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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Oct 04, 2021
  2. Oct 01, 2021
  3. Sep 30, 2021
  4. Sep 29, 2021
  5. Sep 27, 2021
    • Andrew Heather's avatar
      Merge branch 'feature-isosurface-snapping' into 'develop' · 680c1dcf
      Andrew Heather authored
      add point snapping to iso-surface topo algorithm (#2210)
      See merge request !488
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: add point snapping to iso-surface topo algorithm (#2210) · 4ff010d0
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - helps avoid the creation of small face cuts (near corners, edges)
        that result in zero-size faces on output.
      CONFIG: make default iso-surface topo regularisation less aggressive
      - The full (diagcell) regularisation no longer includes cleaning of
        non-manifold surfaces by removing open edges.
        This can be selected by the 'clean' regularisation option instead.
        ie, 'clean' = 'full' + erode open edges
      ENH: additional debug modes for iso-surface topo
      - with (debug & 8) dumps out a VTK file of the tets to be cut and the
        calculated open edges.
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: robustness and functionality improvements for VTK output · 0454f4a0
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - PstreamBuffers for parallel VTK output.
        - avoids MPI overflows for larger meshes
      - new vtk::lineWriter for writing edges
      - vtk::fileWriter::writeUniform now also supports processor-specific
        uniform values instead of assuming that they are identical everywhere.
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: support vtu mesh subsetting, creation from cellShapes · a0d79333
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - support simple mesh subsetting to vtu formats to enable debug output
        for a subsection of an existing polyMesh
      - rudimentary support for VTK from cellShapes is intended for handling
        basic primitive cell shapes without a full blown polyMesh description.
        For example,
           // Create an empty polyMesh with points only
           polyMesh debugMesh
               faceList(),     // faces
               labelList(),    // owner
               labelList(),    // neighbour
               true            // syncPar
          // Establish the appropriate VTK sizing for the TET shapes
          vtk::vtuCells vtuCells;
        Since the vtk::internalMeshWriter only uses the polyMesh reference
        for the points, it is also possible to create the vtuCells
        description without a pointField (or from a different mesh
        description) and write out the connectivity using the pointField
        from a different mesh.
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
  6. Sep 22, 2021
  7. Sep 21, 2021
  8. Sep 16, 2021
  9. Sep 15, 2021
  10. Sep 14, 2021
  11. Sep 08, 2021
  12. Sep 07, 2021
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      CONFIG: adjust ordering of library paths (#2200) · f89fb3e0
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - previously OpenFOAM library paths were set before adding in
        MPI-specific elements. However, this may mask some libraries.
        |  New library order  |  Old library order  |
        |  user-lib (serial)  |  various 3rd-party  |
        |  site-lib (serial)  |  foam-lib (mpi)     |
        |  foam-lib (mpi)     |  ext-lib (mpi)      |
        |  foam-lib (serial)  |  system mpi-libs    |
        |  ext-lib  (mpi)     |  user-lib (serial)  |
        |  ext-lib  (serial)  |  site-lib (serial)  |
        |  various 3rd-party  |  foam-lib (serial)  |
        |  system mpi-libs    |  ext-lib (serial)   |
        |  dummy              |  dummy              |
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: inGroups support for mesh zones · 610711ac
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - provisions for alternative groupings of zones
      - extend indices() for boundary meshes to handle wordRes as well
    • Kutalmış Berçin's avatar
      ENH: variable-specific debug flags (finiteArea solvers) · f0fb0d42
      Kutalmış Berçin authored and Mark OLESEN's avatar Mark OLESEN committed
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: code-style for lduMatrix and fvMatrix solve · dabe506e
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - use dictionary methods directly in LduMatrix::solver::readControls.
        Deprecate the redundant LduMatrix::solver::readControl helper-function
      - define solver log-level outside of the loop,
        narrow log flag to int.
      - reinstate API-compatible parameters for SolverPerformance
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: use PrecisionAdaptor to support scotch with label widening · bf1ed94e
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - allows reuse of an int64_t scotch library with label-size 32
        and/or label-size 64.
      COMP: prefer scotch/metis/kahip libraries with label-size qualifiers
      - as noted in #2200, mpirun may insert mpi libraries higher in the
        library loader which can cause masking of our ThirdParty libraries
        of the same name. With scotch (for example), the operating system
        may have an int32 version installed but we have an int64 version
        compiled under ThirdParty. Runing in serial is fine, but in parallel
        we resolve to the (incorrect) system version due to the adjustments
        in mpirun.
      - adjust the ThirdParty make scripts to also create corresponding
        links (eg, 'ln -s') and prefer
        linkage with these qualified libraries.
          Eg,  -L$(SCOTCH_LIB_DIR) -lscotch$(SCOTCH_LIBNAME_SUFFIX)
        this prevent accidental runtime linkage with the system versions.
      STYLE: simplify scotch interface code by using local functions
    • Mark OLESEN's avatar
      ENH: make precision adaptors modifiable (#2173) · 5e4d678c
      Mark OLESEN authored
      - allows reuse similar to refPtr for wrapping different content.
      - additional control for when contents are copied back,
        instead of waiting for the adaptor to go out of scope.
        if (
      - static ConstPrecisionAdaptor::get method renamed to 'select' as a
        better description of its purpose and avoid confusion with
        non-static 'get' method.
        Was previously only used within GAMGPreconditioner, but even there
        it is better just to use the ConstPrecisionAdaptor directly.
    • Kutalmış Berçin's avatar
      ENH: KirchhoffShell: further simplication of log output · d27aa79c
      Kutalmış Berçin authored and Mark OLESEN's avatar Mark OLESEN committed