CONFIG: add settings for Cray compiler and cray mpich
Merge request reports
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added 1 commit
- 43c2105d - CONFIG: add Cray compiler, cray mpich settings, wmake rules (fixes #558 (closed))
added 1 commit
- 945d093e - CONFIG: add Cray compiler, cray mpich settings, wmake rules (fixes #558 (closed))
added 1 commit
- 44662d47 - CONFIG: add Cray compiler, cray mpich settings, wmake rules (fixes #558 (closed))
added 357 commits
- 44662d47...6355554d - 18 commits from branch
- d056f308 - ENH: lazier field loading in foamToVTK
- 0caa1432 - ENH: add -cellZone option to foamToVTK
- c964dd86 - ENH: consolidate arch and version strings (issue #513 (closed))
- 4ce704ce - STYLE: use auto with vtkSmartPointer
- fdb52f67 - STYLE: fix permissions on files, remove unused files
- dff5b0ab - STYLE: regExp with explicit constructor
- 0e2c6ccd - STYLE: hash constructors with power-of-two
- cce480c0 - STYLE: spacing of multi-level template parameters
- 287deeb2 - ENH: upgrade from NamedEnum to Enum (issue #515 (closed))
- 1dcf2fb3 - STYLE: use ""_deg user-literal for degrees to radians conversion
- ab8715a0 - ENH: make streams name() methods virtual throughout (issue #479 (closed))
- 9e463b0d - ENH: add mpiBufferSize optimisationSwitch (issue #517)
- cad6fb21 - ENH: add trapFpe and setNaN optimisationSwitch (issue #517)
- 32ee4947 - STYLE: adjust coding style for C++11 features and OpenFOAM-1706 methods
- 58eab581 - ENH: add optional parameter to word::validated (issue #518 (closed))
- 0fbd58a3 - BUG: triSurfaceMesh: construct-from-triSurface refers to original surface. Fixes #519 (closed).
- 2c717225 - Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
- 87c16cf6 - ENH: wallHeatFlux FO - removed hard-coding of qr name
- 402e70fb - STYLE: Code tidying
- b91bff64 - STYLE: adjust internal coding for handing IOobject filename (related to #482 (closed))
- e20fb218 - ENH: cleanup dictionary code
- fe20ddb1 - ENH: provide Enum failsafe lookup
- 1a8502e1 - ENH: consolidate table bounding (issue #520 (closed))
- 6cf0da0f - STYLE: initializer_list instead of IStringStream for static list construction
- 03cc5bbb - TUT: adjust surfaceFeatureExtractDict to remove optional sub-dictionary
- 1b0dc5c8 - STYLE: use shell 'command' instead of 'which' in tutorials
- e00305be - Merge branch 'feature-post-release-cleaning' into 'develop'
- abc126d4 - STYLE: use auto and cfind to simplify selector usage (issue #512 (closed))
- d26b8e02 - STYLE: simplify string handling for expansions in primitiveEntry
- fb6cf987 - STYLE: remove special treatment for 'include' keyword (closes #521 (closed))
- 1ebbb095 - Merge branch 'feature-post-release-cleaning' into 'develop'
- c51f6f73 - STYLE: additional divisions for code templates
- fa053d54 - STYLE: avoid default copyright assignment when generating from code templates
- 60dba70f - COMP: add support for metis, scotch static libraries (eg, EasyBuild)
- 2c5d4073 - STYLE: relocate deprecated utilities into separate directory
- 1d110b0c - ENH: remove deprecated ensight output order (issue #523 (closed))
- 56bdb6c4 - ENH: mergeOrSplitBaffles: fix header. See #468.
- 1b571605 - Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
- 47d212f1 - ENH: respect the I_MPI_ROOT setting for INTELMPI (issue #524 (closed))
- 85b7fb58 - BUG: snappyHexMesh: calculate surface normals if face splitting. Fixes #522 (closed).
