- Jun 10, 2022
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Andrew Heather authored
ENH: adjoint code review See merge request !518
Necessary when grad(Ua) is cached
Partially fixes #2502 (see discussion there)
in RASModelVariables were doing this by checking whether the corresponding pointer was allocated. In some cases, however, even if the field does not exist, the pointer is not null, leading to the wrong output. Made the correspding functions virtual and overwritten their return values in the derived classes. Kept the initial implementation in base to facilitate the clone function.
in cases with more than one primal or adjoint solvers TUT: removed all occurances of useSolverNameForFields from the optimisation tutorials since it is now set automatically.
to be in line with the changes in 00f46a2c52 and added the same tutorial which performs the optimisation in one-go, for comparison.
volBSplinesBase const, since the no private/protected variable is changed there.
in the sensitivity patches, symmetry::evaluate() needs access to the internalField which does exist, leading to wrong memory access. Fixed by specifying a calculated type fvPatchField for all patches when creating a boundaryField<Type> Using a symmetry(Plane) as a sensitivity patch is quite rare and borderline wrong, but this provides a fix nonetheless.
The multiplier of grad(dxdb) is a volTensorField which, by itself, is memory consuming. The function computing it though was sloppy in terms of memory management, constituting the peak memory consumption during an adjoint optimisation. Initial changes to remedy the problem include the deallocation of some of the volTensorFields included in the computation of grad(dxdb) once unneeded, the utilisation of volSymmTensorFields instead of volTensorFields where possible and avoiding allocating some unnecessary intermediate fields. Actions to further reduce memory consumption: - For historical reasons, the code computes/stores the transpose of grad(dxdb), which is then transposed when used in the computation of the FI or the ESI sensitivity derivatives. This redundant transposition can be avoid, saving the allocation of an additional volTensorField, but the changes need to permeate a number of places in the code that contribute to grad(dxdb) (e.g. ATC, adjoint turbulence models, adjoint MRF, etc). - Allocation of unnecessary pointers in the objective class should be avoided.
- ATCstandard, ATCUaGradU: the ATC is now added as a dimensioned field and not as an fvMatrix to UaEqn. This get rid of many unnecessary allocations. - ATCstandard: gradU is cached within the class to avoid its re-computation in every adjoint iteration of the steady state solver. - Inlined a number of functions within the primal and adjoint solvers. This probably has a negligible effect since they likely were inlined by the compiler either way. - The momentum diffusivity at the boundary, used by the adjoint boundary conditions, was computed for the entire field and, then, only the boundary field of each adjoint boundary condition was used. If many outlet boundaries exist, the entire nuEff field would be computed as many times as the number of boundaries, leading to an unnecessary computational overhead. - Outlet boundary conditions (both pressure and velocity) use the local patch gradient to compute their fluxes. This patch gradient requires the computation of the adjacent cell gradient, which is done on the fly, on a per patch basis. To compute this patch adjacent gradient however, the field under the grad sign is interpolated on the entire mesh. If many outlets exist, this leads to a huge computational overhead. Solved by caching the interpolated field to the database and re-using it, in a way similar to the caching of gradient fields (see fvc::grad). WIP: functions returning references to primal and adjoint boundary fields within boundaryAdjointContributions seem to have a non-negligible overhead for cases with many patches. No easy work-around here since these are virtual and cannot be inlined. WIP: introduced the code structure for caching the contributions to the adjoint boundary conditions that depend only on the primal fields and reusing. The process needs to be completed and evaluated, to make sure that the extra code complexity is justified by gains in performance.
from the equivalent entry of the primal eikonal equation solver, unless specified in the corresponding adjoint dictionary.
is now appended by the name of the adjoint solver, if more than one exist. This was necessary for an accurate continuation since, before these changes, only the ma field of the last solver was written. As a result, when restarting the first adjoint solver was reading the ma field of the last one. No changes are needed in fvSolution and fvSchemes w.r.t. the previous code version.
as a step towards machine-accuracy continuation of the optimisation loop. Additionally, control points are now written under the time/uniform folder, to be in-line with rest of the code structure for continuation. As a side-effect, the controlPointsDefinition in constant/dynamicMeshDict does not need to be changed to 'fromFile' anymore in order to perform the continuation. The 'fromFile' option is still valid if the user wants to supply the control points manually but, as with all other controlPointsDefinitions, it will be disregarded if the proper file exists under the time/uniform/volumetricBSplines folder.
