- Jun 23, 2021
Kutalmış Berçin authored
- Jun 22, 2021
Sergio Ferraris authored
TUT: multiphase: replace boatAndPropeller with rigidBodyHull See merge request !473
sergio authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- Jun 21, 2021
Mark OLESEN authored
ENH: less cryptic error message in surfaceWriters::vtkWriter - fall back to nFields=1 and report the problem.
mattijs authored
- Jun 19, 2021
Mark OLESEN authored
- add setter/getter methods for the zone selection - construct for multiple zone selection - support explicit zone ids instead of name matcher
Mark OLESEN authored
Mark OLESEN authored
- add setter/getter methods for number of grow/shrink steps, which allows reuse of the same object. - remove the lower input hard-limit of 1 step, to allow definition of a no-op filter. - drop early exit from grow/shrink cycle (potential parallel issues).
- Jun 18, 2021
Mark OLESEN authored
CONFIG: set API level to 2106 in ramp-up for release
Mark OLESEN authored
- previously a function (unlike the csh version) but since bashrc and setup have been split -> replace with inline definition STYLE: formatting/wording for openfoam starters TUT: simplify controlDict modification, add default substitution ENH: accept '/' for end-of-options terminator (etc/openfoam) - makes the application or service more apparent. * eg. /usr/bin/openfoam / blockMesh * vs. /usr/bin/openfoam -- blockMesh Accept lone '-' as the end-of-options terminator, as per bash - Adjust handling of openfoam '-c' option to flag that a command-string will appear, but continue with option parsing. Consistent with bash definition.
Mark OLESEN authored
- in the 'auto' mode (now the default), it will use cleanCase and also remove the 0/ directory if a 0.orig/ directory also exists. This corresponds to a frequent idiom and can be used quite safely for most cases. ENH: add -serial / -parallel preference for foamRunTutorials
Mark OLESEN authored
- adjust commented-out evaluation to avoid warnings. With code like this ``` #if 0 nxin #eval{ round($nxin / 5) }; #endif ``` The handling of the "#if 0 / #endif" clause uses the plain ISstream parser to tokenize. This means that the "round(" is parsed as a word with a mismatched closing ')', whereas the "#eval" parser will slurp everything in until the closing brace and send it off as a string to the expression parser.
Mark OLESEN authored
Andrew Heather authored
STYLE: PDRFOAM End of Program was inconsistent with other applications See merge request !447
Mattijs Janssens authored
AMI improvements See merge request !468
- Added new faceAreaWeightAMI2D AMIMethod: - performs intersection using a new 2D triangle class; - candidate face matches set using an AABBTree method (vs advancing front for faceAreaWeightAMI). - Use by setting the AMIMethod entry when specifying the AMI in the constant/polyMesh/boundary file, e.g. AMI { type cyclicACMI; AMIMethod faceAreaWeightAMI2D; // new method Cbb 0.1; // optional coefficient nFaces 1000; startFace 100000; matchTolerance 0.0001; transform noOrdering; neighbourPatch AMI1; nonOverlapPatch AMI1_non_overlap; } - The optional Cbb coeffcient controls the size of the bounding box used when looking for candidate pairs; the value of 0.1 is the default and worked well for a large range of test cases. For badly matched AMI patches this may need to be increased. - Deprecated the partialFaceAreaWeightAMI class - primarily used by ACMI: - functionality now offered by the AMI variants.
- Jun 17, 2021
Andrew Heather authored
ENH: Adding new permeable boundary conditions and a tutorial See merge request !471
- prghPermeableAlphaTotalPressure for p_rgh - pressurePermeableAlphaInletOutletVelocity for U - new helper class for pressure-related BCs: updateableSnGrad
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
mattijs authored
- Jun 16, 2021
Andrew Heather authored
Mark OLESEN authored
ENH: Added new multiRegion function object See merge request !470
Wrapper that clones the supplied object for each region. Simplifies the setup of identical post-processing requirements for multi-region cases. Applies the supplied function to all regions by default. Example of function object specification: multiRegion { type multiRegion; libs (utilityFunctionObjects); ... function { // Actual object specification type fieldMinMax; libs (fieldFunctionObjects); fields (<field1> .. <fieldN>); } // Optional entries regions (region1 region2); } Where the entries comprise: Property | Description | Reqd | Default type | Type name: multiRegion | yes | function | Function object sub-dictionary | yes | regions | List of region names | no | all
Mark OLESEN authored
ENH: new multiFieldValue function object See merge request !469
Computes a selected operation between multiple \c fieldValue function objects. The operation is applied to all results of each \c fieldValue object. Note Each object must generate the same number and type of results. Usage Minimal example by using \c system/controlDict.functions: multiFieldValue1 { // Mandatory entries (unmodifiable) type multiFieldValue; libs (fieldFunctionObjects); // Mandatory entries (runtime modifiable) operation subtract; // List of fieldValue function objects as dictionaries functions { region1 { ... } region2 { ... } ... regionN { ... } } // Optional (inherited) entries ... } where the entries mean: Property | Description | Type | Req'd | Dflt type | Type name: multiFieldValue | word | yes | - libs | Library name: fieldFunctionObjects | word | yes | - operation | Operation type to apply to values | word | yes | - functions | List of fieldValue function objects | dict | yes | - \endtable Options for the \c operation entry: add | add subtract | subtract min | minimum max | maximum average | average Deprecated fieldValueDelta - The fieldValueDelta function object was originally written to compute the difference between two fieldValue-type function objects. The multiFieldValue object name better describes its purpose whilst being able to operate on an arbitrary number of fieldValue-type objects.
- Jun 14, 2021
Mark OLESEN authored
TUT: add missing restore0Dir (finiteArea) STYLE: doc spelling
mattijs authored
Sergio Ferraris authored
ENH: Added under-relaxation to jump conditions See merge request !467
Example: plane { type fan; patchType cyclic; jump uniform 0; value uniform 0; uniformJump false; relax 0.2; jumpTable ( (1000 0) (-200 1) (20 2) (-0.75 3) ); // Optional minimum jump value minJump 0; }
Currently only applied to the fanFvPatchField, e.g. plane { type fan; patchType cyclic; jump uniform 0; value uniform 0; uniformJump false; // Optional under-relaxation relax 0.2; ... }