- c44d0e22 - Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
- b890e5c0 - ENH: enable profiling output for postProcess and -postProcess (closes #526 (closed))
- a77b501e - BUG: IOobject: interpretation of ./ in construct-from-fileName. Fixes #482 (closed).
- 611fea2e - Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
- d0898b43 - ENH: add infoSwitch to control reporting of slaves/roots (closes #531 (closed))
- 3f43918e - CONFIG: cpu/sys information in profiling now OFF by default (issue #526 (closed))
- e15e58e3 - STYLE: use nullptr instead of 0 in autoPtr, tmp etc.
- 399fbde1 - STYLE: checkMesh: remove duplicate writeSets entry from header (resolves #293)
- b7fb6d60 - ENH: limit file checks in the abort function object to the master process
- 0d5bce68 - ENH: refactor and combine externalFileCoupler (issue #529 (closed))
- af225cee - STYLE: Use C++11 and OpenFOAM-1706 methods in externalCoupled
- 1c25b960 - STYLE: eliminate duplicate includes (issue #293)
- 0dc2cf65 - ENH: provide direct access to file-stat size
- d5d36d2c - STYLE: minor typos in comments
- 17f5793a - Merge branch 'feature-externalFileCoupler' into 'develop'
- c12ca2b3 - ENH: make treatment of stream allocators more uniform (issue #532 (closed))
- 48dea2ad - ENH: added OStringStream reset method (closes #534 (closed))
- 730f0f8d - ENH: improved behaviour of input stream rewind (issue #534 (closed))
- 6f39ba34 - Merge branch 'stylefix-checkMesh' into 'develop'
- 525c3224 - Merge branch 'feature-streams-cleanup' into 'develop'
- 9ea81484 - Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
- ddfbc7ed - ENH: improve dictionary parsing behaviour for ill-formed entries (closes #510 (closed))
- 790b7ef4 - BUG: IOobject interpretation of ./ in construct-from-fileName (closes #482 (closed))
- c83b8f94 - COMP: foamList: missing fallback library. Fixes #541 (closed).
- 771b1de6 - Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
- 08816455 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into develop
- 4eb178be - STYLE: use Enum for #inputMode selection
- c935793a - ENH: no dictionary variable and function expansion when discarding entry
- 481513bb - STYLE: adjust some line lengths, doxygen comments
- 822d20cb - STYLE: word::validated without underscore prefix by default (issue #518 (closed))
- 1281543c - STYLE: use string substr instead of string::operator()
- b3ac6c3f - ENH: add Foam::SubStrings container and stringOps::split
- a2195d7e - ENH: allow '/' in ${...} blocks for future entry scoping (issue #429 (closed))
- f360265f - ENH: provide direct pointer access to dictionaryEntry
- b1ca5870 - COMP: intel compiler issues with operator ""_deg (fixes #544 (closed))
- 17898d23 - Merge branch 'regression-icc' into 'develop'
- c2db86f0 - Merge branch 'style-string-access' into 'develop'
- 25a88546 - COMP: typo in entry.H causing regression - fixes #546 (closed)
- 8cc84454 - BUG: incorrect range check in foamHelp (closes #547 (closed))
- 1bbfdb57 - STYLE: New syntax compatible with v1706
- 075deeca - BUG: Fix viscosity in simpleFoam motorBike tutorial (fixes #550 (closed))
- 27bd85c2 - Merge branch 'fix-motorbike-visc' into 'develop'
- 837c7486 - ENH: additional method for switching error throwing on/off (issue #552 (closed))
- d66f7be0 - ENH: more graceful handling of invalid IOobject headers (issue #539 (closed))
- d41647ca - ENH: improve bash completion functionality (issue #551 (closed))
- f61a89ae - ENH: ignore lone dash on the command-line (issue #553 (closed))
- 099a4b34 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into develop
- 507d13c5 - STYLE: flatten PVReaders directory structure
- cb049ffe - ENH: consolidate, cleanup some string methods
- 6802fa9c - ENH: static versions of fileName clean(), path(), name()
- 81037a60 - ENH: add tcsh completion functionality (issue #551 (closed))
