- Nov 05, 2021
- the finiteArea is typically restricteed to one or more patches on a polyMesh but will have an external connectivity to other parts of the polyMesh. For proper determination of the point normals (for example), the neighbouring information is needed. These outside 'halo' faces can be located on different processors, but not correspond to an internal processor-processor interface. Add a dedicated form of mapDistribute for swapping this type of information. Since this is a collective operation, locate corresponding methods directly on the faMesh level instead of the faPatch level.
- the case of 'fan-like' processor was previously assumed to be rare (see merge-request !490 and issue #2084). However, Vaggelis Papoutsis noticed that even fairly normal geometries can trigger problems. - replaced the old patch/patch matching style with a more general edge-based synchronisation and matching that appears to handle the corner cases inherently. The internal communication overhead is essentially unchanged, and the logic is simpler. ENH: additional framework for managing patch connectivity
- the patch remapping in faFieldDecomposer calls weights internalField() which can trigger parallel communication on the complete mesh for some processors only (ie, blocks). Force a priori creation of weights instead. - ensure that the complete mesh (reconstruction helper) is serial when adding patches.
- when creating a finite-area mesh in parallel, need to determine the equivalent ProcAddressing for the faMesh. In the faceProcAddressing the collected and sorted order was being scattered directly back to the individual processors instead of only the sections relevant to each particular processor. This caused the observed jumbled order for reconstructed fields.
Andrew Heather authored
long-term maintenance improvement for runTime selection tables See merge request !481
Mark OLESEN authored
STYLE: use alias to mark partialFaceAreaWeightAMI deprecation after v2012
Mark OLESEN authored
- this makes the lookup and use of tables slightly cleaner and provides a hook for update (compat) messages The singleton-style method returns the function pointer directly, or nullptr on not-found. NEW access method (mnemonic: 'ctor' prefix for constructors) ``` auto* ctorPtr = dictionaryConstructorTable(modelType); if (!ctorPtr) { ... } return autoPtr<myModel>(ctorPtr(dict, ...)); ``` OLD method, which also still works, but without any compat handling: ``` auto ctorIter = dictionaryConstructorTablePtr_->cfind(modelType); if (!ctorIter.found()) { ... } return autoPtr<myModel>(ctorIter()(dict, ...)); ```
Mark OLESEN authored
- a Pstream::master with a Pstream::parRun guard in case Pstream has not yet been initialised, as will be the case for low-level messages during startup. - propagate relativeName handling into IOstreams
Mark OLESEN authored
- improves future maintenance, avoids code/macro duplication
Mark OLESEN authored
- better distinction between content and storage type by appending 'Type' to the typedef. old: 'Class::abcConstructorTable* tablePtr' new: 'Class::abcConstructorTableType* tablePtr' Was rarely used in any exposed code. BREAKING: LESdelta::New with additional table - parameter change to dictionaryConstructorTableType (was dictionaryConstructorTable)
Mark OLESEN authored
- getThermoOrDie: returns constructor pointer, or FatalError. Better isolation and avoids additional template/typename previously needed with ambiguous method name (lookupThermo). - makeThermoName: centralize dictionary -> stringified name - splitThermoName: use stringOps functionality
Mark OLESEN authored
ENH: proudmanAcousticPower - extended to operate on mean turbulence fields See merge request !485
Example using mean turbulence fields (mean fields should be available e.g. from a fieldAverage function object) proudmanAcousticPower1 { // Mandatory entries (unmodifiable) type proudmanAcousticPower; libs (fieldFunctionObjects); ... // Turbulence field names (if not retrieved from the turb model) k kMean; epsilon epsilonMean; omega none; // omegaMean }
- Nov 04, 2021
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- was taking from the current head instead from specified commit-ish ENH: add -debian=NUM convenience option to foamPackRelease STYLE: relocate compile begin/end messages COMP: suppress more clang warnings (needed for boost)
Mark OLESEN authored
- simplify handling of warnings for surfaceBooleanFeatures
- Nov 03, 2021
Mark OLESEN authored
- provide a plain stream() method on messageStream to reduce reliance on casting operators and slightly opaque operator()() calls etc - support alternative stream for messageStream serial output. This can be used to support local redirection of output. For example, refPtr<OFstream> logging; // or autoPtr, unique_ptr etc // Later... Info.stream(logging.get()) << "Detailed output ..." << endl; This will use the stdout semantics in the normal case, or allow redirection to an output file if a target output stream is defined, but still effectively use /dev/null on non-master processes. This is mostly the same as this ternary (logging ? *logging : Info()) except that the ternary could be incorrect on sub-processes, requires more typing etc. ENH: use case-relative names of dictionary, IOstream for FatalIOError - normally yields more easily understandable information
Mark OLESEN authored
STYLE: more consistent noexcept for dictionary and entry
Mark OLESEN authored
- argList::envExecutable() static method. This is identical to getEnv("FOAM_EXECUTABLE"), where the name of the executable has typically been set from the argList construction. Provides a singleton access to this value from locations that do not have knowledge of the originating command args (argList). This is a similar rationale as for the argList::envGlobalPath() static. - additional argList::envRelativePath() static method. - make -dry-run handling more central and easier to use by adding into argList itself. STYLE: drop handling of -srcDoc (v1706 option) - replaced with -doc-source for 1712 and never used much anyhow
Mark OLESEN authored
- prune unneeded demandDrivenData.H includes
- Nov 02, 2021
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- for compilers such as gcc and clang, may have several different variants installed on the computer. Use WM_COMPILER_CONTROL to specify the preferred variant. Eg, WM_COMPILER=Gcc WM_COMPILER_CONTROL="version=8" will compile with "gcc-8" and "g++-8" Good practice would be to tag output directory names with the version too. Eg WM_COMPILER=Clang110 WM_COMPILER_CONTROL="version=11.0" STYLE: modify message for change of gcc -> clang (darwin)
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
BUG: collated: threaded writing accesses out-of-scope. Fixes #2257. See merge request !494
- Oct 29, 2021
Mark OLESEN authored
- reflects updates for List, globalIndex handling etc
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- using the proximityRegions filter when there is no enclosing surface to segregate domains causes a surface of zero-faces to be created. In most cases, this means that a simpler proximityFaces filter would have been more appropriate. To increase overall robustness, revert to the simpler proximityFaces filter logic when the proximityRegions would otherwise result in zero faces (globally seen).
