- Oct 30, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
- add -compiler=NAME option to remove a build or platforms directory corresponding to any specified compiler on the current arch. - when -compiler or -compiler=NAME is specified, also clean related sub-directories as well. This will cleanup mpi-related directory.
- Oct 29, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
- consistent with C++ STL conventions, the reverse iterators should use operator++ to transit the list from rbegin() to rend(). The previous implementation used raw pointers, which meant that they had the opposite behaviour: operator-- to transit from rbegin() to rend(). The updated version only has operator++ defined, thus the compiler should catch any possible instances where people were using the old (incorrect) versions. - updated forAllReverseIters() and forAllConstReverseIters() macros to be consistent with new implementation and with C++ STL conventions.
Mark OLESEN authored
- forAllReverseIters and forAllReverseConstIters macros - stdFoam::rbegin(), stdFoam::rend() stdFoam::crbegin(), stdFoam::crend()
Mark OLESEN authored
Feature dictionary scoping lvalue See merge request Development/OpenFOAM-plus!124
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- previously using a top-level #include would inadvertently remove the original header
Mark OLESEN authored
- Oct 28, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
Style list methods See merge request Development/OpenFOAM-plus!157
Mark OLESEN authored
- Oct 27, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- this increases the flexibility of the interface - Add stringOps 'natural' string sorting comparison. Digits are sorted in their natural order, which means that (file10.txt file05.txt file2.txt) are sorted as (file2.txt file05.txt file10.txt) STYLE: consistent naming of template parameters for comparators - Compare for normal binary predicates - ListComparePredicate for list compare binary predicates
- Oct 26, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- similar to word::validate to allow stripping of invalid characters without triggering a FatalError. - use this validated fileName in Foam::readDir to avoid problems when a directory contains files with invalid characters in their names - adjust rmDir to handle filenames with invalid characters - fileName::equals() static method to compare strings while ignoring any differences that are solely due to duplicate slashes
Mark OLESEN authored
- more consistent naming: * Versions that hold and manage their own memory: IListStream, OListStream * Versions that reference a fixed size external memory: UIListStream, UOListStream - use List storage instead of DynamicList within OListStream. Avoids duplicate bookkeeping, more direct handling of resizing.
- Oct 25, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
- makes it accessible for containers that manage their own storage and derive directly from UList. - DynamicList::min_size() method to access the corresponding SizeMin template parameter. - ensure consistency in the reserve size for the constructor DynamicList<..> lst(N); now has identical sizing as DynamicList<..> lst(); reserve(N);
- Oct 28, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
ENH: Arrhenius viscocity model for incompressible viscocity See merge request Development/OpenFOAM-plus!155
- Oct 26, 2017
- Oct 25, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
- The problem occurs when using atof to parse values such as "1e-39" since this is out of range for a float and _can_ set errno to ERANGE. Similar to parsing of integers, now parse with the longest floating point representation "long double" via strtold (guaranteed to be part of C++11) and verify against the respective VGREAT values for overflow. Treat anything smaller than VSMALL to be zero.
- Arrhenius viscocity model for incompressible viscocity. - energyTransport FO for incompressible single and multiple phase flows and viscousDissipation fvOption source. - Tutorial to show the use of energyTransport: multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/laminar/mixerVessel2D - Tutorial to show viscousDissipation: compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/RAS/TJunction
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
- Oct 24, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
CONFIG: add settings for Cray compiler and cray mpich See merge request OpenFOAM-plus!138
Mark OLESEN authored
Andrew Heather authored
low-level binary Ostream output, additional stream classes See merge request OpenFOAM-plus!156
Mark OLESEN authored
- reduce coding clutter, avoiding allocated pointers when possible. IFstream and OFstream continue to use pointers since they handle compressed files, other streams can do without them.
Mark OLESEN authored
- an output stream to a DynamicList
Mark OLESEN authored
- now use public functions instead of direct access of private 'capacity_' information
- Oct 23, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
- these provide a similar functionality to string-streams, but operate on a externally provided memory buffer which can be used to reduce the amount of copying. - classes were previously staged as part of the ADIOS community repository.
Mark OLESEN authored
- makes it easier to transmit or stream as a list of scalars
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- the USE_OMP preprocessor symbol is also defined with the openmp compile flag to allow conditional compilation of openmp-specific code.
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- for convenience and symmetry with OStringStream STYLE: void return value for stream rewind() methods - this makes it easier to design bidirectional streams
- Oct 20, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- low-level beginRaw(), writeRaw(), endRaw() methods. These can be used to directly add '()' decorators for serial output or prepare/cleanup parallel buffers. Used, for example, when outputting indirect lists in binary to avoid.
- Oct 12, 2017
Mark OLESEN authored