- e50eb00d - Merge branch 'style-string-methods' into 'develop'
- ab84869c - TUT: use general 'scale' instead of 'convertToMeters' in blockMeshDict
- 2de7aeef - STYLE: manage dictionary inputMode directly within entry class
- d1a4e308 - STYLE: return const char* in CStringList::data()
- a5686a4d - CONFIG: additional filenames completion for bash_completion
- 3c1ed3b4 - CONFIG: unset tcsh completions when cleaninp up (issue #551 (closed))
- 482fe857 - ENH: add forwards file for various hash table types
- c3de8731 - Merge branch 'master' into develop
- b5d9d717 - Merge branch 'style-noiseDict-syntax' into 'develop'
- 46099d77 - ENH: use bash associative array for on-the-fly completion (issue #551 (closed))
- 4233d482 - Merge branch 'feature-bash-completion' into 'develop'
- b182dbbb - Merge branch 'feature-robuster-ioobjectlist-construction' into 'develop'
- 791615a3 - TUT: various blockMeshDict with convertToMeters instead of scale
- 78910f9a - CONFIG: verify bash version for completion support
- 7a803a56 - STYLE: extraneous orientedWeightField in documentation (closes #565 (closed))
- 03ba26bf - BUG: OPstream send of tokenType may swallow characters (fixes #563 (closed))
- d98c1714 - ENH: make token constructors explicit (issue #563 (closed))
- d818c14c - Merge branch 'bug-pstream-tokensending' into 'develop'
- 64b29ade - ENH: overset: adjust fringe for interFoam
- bc961f90 - Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
- 64a08559 - BUG: setSet: use of one-argument constructor. Fixes #566.
- b44bebe1 - STYLE: replace file-local functions with the Ostream writeEntry() method
- 5bd7a729 - STYLE: make Switch construct from string explicit (issue #568 (closed))
- ac6a924d - ENH: add stringOps::splitAny, stringOps::splitSpace
- 09a7423d - Merge branch 'master' into develop
- 83cd8308 - Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
- d499dc38 - BUG: nearWallFields: point on the face is inside/outside any tet.
- 8d536e6f - Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
- cd4d5c3c - ENH: Adds basic information for faceZone and cellZones during checkMesh
- 8d99817a - ENH: Print info on zones only if present
- 87fdc2ea - BUG: sampledTriSurfaceMesh: sampling outside of mesh. Fixes #575 (closed).
- 5070a9cc - BUG: fluxSummary: incorrect handling of flipMap. Fixes #530 (closed).
- cea20ae1 - ENH: checkMesh: output information about zones
- a74d9a0a - Merge branch 'feature-zoneInformation' into 'develop'
- 702e39a8 - Merge branch 'master' into develop
- 5ae0f3c0 - Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
- 84fa0151 - ENH: extrudeMesh: preserve hexRef8Data. Fixes #471 (closed).
- cc9195a4 - Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
- 9b7110e7 - COMP: checkMesh: missing header
- 1e9f533a - ENH: modifyMesh: added -dict argument
- da373d4f - ENH: add input surface scaling (issue #514 (closed))
- 31321271 - ENH: add absolute weighting for surfaceFieldValue (issue #567 (closed))
- 5c687ff9 - ENH: support pTotal as a derived field for surfMeshSamplers (issue #567 (closed))
- 42dff830 - ENH: a weighted operation without a weightField is an error (issue #583 (closed))
- 2d1b2862 - ENH: scaling: added scaling to various sampling routines. See #514 (closed).
- 06d09870 - STYLE: relocate surfaceMeshConvertTesting to test/ (closes #584 (closed))
- 91c00146 - Merge branch 'feature-surface-scaling' into 'develop'
- 1fd2ba4c - Merge branch 'feature-surfacefield-value' into 'develop'
- 2057a803 - ENH: handle all lagrangian fields in pv reader (issue #585 (closed))
- 09fb3144 - STYLE: paraview reader attempts to shallow copy nullptr (closes #586 (closed))
- dae508fb - Merge branch 'feature-paraview-clouds' into 'develop'
- 39f2b736 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into develop
- b9168311 - COMP: resolve merge conflict
- 6e7d6711 - ENH: mirrorMesh: run parallel. Fixes #587 (closed).