Mark OLESEN authored
- reuse single component buffer within an Ensight output method. Use direct UPstream read/write to avoid Pstream char buffers - replace blocking transfer with scheduled for Ensight cloud output
Mark OLESEN authored
- use the new updates to globalIndex to manage the bookkeeping
Mark OLESEN authored
- UPstream::mpiGather (MPI_Gather) - used by Pstream::listGatherValues - UPstream::mpiScatter (MPI_Scatter) - used by Pstream::listScatterValues These are much simpler forms for gather/scatter of fixed-sized contiguous types data types (eg, primitives, simple pairs etc). In the gather form, creates a list of gathered values on the master process. The subranks have a list size of zero. Similarly, scatter will distribute a list of values to single values on each process. Instead of labelList sendSizes(Pstream::nProcs()); sendSizes[Pstream::myProcNo()] = sendData.size(); Pstream::gatherList(sendSizes); Can write const labelList sendSizes ( UPstream::listGatherValues<label>(sendData.size()) ); // Less code, lower overhead and list can be const. For scattering an individual value only, instead of labelList someValues; if (Pstream::master()) someValues = ...; Pstream::gatherList(sendSizes); const label localValue ( someValues[Pstream::myProcNo()] ); Can write labelList someValues; if (Pstream::master()) someValues = ...; Pstream::gatherList(sendSizes); const label localValue ( UPstream::listScatterValues<label>(someValues) ); Can of course also mix listGatherValues to assemble a list on master and use Pstream::scatterList to distribute. ENH: adjusted globalIndex gather methods - added mpiGather() method [contiguous data only] using MPI_Gatherv - respect localSize if gathering master data to ensure that a request for 0 master elements is properly handled.
Mark OLESEN authored
- Pstreams can be ascii/binary but are always currentVersion - rename UIPstream externalBuf_ to 'recvBuf_' for similar naming as PstreamBuffers and symmetry with UOPstream::sendBuf_ - specific enum size for commsType (for more compact structures in the future). Default construct lists items. BUG: possible incidental indexing in UIPstream::read(char*, std::streamsize) - raw reading had been split into beginRawRead(), readRaw(). However, this could change the current input position (due to word boundary alignment), even if the expected count is zero. Make a no-op for count == 0. This mirrors UOPstream::write behaviour.
Mark OLESEN authored
- construct or reset from a list of local sizes. It is generally easier and safer to assemble sizes and let globalIndex determine the corresponding offsets, when working with raw values. - Can use reset() from sizes or fine-tune offsets with setLocalSize() instead of using the potentially more fragile non-const access to the offsets. - add globalIndex const_iterator to iterate across the access ranges. This is makes it simpler to use with the List slice() method to access or operate on a sub-section of list. For example, scalarField allValues = ...; globalIndex procAccess = ...; for (const labelRange& range : procAccess) { someOutput(allValues.slice(range)); }
Mark OLESEN authored
- the size of a List often requires adjustment prior to an operation, but old values (if any) are not of interest and will be overwritten. In these cases can use the _nocopy versions to avoid additional memory overhead of the intermediate list and the copy/move overhead of retaining the old values (that we will subsequently discard anyhow). No equivalent for PtrList/UPtrList - this would be too fragile. - add swap DynamicField with DynamicList BUG: fixed Dynamic{Field,List} setCapacity corner case - for the case when the newly requested capacity coincides with the current addressable size, the resize of the underlying list would have been bypassed - ie, the real capacity was not actually changed. - remove (unused) PtrDynList setCapacity method as too fragile
Mark OLESEN authored
- previously returned the range slice as a UList, but this prevents convenient assignment. Apply similar handling for Field/SubField Allows the following labelRange range(...); fullList.slice(range) = identity(range.size()); and fullList.slice(range) = UIndirectList<T>(other, addr); ENH: create SubList from full FixedList (simplifies interface) - allow default constructed SubList. Use shallowCopy to 'reset' later
Mark OLESEN authored
- simply adds in the reinterpret_cast, which simplifies coding for binary data movement. Name complements the size_bytes() method for contiguous data STYLE: container IO.C files into main headers for better visibility STYLE: include CompactListList.H in polyTopoChange - avoids future mismatches if the CompactListList template signature changes GIT: relocate CompactListList into CompactLists/ directory
Mark OLESEN authored
- useSubMesh() - name as per fvMeshSubsetProxy. Setter methods take a parameter instead of direct access.
Mark OLESEN authored
- encapsulates toggling STYLE: noexcept for some Time methods