaffected by this
        change. This means it is still possible to use a file such as
        'prefs.openmpi' to define the preferred version instead or as well.
        However, it does mean inconsistent naming can be specified.
        For example, specify WM_MPLIB=OPENMPI-4.1.1 at the top-level but
        actually have FOAM_MPI=openmpi-4.0.6 in the prefs.openmpi file.
        This will make the value of WM_MPLIB misleading.
      CONFIG: foamConfigurePaths support for sys-openmpi major version
      CONFIG: cleanup any shadow env variables
  6. Oct 28, 2021