- eef151a5 - Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
- 03e64f19 - ENH: isoSurface: additional debug message
- 15694bdc - ENH: cuttingPlane: suppress excessive warning message. Fixes #596 (closed).
- b7d08241 - Lagrangian: Rewrite of the particle tracking algorithm to function in
- 165bc45d - particle: Avoid warning about uninitialized edge
- 12ddfd90 - KinematicParcel: Bug fix. Restored steady particle tracking coupling.
- 0f37016a - particle: Corrected the direction of tracking when passing through an
- 0e2bc0be - primitiveShapes: Generalised tetrahedron and triangle cutting. Cuts are
- 0ff7b717 - CollidingCloud: Allow instantiation of the NoCollision model for steady-state operation
- 4ab6dda3 - lagrangian::InjectionModels: Corrected documentation
- 7ada836a - tetIndices: Removed duplicate logic
- 39376dfa - MPPIC: Optimised the averaging methods
- eb09cdd8 - interpolation: Optimise by using particle local coordinates
- 588c5791 - ParticleCollector: Prevented missing and duplicate collections
- 4bc08a0a - lagrangian: Corrected patch data
- 8da213f5 - lagrangian: Fixed infinite loops
- f39b3dd5 - lagrangian: Fixed argument passing from Colliding to Kinematic parcel component constructor
- dc31f659 - lagrangian: Always set switchProcessor flag
- 028bc0f0 - ThermoParcel: Improved numerical stability of heat transfer term
- 930e02a0 - Lagrangian: Enabled tracking through ACMI patches and minor code improvements
- b4ad1dd8 - lagrangian: Removed debugging message from particle::trackToFace
- d2748836 - lagrangian: Made ACMI interactions insensitive to cell-face order
- 7280f0ad - KinematicParcel: Apply in-cell updates before hitting the face
- e811fd25 - cloudSolution: Check consistency between the transient option
- 28024e5f - tutorials/lagrangian: Added mixedVesselAMI2D
- 34d43585 - tetrahedron: triangle: Improved barycentric handling on tets and tris
- 2b9b4c1a - ENH: Reinstated local tet-based intersection
- 58882985 - swirlInletVelocity: New general swirl inlet BC
- b486e347 - INT: Compatibility updates followinglatest integrations
- f1a8e651 - swirlFlowRateInletVelocity: Added support for specifying the origin and axis of rotation
- 5db67655 - matchedFlowRateOutletVelocity: New flow-rate outlet BC
- 42c1ffe1 - fixedShearStressFvPatchVectorField: Removed duplicate "value" entry
- 5853b212 - surfaceInterpolation::outletStabilised: Corrected typo
- ab0d53f9 - flowRateOutletVelocityFvPatchVectorField: Outlet equivalent of…
- d1534b14 - flowRateInletVelocity, flowRateOutletVelocity BCs: Updated docs
- 52ad98fa - flowRateInletVelocity extrapolated: Removed reverse flow and correct only the normal component
- f3c647b9 - swirlFlowRateInletVelocityFvPatchVectorField: Avoid calculating origin and axis…
- 8ad88603 - VoF solvers: New interfaceCompressionFvPatchScalarField BC and additional shear compression
- 4911c165 - BUG: reactingEulerFoam: Corrected definition of Reynolds number in Beetstra and Tenneti drag laws
- 5a02aa3e - Euler-Euler: turbulentDispersionModels: Burns: Minor re-formulation to
- e5b0f747 - codedFunctionObject.H: Removed spurious '"'
- 24694981 - BUG: codedFvOptionTemplate: updated 'setValue' to 'constrain'
- 47e74183 - snappyHexMesh: Feature line tracking should end on AMI patches
- 575c484c - flowRateFaceZone: faceZone configuration for the surfaceFieldValue functionObject
- 623306ad - fvOptions/radiation: Corrected documentation
- f15e9b63 - tutorials/combustion/reactingFoam/RAS/SandiaD_LTS/system/decomposeParDict: removed
