- Dec 13, 2017
mattijs authored
- Dec 11, 2017
mattijs authored
- May 21, 2018
- May 16, 2018
- May 17, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- disallow insert() of raw pointers, since a failed insertion (ie, entry already existed) results in an unmanaged pointer. Either insert using an autoPtr, or set() with raw pointers or autoPtr. - IOobjectList::add() now takes an autoPtr instead of an object reference - IOobjectList::remove() now returns an autoPtr instead of a raw pointer
- May 16, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- use refCount instead of the tmp<...>::refCount alias
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- tie the MPI rules to the base compiler type *without* its version. Eg, linux64Gcc (which exists) instead of linux64Gcc81
- May 15, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- use normal instead of volumeType to decide on the sign. This provides a continuous field and eliminates special handling of GREAT in iso-surface routines. - fix regression in isoSurfaceCell cutting that was introduced by the previous adjustments for distanceSurface
Mark OLESEN authored
- this enables x,y,z access of lagrangian positions, which is useful for postprocessing in paraview, but at the expense of slightly more disk space.
- May 14, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- May 11, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- Mar 22, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- input or output scaling of values to manage dissimilar unit systems in the structures model - logging of communicated force, moments and updated positions. This allows tracking of the information exchange throughout the duration of the simulation and may assist in post-simulation diagnosis.
- May 11, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- relocated from etc/caseDicts/postProcessing/catalyst/ -> etc/caseDicts/insitu/catalyst/ - adjusted for unified catalyst function object
Mark OLESEN authored
- default is now without polyhedral decomposition, since this produces compacter files and VTK mananges this in most instances. However, provide function object flag to reinstate the old behaviour.
- May 09, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- May 10, 2018
mattijs authored
- May 09, 2018
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
- May 08, 2018
Andrew Heather authored
mattijs authored
Andrew Heather authored
Andrew Heather authored
Calculates and outputs a field whose values are offset to a reference value obtained by sampling the field at a user-specified location. The field values are calculated using: \f[ f_c = s(f_{c,t} - f_p + f_{off}) \f] where \vartable f_c | field values at cell s | optional scale factor (default = 1) f_{c,t} | current field values at cell at this time f_p | field value at position f_{off} | offset field value (default = 0) \endvartable Usage Example of function object specification to calculate the reference field: \verbatim pRef { type reference; libs ("libfieldFunctionObjects.so"); ... field p; result pRef; position (0 0 0); scale 1.2; offset 100000; } \endverbatim
Mark OLESEN authored
- now treat all mesh geometries as moving, since we cannot know beforehand if this is the case.
mattijs authored
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- allows processing of the data during the calculation.
Mark OLESEN authored
- prevents accidental overwrite of runtime conversions.
Mark OLESEN authored
- use same data mask width as ensightCase (8 digits) - consolidate geometry time steps with data time steps if possible, for a cleaner case file.
- May 07, 2018
Mark OLESEN authored
- catch (value) - forward declarations for operator<<() - non-const access to Reaction name() - spurious return statement
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- the problem arises since the various surface writers are stateless. The collated output format hacks around this limitation by adding in its own fieldDict caching (to disk). Now include an updateMesh() method to hook into geometry changes. This is considered a stop-gap measure until the surface output handling is improved.
Mark OLESEN authored
- improvement documentation for surface sampling. - can now specify alternative sampling scheme for obtaining the face values instead of just using the "cell" value. For example, sampleScheme cellPoint; This can be useful for cases when the surface is close to a boundary cell and there are large gradients in the sampled field. - distanceSurface now handles non-closed surfaces more robustly. Unknown regions (not inside or outside) are marked internally and excluded from consideration. This allows use of 'signed' surfaces where not previously possible.