Before the commit, the sensitivity classes were receiving references of the (incompressible) primal and adjoint variables. However, if additional physics was added (energy equation, multiphase, etc), the infrastructure wasn't convenient for accommodating (new terms in the FI and E-SI formulations, new terms in the sensitivity map, etc). Now, the sensitivity classes receive a reference to an incompressibleAdjointSolver and receive the terms for the FI and sensitivity maps through there. The latter is still WIP. Modified adjointSimple to incorporate these changes as well.
Each solver now writes its sensitivity derivatives to its dictionary, enabling also a binary format. If present, the sensitivities are then re-read from the dictionary, avoiding thus possible loss of information due to re-computation. As a side-effect, sensitivities are computed after the completion of each adjoint solver, instead of being computed after all adjoint solvers have been completed.
- computation of lift sensitivity derivatives for the NACA0012 airfoil - optimisation of an s-bend duct for min. total pressure losses
for incompressible flows. The typical convention of appending the primal field name with 'a' to form the adjoint field is followed for the adjoint turbulent kinetic energy (i.e. 'ka') but since this would produce an ugly variable name for the adjoint to omega (i.e. omegaa), the latter is abbreviated to 'wa'. The work is based on \verbatim Kavvadias, I., Papoutsis-Kiachagias, E., Dimitrakopoulos, G., & Giannakoglou, K. (2014). The continuous adjoint approach to the k–$omega$ SST turbulence model with applications in shape optimization Engineering Optimization, 47(11), 1523-1542. https://doi.org/10.1080/0305215X.2014.979816 \endverbatim with changes in the discretisation of a number of differential operators and the formulation of the adjoint to the wall functions employed by the primal model. Regarding the latter, the code assumes (and differentiates) the default behaviour of nutkWallFunction (i.e. nutWallFunction::blendingType::STEPWISE) and omegaWallFunction (i.e. omegaWallFunction::blendingType::BINOMIAL2). Due to the availability of a number of terms required for the formulation of the wall function for ka, the latter is implemented within adjointkOmegaSST itself, with contributions from objective functions implemented within kaqRWallFunction. Wall functions for wa are implemented within waWallFunction. The initial implementation of the above-mentioned reference was performed by Dr. Ioannis Kavvadias
the Jacobian of an objective function, defined at the boundary, wrt nut and gradU. Also modified the current objectives that include such contributions
- Jun 09, 2022
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- update the area-centres processor/processor information as part of faMesh::init() after all of the global data and geometry data is setup. - improve flattenEdgeField helper to properly handle empty patches. This change removes the false fails when testing edge-centre redistribution (FULLDEBUG mode). TUT: add filmPanel (rivulet) tutorial
Mark OLESEN authored
- include constant/faMesh cleanup (cleanFaMesh) as part of standard cleanCase - simplify cleanPolyMesh function to now just warn about old constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict but not try to remove anything - cleanup cellDist.vtu (decomposePar -dry-run) as well ENH: foamRunTutorials - fallback to Allrun-parallel, Allrun-serial TUT: call m4 with file argument instead of redirected stdin TUT: adjust suffixes on decomposeParDict variants
mattijs authored
Reverted edfault behaviour
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
Explicitly unset the mesh.moving flag whilst doing the topo change.
mattijs authored
Changed behaviour to make it the default
Andrew Heather authored
ENH: binField: new function object for data binning See merge request !433
- enables runtime selection of operand coefficients by 'coefficients' entry - removes binning - now handled using the new 'binField' FO Co-authored-by:
Kutalmis Bercin <kutalmis.bercin@esi-group.com>
The new 'binField' function object calculates binned data, where specified patches are divided into segments according to various input bin characteristics, so that spatially-localised information can be output for each segment. Co-authored-by:
Kutalmis Bercin <kutalmis.bercin@esi-group.com>
sergio authored
- Jun 08, 2022
mattijs authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- previously only defined for cell-cutting version, now for iso-surface version too TUT: remove old transform/coordinateSystem syntax
Mark OLESEN authored
- simpler to write for sampled cutting planes etc. For example, slice { type cuttingPlane; point (0 0 0); normal (0 0 1); interpolate true; } instead of slice { type cuttingPlane; planeType pointAndNormal; pointAndNormalDict { point (0 0 0); normal (0 0 1); } interpolate true; } STYLE: add noexcept to some plane methods
mattijs authored