- 7a41ed10 - tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/RAS/DTCHull: Resolve stability issue caused by…
- 5d3771a8 - functionObjects::wallHeatFlux: Added support for solid regions
- 9d7e8555 - BUG: sixDoFRigidBodyMotion: Corrected handling of acceleration update in first time-step
- ad971302 - cfdTools: Added a number of functions for performing volume averages of
- a7acd4d9 - CourantNo: Removed check for nInternalFaces which is not correct in general in parallel
- 28d4576a - surfaceFind: output region/zone number of found face
- 130af9ef - compressibleInflowOutflow template case: added missing wallDist in fvSchemes
- 034afbe7 - pimpleControl: Corrected handling of finalInnerIter()
- 509450e4 - saturationModels::function1: New Function1 Tsat model
- 1ed938ab - Replace foamList utility with -list.* options
- beced267 - listSwitches: moved from argList to debug
- 2e9fbcca - foamDebugSwitches: Removed, no longer needed
- bd4fcd16 - fvOptions: limitVelocity: Fixed the correction factor
- f10f67b4 - vectorField: vector2DField: Added zip functions for stitching together a
- ca06a453 - reactingEulerFoam::IsothermalPhaseModel: Added support for isothermal compressible flow
- 00f6ea83 - TDACChemistryModel::DRG: Corrected comments
- abc56888 - TDACChemistryModel: improved reporting of CPU time
- 02c68fc2 - reactingEulerFoam: Bug fix to reactionsource terms
- 85f12ff5 - INT: Integration of Mattijs' collocated parallel IO additions
- fdf73628 - INT: Updated dependent code following latest set of integrations
- c6954f09 - BUG: argList: disable checking for exact path; rely on fileHandler instead
- a0692de3 - argList: addition of fileHandler option moved to argList.C
- d41108b2 - INT: Removed deprecated utility
- 18874f00 - fileOperation: Corrected processor counting for moving mesh cases
- 05b2f9bd - Time::purgeWrite: Corrected handling of collated processors directory
- 357fc39b - Function1::ramp function: Added clone function
- 1cd76515 - made the clone function pure virtual
- 176f3af9 - Function1: Optimized field evaluations
- e67c54d4 - INT: Compatibility updates for Function1 related code
- fd0083d9 - reactingOneDim: Correct reporting of temperature range in parallel
- 3a7ba17a - refineMesh: Correct parallel operation
- da406046 - MULES: Improve handling of very small geometries
- d0a6fb9f - STYLE: Code clean-up
- a96792ab - localEulerDdtScheme: Completed and tested support for moving meshes
- ae277fd1 - Rationalize the "pos" function
- 36423b25 - INT: Updated code related to change in pos(x) function
- 99ab0819 - externalWallHeatFluxTemperatureFvPatchScalarField: Corrected decomposition mapping
- fb846bbd - externalWallHeatFluxTemperature: Changed Ta entry to Function1 to support time variation
- d9d8989d - surfaceFilmModels: 0.333 -> 1.0/3.0 and 0.666 -> 2.0/3.0
- cbb9f25f - foamJob: Updated to support collated parallel IO
- 6ad88f15 - compressibleInterFoam: Improved mass conservation
- e67525ce - INT: updated overInterDyMFoam and MPPICInterFoam following changes to multiphase…
- 82ed8758 - reactingMultiphaseEulerFoam: Limited phase-fractions
- 38471767 - compressibleInterFilmFoam: Experimental VoF solver supporting VoF<->film transfer
- 998f8f3a - thermoSingleLayer::q: Use a local "alpha" without hydrophilic/phobic adjustment
- d55a5aad - surfaceFilmModels::transferModelList: Resolve problem with the Intel C++ compiler
- 4a2f5122 - INT: Added missing #include statement
- 0ee688fe - compressibleInterFilmFoam::VoFSolidificationMeltingSource: New VoF solidification fvOption
- bf971e4b - surfaceFilmModels::function1Viscosity: New viscosity modifier
- 8d72f581 - reactingParcelFilmFoam: Added LTS support
- bc82aff0 - Merged reactingParcelFilmFoam into reactingParcelFoam
- b732ff02 - BUG: compressibleMultiphaseInterFoam: Corrected update of dgdt for multiple phases
- 17da91a3 - PairCollision: Removed unnecessary operations
- ab51dc5c - GAMG: removed warnComm
- 5d4d1cd2 - tmpNrc: Updated to use clone
- 76e2c497 - lagrangian: Un-templated the tracking data
- 9829021a - INT: minor clean-up after after latest integrations
- e35f87d8 - lagrangian: Simplification of parallel transfer
- dd30e552 - lagrangian: Removed duplicate data from method arguments
- 3f2ebd52 - INT: Re-instated escpaed mass
- 6a6f4d76 - lagrangian: Removed unnecessary patch argument from hit methods
- fa31a76a - lagrangian: Removed duplicate hit-processor handling
- 8aec422b - lagrangian: Removed unused wall impact distance methods
- 8f105f9b - KinematicParcel: Removed continuous phase data
- a6044104 - INT: clean-up
- 4b64b9a0 - ThermoParcel, ReactingParcel: Removed continuous phase data
- 8c379e78 - ThermoSurfaceFilm: Corrected the splash kinetic energy
- 480643aa - Corrected correspondence between #ifdef .*_H and the class name
- 3d6eb0e2 - Corrected correspondence between #ifdef .*_H and the class name
- 6fd823e7 - limitTemperature: added support for multiphase solvers
- 1190ec81 - externalWallHeatFluxTemperature: Allow manipulation of the boundary values
- 38a7cf86 - viewFactor: Average T^4 rather than T for consistent heat-flux
- 65a9d494 - ENH: Lagrangian - provided backwards compatibility for cases using the
- c7edc26d - ENH: Reinstated the wallBoundedStreamline function object
- 24527f76 - Updated to avoid warnings from gcc-7.1.1
- 9ab570ae - COMP: Added support for gcc 7.2.0
- f1780abe - lagrangian: Optimised reduced-dimension constraints
- eb02762d - triSurfaceMesh: corrected parallel operation of 'file' specification
- 94b62c28 - sixDoFRigidBodyState: New functionObject which writes the rigid-body state
- 884f2f86 - STYLE: Code clean-up
- 677564e9 - Merge branch 'integration-foundation' into 'develop'
- 3cb9c66c - STYLE: typo in doxygen string
- 41f59b07 - ENH: improve consistency in parsing primitives from strings (issue #590 (closed))
- 1c649817 - STYLE: avoid IStringStream when parsing primitives
- 13f04876 - ENH: improve input stringency for argList options
- 4996ac85 - STYLE: minor cleanup after merge
- b2e05dc6 - Merge branch 'feature-string-parsing' into 'develop'
- df87fed4 - STYLE: include .foam file as well in paraFoam -touch-all
- 0b571a37 - MRG: OFstream name not being passed through to OSstream
- b16d1e06 - CONFIG: update completion_cache (csh) for new command-line options
- 50f56503 - STYLE: Minor code style updates
- 40fc8462 - ENH: coordSet - added protection for the 'distance' option
- 821ff7a5 - ENH: boundaryMesh - allow not found state in findPatchID
- 02831288 - ENH: class data now protected as opposed to private
- 0f3bb217 - STYLE: Code refactoring
- 260cf594 - BUG: Added missing #include. See #600 (closed)
- 2266eedb - BUG: decomposePar - resolved error using -allRegions option
- 07cf12c3 - TUT: Tutorial updates - see #600 (closed)
- 5d8edc21 - BUG: reachingParcelFoam: requires p_rgh
- 734c2019 - BUG: redistributePar: transfer particles correctly. Fixes #605.
- 228f07dc - COMP: reinstate rules for various C++ suffixes (issue #607 (closed))
- 5e7a2917 - ENH: adjust doxygen wrapper to accept multiple input directories
- 5873cacc - ENH: adjust infoSwitch to report host subscription (related to #531 (closed))
- 3f4046ee - BUG: index error when parsing integers from prefix_rayId_lambdaId
- e6ac4035 - Merge branch 'feature-argList-report-host-subscription' into 'develop'
- 847adca6 - BUG: Allrun: run in non-test mode. Handle ./Alltest correctly
- 5700946f - STYLE: remove substring operator() (issue #554 (closed))
- 018e74d4 - TUT: avoid backticks in scripts
- 84eae596 - STYLE: CodedSource: remove space from description. Fixes #612.
- 7c07f979 - Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
- 5decf21c - COMP: Pstream: dummy version misses dependency of pthread (needed in OSspecific). Fixes #614 (closed).
- e3b45728 - STYLE: add setHit/setMiss methods to objectHit
- 581786f0 - STYLE: replace unused indirect{Cell,Face,Point}List typedefs
- 34e0bfcd - ENH: add faceZone::resetAddressing with constant flipMap
- aeabe670 - STYLE: include <utility> in stdFoam, formatting of list loop macros
- af413d0e - ENH: update List and DynamicList methods (issue #595 (closed))
- c7fc4437 - STYLE: rebase edge on labelPair, additional methods in Pair
- 755defa0 - ENH: minor update of PackedList methods
- 955abd8d - BUG: rhoCentralFoam: correct/clean up oriented handling. Fixes #615 (closed).
- cc007285 - Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
- ec4d55bb - ENH: surfaceFeatures: survive zero length edge. Fixes #616.
- d2233d46 - ENH: checkMesh: handle label overflow. Fixes #617.
- 8c98049f - ENH: support KaHIP decomposition
- 8d851c0e - Merge branch 'feature-list-methods' into 'develop'
- b34fdcec - Merge branch 'feature-kahip-decompose' into 'develop'
- 5a5a08f0 - COMP: handle kahip .so version, and openmp dependency
- 98851e9e - COMP: create lnInclude directory for kahip
- 59bdc08c - STYLE: remove FULLDEBUG output on readLabel, readScalar
- 66b72c97 - ENH: make creation of streamline seeds demand-driven
- f68ed978 - BUG: missing parallel-aware for metis-like decomposition
- 90c0be38 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into develop
- 9fe49025 - STYLE: note correct defaults for profiling
- 58d09dd5 - ENH: emit number of blocks for decomposedBlockData in header
- 334caa50 - TUT: script cleanup, provide cleanCase0 for commonly used operation
- 15948a96 - STYLE: pass through -test argument
- 95c07aea - COMP: incorrect specialization for Swap(HashSet..)
- 4c656217 - COMP: clang warnings
- 6de8df50 - ENH: provide openmp compile and link flags.
- e6c79ce2 - STYLE: use word methods to obtain IOobject member/group
- 3657b84e - ENH: use FixedList for dimensionSet storage
- 58f46a6b - BUG: failed swap/transfer for DynamicList with different sizing parameters
- 438f4de0 - ENH: additional low-level raw binary output for Ostream.
- d388216a - ENH: add reset() method to IStringStream
- c2340273 - ENH: include memory streams
- 204ce366 - ENH: new stream output: OListStream
- 5aa783f1 - STYLE: simplify stream types
- 7cadae56 - Merge branch 'feature-io-streams' into 'develop'
- 00852f9e - CONFIG: add Cray compiler, cray mpich settings, wmake rules (fixes #558 (closed))
Toggle commit list- 44662d47...6355554d - 18 commits from branch
mentioned in commit 34a8b56f
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